Carefully Examining the Text

Psalm 35 C

Tommy Peeler

Three main points that we make in this our third podcast on Psalm 35.

1. Jesus experienced the pain and suffering David spoke of on a level deeper than he ever did
See vs. 7, 11, 12, 15 especially

2. Jesus did not curse because of this suffering but He called for a blessing instead
This is not to criticize imprecatory prayers, but it is to say that is not what Jesus engaged in.
Jesus took the curse upon Himself- Galatians 3:13/ Deuteronomy 21:22-23
Jesus called for mercy for those who tormented Him- Luke 23:34

3. Jesus fulfills Psalm 35 via HIs death and resurrection
35:13 Jesus humbled Himself- Philippians 2:8
35:9, 27 rejoicing at His deliverance- The words in the Greek translation of the OT are used in Acts 2:26 to speak of rejoicing at Jesus' resurrection.
35:25 In His deliverance, HIs resurrection, Jesus swallowed up death- I Corinthians 15:54; II Corinthians 5:4.