CryptoNews Podcast

#53: Gabriele Bernasconi on the Future of Sports and NFTs Episode 53

Gabriele Bernasconi is the Co-CEO of Genuino Blockchain Technology, the ultimate fan engagement universe that connects NFTs to real-world objects.

In this conversation, we discuss:
- Partnering with ACF Fiorentina
- The future of sports and NFTs
- Building utility for fans
- Revolutionizing the sports memorabilia market
- Fan engagement during covid
- Importance of utility of NFTs 

Genuino Blockchain Technology
Twitter: @genuinoworld
Instagram: genuinoworld
LinkedIn: Genuino

Gabriele Bernasconi
Twitter: @swissix83
LinkedIn: Gabriele Bernasconi



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Matt Zahab:

Folks, if you're a sports fan, you are absolutely going to love this episode. Today's guest is a sports industry veteran with over 10 years of management experience at companies like Nike, where he held various marketing roles in Western Europe and the Middle East markets. He jumped into blockchain back in 2016 and has never looked back. In the blockchain world, he was an advisor, brand strategist and investor to various Icos before founding Genuino Blockchain Technology in 2018. Present day he's the CO CEO of Genuino, and has some amazing news to share on today's podcast. I'm very pleased to welcome to the crypto news podcast, Gabriele Bernasconi. Gabriele, welcome to the show.

Gabriele Bernasconi:

Hi, Matt.

Matt Zahab:

Great to have you on, did I butcher the last name? Did I pronounced it right?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

Perfectly, perfectly. I love that.

Matt Zahab:

Gabriele I was in Italy about I want to say four or five years ago. Maybe the most beautiful country on the planet. I'm not blowing smoke up your ass. It is one of the most beautiful countries I spent time in Naples, the Amalfi Coast and Rome. Of course, there's still a lot more to see. But with that being said, love your country. Whereabouts are you located right now?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

At the moment I'm in Florence. But I come from Milan. So basically, I'm enjoying the countryside in Tuscany right now.

Matt Zahab:

Wow. So you have a tough life. That's stunning. Florence is on the to do list must do that. I do need to ask you before we get into the bread and butter the show and again your company Genuino blockchain technologies has some incredible news and I will let you break the news. But you guys have partnered with one of the biggest teams in Europe, in the Italian Serie A Football League. Big fan of this team myself. They're not my absolute favorite team. But I do love them. I always love cheering for someone who sits in the middle of the pack and not one of the top dogs like Juve, they win it every single year. But I gotta ask you, who's your team in Italy right now?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

AC Milan. Big AC guy. I'm a big AC guy, going to the stadium and since I was really a kid, so big fan of AC Milan. And it's pretty funny. I work in football for the last 10 years. And I just had the opportunity to work with AC Milan once and it's really funny this and I'm a super fan but I'm also footballer. I've been playing football since I was a kid so I really love football.

Matt Zahab:

Amazing. And here we are today. Your company Genuino blockchain has partnered with ACF Fiorentina, one of the best clubs in the Italian Serie A. One of the best clubs in one of the best leagues in the whole entire world. I'd love if you could tell us a little bit about this drop. But I guess a better question before we talk about the drop. Give me the lowdown on Genuino blockchain, tell me about you the team in the company.

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So basically, we started as you said back in, let's say the first ideas came back to us on 2017. After first the initial period of studying and consulting and blockchain companies for values Ico, that was the super hot topic back in that time. And during that specific time, we got the opportunity to study pretty deeply the blockchain. And we really understood that there was a huge potential in order to bring the closer the brand and the consumers. Because we live in an era where consumers are totally bombarded of information, and they cannot recognize anymore what is real and what is fake. Think about what is happening now also from a social, political, cultural point of view, what happened with the election of Trump by the White House or what happened with the Brexit in UK or what happened with Greta thunberg back in the 2020. So basically, these are all examples of posts through where a consumer are really listening to a lot of stuff that are coming from different direction and they are totally bombarded of information and they cannot realize anymore, what to believe or not. And the same thing happens between brands and consumers. And so we said to each other, okay, why don't we apply the blockchain technology in order to bring an added value to brands that wants to communicate a very good product quality, that wants to strengthen the relationship with their consumer but the brands that wants to fight counterfeit because Obviously blockchain is pretty good. And there's a peculiarity, which is the immutability of data is perfect for that in order to solve this kind of issue, but at the same time, what came to our mind was the fact that Okay, that's fine that the data once it's written in blockchain is immutable. But who can certify, who can say that what we are writing in the blockchain is correct, is authentic? So the idea that came from us is the fact to mix up two different technologies. One is blockchain. And the other one is the Internet of Things. And as you said, at the beginning, I come from very deeper experiences in the sports market and one of the specific niche I was aware of where there was a lot of counterfeit, is the match worn jersey market. Specifically also the sports memorabilia market. And when I started digging into the sports memorabilia market, I found out that we are talking about a $15 billion worldwide market, where 50% of it is counterfeiting. So you understand that's crazy. Yeah, that's really crazy. So you can understand how a solution like ours could be eventually a great advantage for sports brand, in order to solve this particular issue. And at the same time, when that specific moment was back in 2019, Fiorentina got bought by Italian American enterpreneur. And we thought it was the perfect team in order to experiment what we had in our mind. So we got in touch with Fiorentina. And we asked them if they were willing to do this kind of path with us. And they said, Guys, we love the idea. Let's go ahead, and we start building our solution. So basically, what we did we partner up with a company that works in the adhesive technology, the basic technology in sports, is that everything that is applied to Jerses. So think about the patches, I think about the name, and letters, the name, and numbers that are applied on the back of the jersey. All of these items are applied in a second specific moment, to Jersey. So what we did, we created a smart patch, which contains two different identification tags. One is used in order to communicate specifically with a sensor that we install at the stadium. And once the smart patch is heat pressed on the jersey and is worn by the player, and the player passes through this sensor at the stadium during the match all the sensor detects the patch and they write directly the information into the blockchain and specifically into the NFT that we created those sorts of digital twin, you know. And the only person that eventually can come in into the pitch at three o'clock when Fiorentina and Juventus are playing with the number 10 on his back is a Gaetano Castrovilli. And so specifically what we do basically we just add information into this digital twin of the item and the NFT goes into the function of the certificate of property and the certificate of authenticity of the item itself. So imagine like Cristiano Ronaldo scoring a bicycle kick against Juventus in semi final of Champions League. We can certify, authenticate the fact that that specific Jersey has been worn by Ronaldo and in that specific moment, so you understand how much value you can add to the product itself, thanks to this technology and other than that, you can obviously limit all the counterfeiter that is in the market.

Matt Zahab:

That's incredible. I absolutely love that. I'm a huge sports fan myself. And I would be all over that if the opportunity came up and quite frankly did with Genuino and the Fiorentina partnership. What other applications are we going to look forward to as consumers in regards to the whole NFT x crypto x industry moving forward? You just brought up a great example with the jerseys. I've been seeing a lot of other professional sports teams doing things like one on one fan engagement opportunities, early presale tickets to event X or Y. What kind of partnerships and what kind of drops is Genuino going to be doing moving forward?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So just think about this is the second problem we have tried to solve. And this problem came out specifically during the COVID pandemic situation where sports was pretty much afflicted by it. So we said, well, let's take as granted the fact that more than ever between 50 to 80% of the total revenues that are generated by your sports team are generated during the game day. So how can we help teams in order to create and generate additional revenue stream leveraging, obviously, the technology we built the massive IP that is around NFTs right now. And obviously the idea related to match worn that I just told you. So what we said that we tried to dig in a little bit more, and we got the occasion, because this coming football year is the 95th anniversary of Fiorentina club. So what we propose to the team is to build an entire collection of NFTs that is going to last for the entire season. So this is going to be, the season is going to start the end of August and this is gonna end by the end of May 2022. And we basically rebuild all the history, the 95 year of history of Fiorentina into 11 different seasons. In these seasons. Basically we develop a different type of an NFTs, we have digital entities, for example, like the jerseys, old school jerseys. So imagine, we did a sort of editorial work. So basically we went back to 1926. And we rebuilt from scratches in 3d. All the jerseys that have made the Fiorentina history. So think about all the home jerseys, think about all the way jerseys, the third jerseys, the fourth and the oldest special jerseys. And we created all these different types of NFTs. The same time, what we did that's super cool that we involved this school of comics of florenza in the specific illustrators and comic artists that obviously are teaching in the school, and we did a partnership with them. And based on the topic of the 11th season every, let's say illustrator designed five different NFTs. And this can be both digital and physical. So basically we are going to have the digital piece, but the let's say the rarest NFT will have also the physical piece attached. Then we did more because we involve also an historical archive of images and picture of florenza so imagine that pictures are very unique going back like in the 20s in the 30s in the 40s and we made a selection of these images. And these are the images you can find it in the format of NFTs digital but also physical so both are obviously linked as we did for the jerseys and for the pieces of art and this is another type of NFT that the users can find it but also we did more because we were not happy about it and we said okay, why don't we add the also experienced in it so imagine unique experience that fan can have with their favorite athletes or with the team and we added these experiences into it and as well as we decided to give the opportunity to amplify also sports so we are not talking about only sports performance of what but we said to Fiorentina, okay, let's burn it up maybe with fashion brand with music let's create a collab that are going to be digital and physical. So basically we build up but two different Collab partnership between Fiorentina and fashion brands in Italy. And we create a unique special project that are going to be represented by digital NFTs that obviously are going to be linked to physical object and are going to be unique Limited Edition. So think about how much value we created from nothing because basically this was not a revenue stream line for the club. And obviously, this is going to be a super great fan engagement fan experience opportunity also for the fan.

Matt Zahab:

Firstly, thank you for that. You and the team have sort of spearheaded and going at the biggest problem that you see with NFTs nowadays, which is the lack of utility, there's a lot of JPEGs that are sold online for 1000s, if not millions of dollars, and there's no utility to them, there's that, there could be the scarcity aspect where it may be one of one or one of 10, or even one of 1000. But every single NFT that you just spoke about, has a shit ton of utility. And that seems to be the name of the game right now. So kudos for that. I do have, I'm extremely curious about the process of launching the NFTs with Fiorentina. Now, did your firm go to them and pitch this whole idea? And then obviously, of course, you guys both agreed to something? What was the next step after that? Did you go to them and be like, Hey, we're gonna make NFTs of jerseys, we're gonna make NFTs of special events. You know, we need x, y, and Zed from you? Did they send you over all of their IP? Did they send you over their digital asset folder? How did both of your designers and art people work together? I'm very curious in regards to how this project actually came to fruition from all the way back from step a to the inception to where we are now at step x and y, which is the actual execution, I'd love. If you could give me that story.

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So everything has been done by steps. Because obviously, as I told you before, the very, very, very first step that we have done was the certification piece, because obviously, I think is the most important and unique selling proposition of Genuino. Because as you said, that we see in the market that there are a lot of JPEGs, digital NFTs. There is no really great utility besides scarcity. And we really thought that collecting is moving to digital. Because of this kind of situation everyone is living in the moment. But at the same time, we strongly believe that the physical product still have its own part. And it's really important. So our focus was initially on these certification processes. And the ones we tested during two Serie A games at the end of December 2019, we put in processor the patent. And we presented our idea at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, on January 2020. Then when we got back from Vegas, we had a lot of noise around the what we were doing, because basically what we presented to Vegas was eventually back in time, the only solution in sports where a company tried to apply blockchain technology to to the sports industry in order to solve our really sport business problem. And we got back to Italy, we had the ton of the request. And the everyone wanted to find out more about what we were doing, but unfortunately COVID hit pretty badly. Italy, as you know, and all the sports, that stop. So we had to stop for a while. Because at the same time, we try to be super resilient in order to leverage our technology in order to give an opportunity to consumer to fight the COVID situation. So let's say from April 2020, up to September 2020, we work on a specific anti COVID solution for a restaurant chain that we presented to them and we launched back in Fall 2020. And then we got back when the sports got back on the pitch, to Fiorentina saying that guys there is a huge market potential, NFT are going really to boom. At the same time, NBA top shot was really moving the first very, very good steps in the market as well as other platforms, for example, like SoRare. So we presented our idea to the team, and they were really super super engaged since the first moment. And by that time we really work full hands on the project. So basically, we took let's say the designer from a 3d artist, and let's say our direction and perspective. And thanks to the museum of Fiorentina, they gave us all the drawings and all the elements that we needed in order to rebuild from scratches or NFTs. Then step by step after we did the 3d representation of our jerseys we bring in, obviously, the school of comics, as I said to you before, and so we briefed the School of comics and the illustrators, in order to give us an Alpine order to build these art pieces. At the same time we started, like collaborating and connecting with the team in order to enhance the experience more and more. And basically all the work that has been done in order to build up what Genuino is going to be for Fiorentina fans had been done basically beforehand between our startup and the marketing department of Fiorentina. But as you know, there is a lot of legal side involved, especially regarding the IP, because obviously, we are not discussing or only about the intellectual property of the NFT itself. But there are a lot of stuff that you need to take in consideration when you work in sports. For example, what we did, and the type of route that we decided to take, in order to be super safe from a rights perspective, was to avoid totally the use of players, any images of players, but to focus on the product. And since you come from sports, you know pretty well how much product is super important and super powerful for fans. And this is the type of route that I think is going to differentiate also us from any other kind of sports and NFT related platform or projects that are in the market. Because our effort is to try to leverage the most powerful item for let's say, a fan, which is the jersey and the color of the city and the history and the storytelling of the club. And I think it's super important if you want to involve the fans to create a nice storytelling and that's what we try besides the usage of player

Matt Zahab:

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Gabriele Bernasconi:

Love playing poker. Last time I played when I was in Vegas I had so much fun and but I haven't got so much time to play lately. Because super much involving what we're doing at the moment but really love holdem.

Matt Zahab:

Me too. It's one of the best games out there. It does take a while though it's not one of those clean games. And me personally I'm not a big fan of the speed hold'em where you have you know, 10 different games going on your computer screen. It's much better being with friends, family, and loved ones in person where you can feel the felt, you know, touch the cards, hear the sounds of the movement. It's an absolute treat the banter and the whole nine yards. Absolutely love that. To go back to the show you before I jumped into that ad read there you were bringing up the aspect of players. Now I'm very curious to know did you get a chance to speak with any of the players any the actual stars on Fiorentina? And what did they say about the project? What was their two cents on this?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So we I haven't gotten the opportunity to speak to them yet because given the COVID the situation, players are pretty much unassessable at the moment, but the idea is to start involving them starting from the launch, which is going to happen at the end of August, because of what you have seen so far, with our first drop is only, let's say, a sort of teaser of the entire storytelling that I just told you right now. So basically, the idea once we are going to launch the project on the 26th, is to give them the opportunity also to experience them as in first person, our fan engagement platform, and I'm really looking forward to hearing their comments, since most of the players are pretty much involved in gaming, and they really love all these kind of aspects of collecting as well.

Matt Zahab:

Have you seen what's been going on with NBA top shot? Some of the most expensive and unique cards or moments rather on NBA top shot and for those at home who are unaware, that is the NFT crypto blockchain virtual card slash collectible slash digital moment, game, and ecosystem for the NBA the National Basketball Association, the biggest basketbal league in the world. I want to say that the transactions have surpassed$500 million built by dapper labs great initiative altogether. But what I'm trying to get at is some of the most expensive moments have been bought by the players themselves. Like I know Kevin Durant bought a I think it was an $850,000 Kevin Durant card. So do you think that the Fiorentina players are going to be buying their own jerseys and unique moments as well?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

Look Matt, let's say this situation here in Europe is pretty much different from what we have seen in US, and what happened with the NBA top shot. And if we take the figures that I told you in the beginning specifically linked to the $15 billion market record in the sports memorabilia, let's say 75 to 80% of this market is pretty much in US. But what I can say to you that this collectible war that is coming into Europe as well. And teams are starting to realize the fact that this can be as a great opportunity for them in order to monetize what eventually before was not even our revenue. So I really think that this kind of process is going to play here as well. I've seen for example, some big names, starting investing into blockchain. Let's say a collectible NFT project. And I think this is going to take a little bit still a while because this is a totally brand new market for a sports team in Europe. And I think this is going to take place in the next upcoming months. But I'm totally sure that one said this will be super broad and players will get back in and start super quick. I'm totally honest with you.

Matt Zahab:

Good to know. Now, I want to jump right back into sports as a whole here. What does the future of blockchain and sports look like? Do you think every team will take out the middleman and release NFTs directly to their biggest fans? Exactly what you and your team are doing with Fiorentina? How many years down the road are we from that?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

It's really difficult to say because the it really depends what kind of teams we are talking about what kind of let's say Federation arts Association are going to be involved because for the type of work that for example, we have done, wtih Genuino, there is a lot of technical involvement as per specifically the encounter between the digital and physical that obviously cannot be taken in house by team. But obviously if we are talking about digital NFTs, these I think could be for sure a function that needs to be implemented within the team. So because obviously they can eliminate the third man as you're saying and generate revenue directly for the team.

Matt Zahab:

Right. Now Gabriele I'm very curious to understand what is going to happen on the official launch of August 26. That is the 2021 slash 22 Fiorentina digital plus physical NFT collection, what's going to go on there?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So as we did the for this launch, where basically for the first time in the history of a sport team, the jersey launche has been done physical and digital. We are going to create a uniqueness for the sports world on the 26th and what we are going to do instead of just releasing all the information and the second drop of the Genuino collection. We are going to create a super cool and unique experience in the metaverse, imagine a sort of digital vernissage. Where are we are going to present some of the NFTs which will be part of the first season of the collection. There, we are going to have, obviously a press conference where all the media is going to be invited, as well as users coming in from the communities that are really banging on. And they're looking to get into Genuino as early as possible. And what we want to do with this kind of experience that we want to combine not only digital and physical, but also the metaverse, and this has already happened in the NFT world. It happens in the let's say in the art world. And we are kind of transporting the art experience also in sport. So its going to be super cool. Because imagine like going out in to a museum. And instead of having like images on the wall, reflecting like operas or art pieces of the past day, you're going to find the NFTs. And I think that this is going to be super cool and super unique for the fans for the media. And this space is going to be open for a month or so everybody can join and get into the space and experience what we are trying to storytell and communicate.

Matt Zahab:

Wow, what a treat. I would love to be there. I might have to book a ticket from Toronto over to Italy and go check that out myself.

Gabriele Bernasconi:

I'll invite you Matt, don't worry anyway, it's going to be pretty much... Since it's going to be digital. I'm going to give you the invitation. So you can come in and check out the experience because it's going to be super, super nice and super cool.

Matt Zahab:

Love that. That's incredible. I love the idea where you are looking for 1926 beta testers who are going to be the first users of the platform. Now I could be wrong. But I believe I read that you chose 1926 to sort of show the significance of Fiorentina's first year when they were formed, which is back in 1926. Now what's the main purpose of this? Is this to find 1926 beta testers to sort of get rid of all the bugs to see how you can improve? What are you trying to get out of these beta testers?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So basically, the reason why we decided to open up the platform to 1926, obviously, as you said, has important significance, let's say figures for referring to the Fiorentina history because it is the year that Fiorentina got born. At the same time, obviously, since the entire collection will be dedicated to the history of Fiorentina, we create a lot of symbolism within all the entire series of NFT. But at the same time, we really needed to find a way to build the first super hardcore user that we're going to give us in order to create a super unique user experience and the consumer experience as well. That's the reason why we decided to open up the platform at the beginning for this amount of number of people. And we want to keep the platform closed then for a couple of months, or maybe for a couple of seasons of drop zones and then fix all the bugs fix all the critical situation. And once we are going to open up the platform, we are going to give every member five invitations so they can invite five friends. And we are going to pass back the platform. So times five users. And after that we are going to open the platform to everyone once the consumer journey and the consumer experience will be totally perfect. Because since we got started with the product, we are really focused a lot of effort on building our user experience and the user interface in order to create something unique and memorable for the consumer. And these are what our objectives are since the beginning. The consumer when getting to Genuino needs to be really involved in what they're doing and collection is also an hobby and I think eyes need to have their part when you do something. So we really put a lot of effort into this.

Matt Zahab:

That's incredible. I want to take one step back and talk about utility just One more time, before we wrap up here, you are doing one of the biggest things that helps the whole utility aspect. And that is connecting the digital and real world when you actually have some type of physical utility that really moves the needle. On that topic. Are there any other aspects of NFTs and utility that really do move the needle?

Gabriele Bernasconi:

I think, pretty much, linked to the to the NFTs and to what we are doing, probably what we are going to experiment in the future will be the combination of NFTs and DeFi, especially pretty much linked to the concept of keeping the product in a sort of vault that Genuino created in order to create and generate the extra interest for the consumers. Because obviously, what we aim is to give the consumer the opportunity to touch the physical, but at the same time, we want to keep the consumer in a safe environment at the beginning we thought from a consumer experience so that users could eventually sell between themselves the physical product. But then we decided then not to let the consumer do this kind of operation, because obviously, we cannot preserve the safety of the users at the same time, the privacy. Because imagine, if you have a collector with a big wallet and think about this buying or selling physical object from him. And you understand that maybe this kind of person doesn't want to be recognized, they wants to keep his privacy on. And at the same time, we couldn't them preserve, not the authenticity of the product because we can preserve the authenticity of the product, thanks to our app, because what we built, in addition to our web app is an app where you can basically simply scan in with your phone, our batch, you can verify the authenticity, the authenticity of the product, but what we wanted to preserve is the status of the product. Imagine like I'm gonna sell to you a jersey and something is going to happen to the jersey. May be you burn it with a cigarette or whatever, I can still check the jerseys authentic about obviously, the product loses value. So that's the reason why we said okay, you cannot exchange product between users about what you can do, you can once you decide to redeem your physical product, the physical product is not going to be anymore in the marketplace. And you cannot receive any more offer on that. But if you decide to send back the product to Genuino and Genuino can check the status of the product at that time, you can still receive back some offer because the type of method of marketplace that we decided to implement is like a sort of a bid offer mechanism. And so you're not going to buy NFTs on the secondary market for a fixed price. But you can make an offer or a bid to the user and the user as 24 hour to decide if to accept it or not. So this is the type of mechanism that we really think that is going to generate a lot of interest for the consumer. Imagine that when Maradona died and they you know there was a lot of rumors about who was the owner of some of Maradona jersey. Imagine you had Genuino at the time, you can send it back to Genuino. Genuino check the authenticity, the let's say the status of the product and you can receive offer from the product that if you want to sell it, you can make a lot of money. And that's the type of thinking process that we implemented when we build up also the digital physical relationship into the genuine marketplace.

Matt Zahab:

That's so cool. I'm a big fan of the team and your projects and products. Absolutely incredible. Gabriele I really appreciate you coming on, before we let you go. I do have one last question for you. Where can our guests find more about yourself, Genuino, and the ACF Fiorentina drop that is happening on August 26.

Gabriele Bernasconi:

So basically, information about myself that you can check out my linkedin. As you said the beginning, My name is Gabriele bernasconi. And regarding Genuino, at the moment that we are focusing pretty much on three different social media. We are building our community into Twitter and discord mainly and we are using and leveraging medium and let's say Linkedin in order to give a more extensive and exhaustive information on about what is happening, how Genuino works. Obviously, we are still a small team that is going to be hopefully larger in the future. And we are really working hard in order to make the consumer experience as best as possible. So please, help us in order to solve any kind of bugs, situation problems issues that you can have or encounter and make the product and the consumer experience are really unique because we really think what we are building can be a game changer for consumer for brands, but also can be amplified they also you know, other industry think about for example, music think about art, think about fashion and we are from Italy, Italy is a land of artists fashion and music and I think this can be leveraged between brands and consumer really big time so we are super involved. We are really spending a lot of time in order to develop our product that looks unique, so please help us out in order to reach this objective.

Matt Zahab:

You heard the man go check everything out there and folks, as always, I will include everything Gabriele just said in the show notes. Gabriele, thank you so much for coming on. learned a ton had a blast. Again, huge sports guy at heart. Been a huge fan and player my whole life, will definitely be taking a deeper dive into this. But Gabriele, thanks again for coming on. Appreciate you and hope you had a blast as well.

Gabriele Bernasconi:

Thanks, Matt, for having me here. And I really hope you're going to be the next one in Genuino beta tester. I'm gonna welcome you for our event launch on the 26th and I really hope everyone has already joined in is having fun now with Genuino is going to have a super much fun in the super close future. So thanks a lot and speak to you soon,

Matt Zahab:

Folks. This was the crypto news podcast with Gabriele bernasconi from Genuino blockchain technologies, who has just partnered with ACF Fiorentina and is launching an incredible project. I will include all the links in the show notes please do go check them out. I had a blast them this episode. I hope you had a great time listening and learned a ton. I certainly did. We are going to be back to dropping episodes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays once September comes around. Hope you're excited for that I certainly am. As always appreciate you listening, love you all. Have a great rest of the week, a phenomenal day and we will talk to you all shortly. Bye for now.