CryptoNews Podcast

#68: Ruud Feltkamp on AI Trading and CryptoHopper

Episode 68

Ruud Feltkamp is a Dutch Actor and Entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of CryptoHopper, an Algorithm Intelligence Strategy Designer that allows more flexibility in how users trade.

In this conversation, we discuss:
- The growing role of AI in crypto
- How tech is enabling trading to get better/easier
- What to look for when picking or setting up an exchange
- How to source the right tokens to invest in
- Ways to identify what type of investor you are
- CryptoHopper

Twitter: @cryptohopper
Instagram: @cryptohopper

Ruud Feltkamp
Twitter: @RuudFeltkamp
Instagram: @ruudfeltkamp


This episode is brought to you by PrimeXBT.

PrimeXBT offers a robust trading system for both beginners and professional traders that demand highly reliable market data and performance. 

Traders of all experience levels can easily design and customize layouts and widgets to best fit their trading style. PrimeXBT is always offering innovative products and professional trading conditions to all customers.

PrimeXBT is running an exclusive promotion for listeners of the podcast. 

After making your first deposit, 50% of that first deposit will be credited to your account as a bonus that can be used as additional collateral to open positions.


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Matt Zahab:

Ladies and gentlemen voyboy do we ever have another incredible guest locked and loaded on today's show? Our guest is a Dutch actor and entrepreneur, and he started acting at the age of six and did his first feature film when he was only nine years old. After 20 years of performing in films and TV series in the Netherlands, he then got inspired by blockchain crypto and never looked back. Present day he's the founder and CEO of cryptohopper an algorithm intelligence strategy designer that allows more flexibility and how users trade whether you're a rookie or Yvette it is definitely for you. I'm very pleased to welcome to the crypto news podcast through feldkamp Please welcome

Ruud Feltkamp:

nice intro man thank you very much super

Matt Zahab:

thank you and the name the name is right there through

Ruud Feltkamp:

yeah so so I it's like my name is so difficult always in English like my name in Dutch if you pronounce it a Duchess Ruth felt calm but she can imagine nobody could pronounce that so what if you call me rude or rude or whatever it's okay I normally in English I print like introduce myself like Hi my name is rude but I'm actually quite nice that's normally what I say. But I don't know it's it's terrible name like my it's it's a super general name and and Netherlands actually and by parents gave me it because my father is called Reggie and as an English like a normal name but in the Netherlands nobody could pronounce that so they thought Hmm, let's give root and and super easy name to pronounce and now that Ronnie's like the ironic thing is I get to explain it every day. So that's quite fun.

Matt Zahab:

Yeah, you do have a great kicker though. As soon as you introduce yourself to someone you can say my name is rude but I'm actually nice like I'm sure that gets a laugh

Ruud Feltkamp:

and it actually be the asshole getting sorry

Matt Zahab:

No I love that before we get into crypto hopper and your journey into the space I'm so curious for the first year first actor we ever had on the show. What was it like being a well known child doctor?

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah so yeah weird because nobody in your surroundings know how to knows how to handle that so I can imagine everybody's listening and will think like yeah, who cares some some Dutch actor thinks he's favorite shopping but and it was my one of my biggest my first film was called Chi amateur and it was it's like the Dutch Oliver Twist and it has kind of the same impact had the same impact Netherlands lot lost a lot of people watched it I think if you ask dutchy like Do you know the film crowd with you? They probably know not to type myself on the shoulders by the way but just like yeah that that's it's a bit of a classic thing in the Netherlands and and it has had a big impact because everybody saw the movie and and I was nine years old and nobody can prepare you for what happens there because I was recognized everywhere suddenly and and my people don't know how to handle that because it's super weird for everybody but I was lucky that I I grew up in a little village it's called the brook invertebrates and it means literally in English it means pants in water land that's literally what it means but and everybody is super down to earth there everybody already knew me there I was in school there and a friend so I like it was free easy to crew up grew up there because it wasn't different you know but if I would go to the city or even with school trips to like one of the islands is called tesl I can recall doing a school trip there on a fishing boat and I literally had sit in like a corner of the fishing boat because all the other schools were just all the children want to make pictures of me and I was just sitting in a corner on my own and even the teachers didn't knew what to do so it was a I know it was weird but I'm super happy that I was able to jump started my career and I go yeah I did a lot of stuff in film and I absolutely love film and it's something I never will like completely dropped or something it always stay passionate of me so yeah super grateful to be I've experienced that but yeah we're transitioning to crazy so but loving man

Matt Zahab:

on the film side I've been very curious myself I would watch the shit out of a Bitcoin eath or any crypto or blockchain like I'm not a big TV show guy but I would love to watch a TV show or even just a good

Ruud Feltkamp:

yo Why isn't that in there? Why isn't there like a new Netflix show about like some crypto millionaire or something? Because that super relevant nowadays right? Like just just make a make a Netflix show with a guy that just forgot that he's had some bitcoins and boom now is he's some kind of a billionaire and what's he going to do now? Right? Like that's that's the brilliant beginning of a show or Hey, let's sell it let's sell it let's do it

Matt Zahab:

you're the one with the connections now me You say you gotta you gotta worry

Ruud Feltkamp:

I'll write it down I write it down, but I'll give you some royalty royalties though

Matt Zahab:

I love that on the on the film x crypto sort of collab front besides an actual plot that involves crypto, where do you see blockchain and crypto sort of partnering and collaborating with the film industry?

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, that's a really good question which I'm thinking of a lot and I still don't have a really good answer to otherwise I would probably release because that would be such a dream for me to combine that but I guess there's there is a project going on with American Zoo tropy I'm not sure how to pronounce it in English but and I guess they they're trying to release this film fund where you can invest in a token and the more tokens you have the more you can vote on what kind of film projects are being released or being funded actually with money. So that kind of stuff I really love so i think that's that's a potential thing there. on the technical side, which you see in music, and potentially also could be a thing in in a film, it's a whole I say how royalties are monitored and paid out I'm not sure how that technically on the back end works but that's something that that's happening. So yeah, my first thought would be like release some token, make a film fund, fund these awesome film projects. And be like, I don't know be like an investor and let your Lateran token investors also profit from the fact if if if you film grass as well, right, so that will be my first thought, I guess.

Matt Zahab:

Yeah, little skin in the game.

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, exactly. So how I was like, how would that be if like, Steven Spielberg had his own token, and you can just buy it, buy his token and vote on what kind of film he should make next and then profit as well from it that would be actually quite awesome.

Matt Zahab:

I'd love that well, you're seeing that the crater economy tokens, just that we call them social tokens, they're popping up everywhere it seems like it's the next big change I guess really, NF T's are spearheading that movement and then going through there but on the on the topic of NF T's or you don't have tea guy

Ruud Feltkamp:

it's so it's so funny so for like a long while I've been just like asking myself like what the hell what's happening you know like it's not my thing and blah blah and just certainly in the office everybody was talking about and I was continuously against it and at a certain point it just I got it like it was like I don't know I just clicked in my mind for some reason that there was because somebody said it's like it's like buying an expensive watch. It's not really that you buy this expensive watch because you hope it will it will survive for so long because there are actually cheaper brands that that survived for really long so what's the reason to buy an expensive watch? Well, it's the hope it'll be worth more in the future because if you do too well your watch will be worth more and it's obviously to show off to everybody that you've got money at a certain point there was Yeah, there was some person I don't know who it was who showed that I heard the story I haven't read the interview itself but supposedly there was an investment in NFT that bought it for like 10s of millions of euros of for an NF T and just talked about it in an interview so I can imagine just showing off that you have this NFC you just purchased it for 20k that and then shows you show this pixelated image that's just showing off you guys money you know I guess that's that's the thing. And I don't know it's a I think it needs some time to evolve. But I do love NF T's Yeah, just ideas is fascinating. Definitely.

Matt Zahab:

It's so much fun. I am hooked I'm a full fledged D Gen addict now my girlfriend was dumped yeah oh I love him It's so much fun. money aside you know the money is great that but I'm not in it for the money yet it's a part of it but just the fun you get I don't have an addictive personality and I spent literally like a full weekend 18 hours a day just on open sea and on discord and telegrams and Twitter's just learning about it the the euphoria and that dopamine hits you get it's crazy but well

Ruud Feltkamp:

yeah but what are you searching for? So what is like you go on a day, you going for your open ceasars day right so you see behind your computer and go What are you're searching for, like what are the what are the what are your tips, your pro tips for searching for good NF T's,

Matt Zahab:

that's a great question and it's all part of the workflow I start off and for me, you got to believe in the art. I don't have one NFT where I don't like the art. If you like the art that's step one, right sort of the barrier to entry. Okay, do I like the art done, I check out the stats, I see how much volume there's been. And then you got a look at the founding team, and more specifically, who's running the community and who is the dev if you have a good community manager, and a couple good guys or gals running the backend that can actually create some fruitful ship moving forward. Those are sort of my big checkboxes then I'll join the discord. I'll see what's poppin on Twitter, if people are very bullish on the project, you have some passionate people, people in the community are commenting and being engaged actively at all times. It's usually a good recipe for success right? Because then network effects kick in and it goes parabolic. So that's that's sort of what I like to

Ruud Feltkamp:

get the same it's the same like with a bit the same like with with just like Icos but then art is involved

Matt Zahab:


Ruud Feltkamp:

the whole community thing the team behind it,

Matt Zahab:

you nailed it on the head right? With an Ico say I you know, I put a grand and put 1000 bucks into a new coin. It's like great, I got a new coin. I believe in the team. I believe in the coin, but what do I have to show for it? Right? I'm not gonna like tell her show everyone on Twitter, hey, I bought 1000 bucks a coin x? No, but with an NF T, I can buy$1,000 NFT I can make my profile picture. You know, I can make my profile picture on Twitter on LinkedIn, telegram, discord, you name it. And that's a way to show it off. It's just it's it's more it's more personable,

Ruud Feltkamp:

you know what we need in NF T's? I think we need an insane amount of liquidity or be so sick. Yes. If you have if you have if you have insane liquidity, why it's difficult because you have like one price for NFT. And what I'm like what I'm searching for is what, like what I love about crypto in general, is, is the fact that like, in a couple of years from now, you just go to the supermarket and you pay what you already do with your phone like I always pay with my phone. Yeah, supermarket. And but now on the back end, it's it's a crypto which you're paying with, right? That's, that's, I mean, that's already possible, like, perhaps not with your phone, which is get a binance card like no, I'm not trying to sponsor violence here. But as far as violence here, but you just give it a crypto card and you just you can you can purchase stuff everywhere, right? But now, now it's crypto. So now like we all know 90% Okay, this is a dangerous thing to say. But a big percentage of the cryptocurrencies. Let's say that. It's just total rubbish. We all know that, you know, there's so much rubbish in it. I just read I just read an article today. It was about a token. It's called fitday. And it's a Belgian token social platform thing. And I've met the creators once. And now it was in the media that it was like a pyramid scheme, right? And I still read about people trading it and making a profit even on it. Like how insane is that? But imagine now, crypto assets are real values. So let's have some gold tokens. Yes, some, some actual tokens that represent a value company may be apple or crip, maybe even cryptohopper. In the future. Maybe they corrupt in the future. cryptohopper doesn't do even an IPO but an sto right? And then And then last that's why I'm bringing it up purchasing groceries with an NFT how sick would that be? Like you have art and then you just use it to purchase a bag of chips or something like that. That'll be so sick, but you need an insane liquidity for it. And the problem with the NF T's is non fungible. So that's that's the thing, but I think would be nice. If it's possible, though.

Matt Zahab:

I love your idea, and I haven't thought about that exactly, but I would love the aspect of fractionalized NF T's sort of like how you know, someone will form a Dao, a decentralized autonomous organization and 100 different people can go in and then purchase a crypto pump can I afford a crypto pump right now? No, but if I went in with 100 other days so

Ruud Feltkamp:

next level running units so next level this you like to read like we do with rats, what they do with rat BTC and that kind of stuff, he token he tokenize NFT and make it fresh, like a fraction of it. That's next. That's how much it's gonna happen. This is 100 I haven't thought about that. Actually, that's gonna happen.

Matt Zahab:

It's so much fun how quickly to crypto verse moves like in you know, even at crypto news, we always joke to a day and crypto is like a week or a month in traditional markets, or anything else. But with that being said, when I was doing research on you and cryptohopper one of your big spiels is how you guys are sort of revolutionising and just the crypto industry as a whole is giving high level tools and pieces of software to the average Joe whereas with traditional finance like you can't get your out your you know your eyes on a Bloomberg terminal. That's 30 grand a year. No one can do that. If you want to if you want to make some crazy, you know AI bot that can really help you move in needle it's pretty hard to do. But in crypto, you have companies like you who are almost giving it away for free and that's just something that I'm I'm so bullish on and kudos to you in the team for thanks for spearheading this.

Ruud Feltkamp:

Thanks. Appreciate the compliment. Thank you. And that's it. To be honest, it surprised me a lot as well. As everybody knows, like a vault as you know, sorry. I'm originally showbiz. So when I stepped into the crypto, I knew something like I knew I knew a thing or two about technical indicators, that's what I used on tradingview and just scouring the markets manually, but there is like, stuff like TradeStation, you have trading view, and there's some sophisticated tools still quite difficult. But the easiness in which you can trade crypto for like also a fraction of the price, like the transaction fees, the on the exchange itself, as opposed to on exchanges on a regular broker. And when you trade stocks that surprised me a lot. And then the the easiness of ways you can connect a trading tool to your exchange also amazed me a lot and that that inspired us to to make this trading tool. So what happened is, it was 2017. And I was and acting in this show, I had a just like I said leading role in the in a TV show in the Netherlands. And in my breaks between scenes, I was trading cryptocurrencies in my dressing room. And spending so much time that, yeah, so my brother, a legendary developer, it's this guy is crazy smart, it's just insane. And he thought, Well, I'm gonna just gonna automate what my little brother does and just like outcompete him by doing that. And by doing that, this first, like, our first trade bot was born, and I was just, I was just amazed by what he made, I was like, Whoa, that's like, like, you can do this, it can. Like it could easily scan the markets on these indicators I was using to scan it manually, and then identify buying opportunities and sell when a position you bought made a profit. And that's like this easy thing, like, everybody can program a bar. It's not, it's not that difficult. The thing is, what's difficult is identifying buying opportunities. And that's like, what we did back then works work then. But stuff is getting more complicated. And everybody knows trick. So you need more complicated buying strategies, but more about that later, because that's a bit more about AI. So at a certain point, we launched it in September 2017. And it just like the crypto market, it exploded so many customers suddenly and suddenly we had a business we had to hire an office employees just grew insanely and and the things we've learned, we've learned two things, is my brother and I are just a fan of innovation. And we just love bringing that innovation to trading. That's what we love. And we sell that just a lot of people don't know how to trade. So you so many people entering crypto and are fascinated about about the promise of crypto, but all the new stuff that's happening, but it's still difficult how the trade, you know, it's like, I'm not sure, like how much you are into, like technical indicators and that kind of stuff. But not everybody likes learning that, you know. So at a certain point, we thought we should we should connect pro traders to beginners, because then everybody can help each other. And that's like, also what happens in crypto, it's like, it feels like this big community of people helping each other. And, and that was, that was actually the thing that really had the most impact on our business. And we were first also in the whole crypto space that made it possible for signaler. So people sitting out buying sell signals to trade automatically on that. And ironically, it's also our most copied feature by competitors. So our copy trading feature is the most complex feature. But yeah, and since then just grew a lot. But I to answer your question, I just always have been just amazed in how that's just the easiness of how you can innovate in trading. And that's really possible thanks to crypto, thanks to exchanges. They're fast API's and the fact that you can just Frank, like trade fractionalized, like low order amounts and low transaction fees.

Matt Zahab:

And when I hear someone like you speak about this, I just think of traditional markets and I think the banks and I just think that the big you know, maybe not the exact because they're so rich that you know, they don't really have any worries. But I think at the banks and the people who are doing strategy at the banks and they're like how do I Keep with us, how do I compete with

Ruud Feltkamp:

it's, it's coming to the people? Fine. And that's really what's happening, like and platforms already try. So there are like some, like traditional platforms, I won't call them that has copy trading, for example. But then still you're not 100% sure, like who's behind that and, and we have created tools where you also can, like, scan the markets yourself and do exactly what the fund does. And for example, it's one of our it's a comp, it's one of our more complex features, but I love it, and it's called, we call it AI. And okay, hold on, hold on, it stands for algorithm intelligence. It's a little joke. But what it does is this and this actually, this is literally what what I mean, if the tech is coming through the people, so what what funds do and I know, a couple of big crypto funds and know what to do, what they do is they have a, they have certain strategies. So for example, what I do with scouring the markets with crypto indicators or with indicators, that's what you call strategy. So you got you check the market based on For example, I keep it simple the bollinger bands in the RSI. And then once all the indicators signal I buy, I know, hey, marks looking good, I'm going to buy. So that's something we automated, right? But the markets changed. So not the same strategy doesn't always work. So well you trade automatically you have to switch, you have to back test a lot of switch strategies, which is time consuming, consuming process. So what they do with the big funds, they are manage the backtest 1000s of strategies simultaneously, that's what they do. So they've tons of strategies with different combinations that work in different kinds of markets. And also at that at a certain point, when we heard that we thought hey, we should automate that too, and see what happens. And that's our trading AI so what you can do is on our marketplace, you can just either for free or for a small fee, you can download strategies, bear in mind, like there's a lot of free good stuff on it and you can just download it all like throw it into your AI click the Back test button on the market you want to analyze and it will simulate these the check all the strategies and back tested and switch to the strategy that works best. So this is if I speak to my users This is like I think our most favorite feature for the for our like our real power users use it and really devote themselves on learning cryptohopper and that's the one I love most as well i love i mean i love copy trading I think it's brilliant and it's a brilliant way to get started especially for the ones that that like to dip their toes into crypto and active trading but just want to take it a step at a time. But if you really want to like get everything out of a trading bot like cryptohopper then the we are the only one with this this kind of AI probably will be copied fast because this is just Yeah, I love it. It's it's a great feature.

Matt Zahab:

One of my favorite parts about AI in general and more specifically the Ayaan cryptohopper I love trading too I used to do it a lot more I don't do it because I don't have time anymore and you really do need to put in a lot of time and effort if you do want to be a good trader my biggest issue was my own emotion Yeah, I could again you know if you put in a couple hours into it you can figure out all the key technical analysis points that you need to know and you need to learn doesn't take rocket science to figure that shit out what is tough is taking your emotion out of it and that is one of the parts that is so curious so many mistakes with that and AI fixes that right because it just all it does is use data and that's where it's like I wish I had that robot to me moving forward you know,

Ruud Feltkamp:

and it's even we've even more simple stuff that I wished I had before. So when I was still turning manually in my dressing room I made so many expensive mistakes and still in the end it was below market so I made a I made a good profit you know, but I could have made so much more money if I just did panic sold so many times you know and one of the things I love a lot and that's it's super simple feature we have in cryptohopper it's called a trailing stop loss. So what it does is it tracks the price going up so once you you bought an asset let's say you bought Bitcoin, you bought Bitcoin, but you go in tonight to this birthday party of somebody so you don't have all day long to track what Bitcoin is doing right? So you want to be safe. And if it's made a profit you want to sell if it's made a loss you also want to sell so let's assume you're doing that you can even use for that you can use a bot so what I would typically do in such a situation But I would identify a buying opportunity either automatically or manually boom buy bitcoin set a stop loss somewhere around there depends on what kind of trader you are but let's say you put it on 3% and then you say And now comes to trading stop loss, you just say alright, trigger price going up. So once the price hits, I don't know 1% or so you activate the trailing stop loss and then you basically say whenever you did 1% or whatever you want to configure sell automatically. So what can happen especially with the say the more shit coins what can happen is it just like jumps up a lot and once it goes down, boom it sells so you don't have to follow the price and just be anxious all the time. You can just trust your butt that it either will sell with a profit or a loss and that's that's a great thing and then if you take it a step forward yeah definitely you can fall away a signaler and just let them do the work for you eat or even have your trading AI scouring for buying opportunities and sell automatically with a trailing stop loss and a stop loss for example.

Matt Zahab:

I love that that's that's the kind of stuff you need. Folks are going to take a quick break got to give a huge shout out to their sponsor the show prime x bt you know, I absolutely love the team at prime x PT. They've been partners at crypto news for years and never let us down. They always have incredible deals and products to offer. Me personally I use prime x bt is they offer a robust trading system for both rookies and vets doesn't matter if you're a beginner or Pro. They give you the reliable market data performance that you need. And the best part is you can easily design customized layouts and widgets to best fit your trading style primax Vt is also offering an exclusive promotion for listeners of the crypto news pot after making your first deposit 50% that is five 0% of that first deposit will be credited to your account as a bonus that can be used as additional collateral to open positions. This promotion is available for a month after activation. The promo code is crypto News 50. That is crypto news five, zero, all one word, take advantage of this offer head on over to primal and give it a whirl. absolutely incredible. Love it. combining them with cryptohopper and you would do some serious damage you'd be making those markets. Nice. Nice little organic ad read throw it in there. Yeah. Nice. Going back to crypto hopper here. I always have tons of friends who asked me z? How do I? How do I get into crypto? I want to start trading what's the best way to do it? There's so many avenues you can take that take them down. It's such a rabbit hole. Again, there's platforms like crypto Hopper, which many people will want but a lot of people sort of want to learn the hard way before using something like cryptohopper. You know, they think they can do it themselves. So they try it they use their TA and then emotion kicks in and they get absolutely hammered. And all it takes is one bad move or you trade with leverage. Yeah, liquidated and you know, boom, you're done. You get that email and and tears start rolling down the face. Back to my back to my question, what tidbits of advice would you give to a newbie getting into crypto space in regards to trading?

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, start with the boring stuff. Like everybody I know, like everybody starts in crypto because of FOMO. Yes, they've heard about crypto and they just foam away and then say that they're in for the tech. Now, but just kidding. But the thing is, like, I know everybody wants to trade for real, but I actually would advise starting with paper trading. So that's simulated trading. And I know it's it's boring, because you want to see progress for real. But paper trading allows you to simulate your trading and see what would have happened. So it's super easy to register on cryptohopper just make it a bog and just let it let us simulate the trading and see what happens and just adjust it a little bit with crypto by the way not to advertise as super hard or something. But it is something you sometimes tend to forget, if you if you like no trial, but also when you buy a subscription, you get one like real hopper as we call it the wrong real robot, and you get a simulator. So what you can do is have one real strategy running and then testing our strategies with your simulator. And that's something I really would advise because it allows you to, to see if that stop loss is not too tight. For example, if the if your AI or if your your signaler for for example, it's not sending too much signals, if they're profitable, so it just it just allows to play and just make the mistakes before make mistakes before it'll cost you you know and so that's something I would really advise and I know I know how it works. Everybody wants to just jump in and go for real because jets is more fun. I just that's exactly what you said in the beginning of her call about NF T's the dopamine hits in. But that's my advice. To begin with that just simulated trading and dig it a step at a time, because it's worth it in the end

Matt Zahab:

route I'm very curious you got to tell me you've done you've had a pretty successful trading career so far you built incredible trading company. You must have had some coins that moon and some coins that went to the Earth's crust and were absolute doggy doo doo. coins or coins are you bullish on right now? And which ones would you short?

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, so to be, to be honest, my fundamental analysis is terrible. And I'm like I'm so so much in my like working cryptohopper demands so much time of me that it takes away the time to check out coins and I regret that a lot to be honest, because I missed a lot of opportunities. One opportunity that I regret ness missing was at a certain point, somebody I know. Said Yo, you gotta you gotta go You gotta buy what was it? prestaties not super famous coin. You gotta buy fresh you gotta buy fresh tea so I was like alright, I'll do it so in like a month time or something I made 2k on it. I was like oh, pretty decent I'm gonna sell and I'm happy with my 2k sure because it's okay it's like it's a big percentage of profit and that coin just went like 100x or something. I could have had like 800k on that coin and I thought what two 2k eight I had the same with I forget the name I'm always terrible with names it's Mighty cardano at the same so in a certain point one of my one of one of my team members who does technical analysis on bath cryptohopper that they share our aid on newsletters and on Twitter and that kind of stuffs pretty interesting material by the way to read but he said at a certain point he Oh CUDA it was in 2019 he said Kirby I know it's so super bullish on it because it was like on the lowest lowest low ever so I bought for a no for 10k ish on on exadata and it went down for 20% or sandwich I was like ah shit last 2k But okay, I'll just keep it there. So a year later I checked it again and it made it it made like I don't know 5k profit so I was like whoa, I just kept it for a year or 5k profit nice I'm gonna sell I'm okay with it. And and then actually it boomed so much in it I could have had I don't know 100k or more something so I've had much of these kind of like moments that I sold too early but I'm just not i don't know i'm not i'm just not the buy and hold person would also be very weird by the way for the CEO automated trading company. Say I'm a hodler but you know honestly I just I'm too impatient for that I cannot if I made if I make 10% profit on or yeah 10% profit on the position I want to sell and jump into new one that that's who I am and I'm more of a technical person so and I regret that at a certain point because you can earn a lot on if you're good at fundamentals but one tip if you and that's something you can automate to if you're not good at being at fundamental analysis what you can do is just DCA continuously at all coins and one strategy I have rolling his DCA in like 360 coins simultaneously on on an exchange and buying it in really small amounts periodically continuously so that's a that's that's a buy and hold strategy I do but it's it's it's it's automated with the CIA basically. So that's that's a great one

Matt Zahab:

and that's available on cryptohopper you just take a basket of a couple 100 coins and you can invest in

Ruud Feltkamp:

it. This is a this is a feature request I've made my own team I said this is what I do manually. This is what I built myself please let's build as you cryptohopper tubing because this is brilliant. But you can do it actually you can use DCA to and and DCA periodically or once a position made it made a loss You can also DCA but not like here's a basket and just rebalance every week or so that's right available yet on cryptohopper. But I can very imagine we're going to release that. Not soon, but that's a feature I would definitely add to cryptomeria

Matt Zahab:

and the near future as a CEO who gets a lot done and is very busy. Do you have any morning rituals, nighttime rituals, midday rituals are any type of workflow or scheduling flow that really helps you move the needle and get as much done everyday as possible.

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, so I'm a member of the 5am Club. You know that the 5am Club

Matt Zahab:

I used to I used to be a member and now I'm now I'm back to a member of the in between 6am and 8am club but get get still decent I used to get up at 430 at haul ass go to the gym and I'd be at the office back when I used to be a currency broke. Be at the office for seven and that was after a morning workout and walk and meditation feel like a million bucks now I wake up first thing I do. I checked the 9 million messages from our team over in Europe I check all night I check NF T's I pack coins it's the worst thing

Ruud Feltkamp:

that's the one I was missing I was hoping for that one anyways sorry.

Matt Zahab:

Back to you here

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, so I've got a gym in my own house because I'm way too lazy to go to the gym so I need one very close otherwise I won't go I cannot have an excuse otherwise I'll use it so so yeah wake up exercise a little bit for 20 minutes then have a 20 minutes stretch and meditation session because I actually I saw this documentary about people that are old but super fit and I saw this old lady she was I don't know 92 years old and she did the sick stuff she just like I don't know how to call it an acrobatics that's what was called yeah she did acrobatics she did like a like a nano like loop Cintiq and things it was sick but she did she did yoga every day so I watching that I understood how important it is to also keep flexible because now you don't need it. But if you are 6070 or 80 you wish you keep your your your body flexible because it allows you to just move freely and you know it's super important that next to being fit altogether as like just you know, bumping pushing weights and running so I think that's equally like important so that's why I do that to meditation and then I read books also for 20 minutes and I drink a smoothie so yeah drinking a smoothie just makes it easier for myself to eat something healthy because I find it difficult to eat in the morning and especially eating stuff like spinach and that kind of stuff I really cannot eat it unless I drink a smoothie so yeah that's that's a bit of my morning routine and sometimes I read a book sometimes white something online sometimes I I have this app called blinkist and

Matt Zahab:

I love

Ruud Feltkamp:

yeah love it it's so good

Matt Zahab:

for folks at home blink less than just it gives you you know, a 400 page entrepreneurial or self help or any kind of book it just gives you a very bite sized sparknotes five minute to 10 minute read summary of books yet the main points and you don't have to read all the fluff it's it's incredible

Ruud Feltkamp:

yeah it's a lot of it but it's still a you tend to get tend to if you read it you tend to think you really understand the whole book and you're like okay now I can skip it and don't have to read it but I really advise if you if you have a book you really find it interesting do read it Yes. Like I've read the summary of inspired on on on blinkist and it's way to summarize right? I love for product people who own a product inspire It is like the Bible is it's I love it. It's a good book, but that's a bit of a for my morning routine. Yeah,

Matt Zahab:

I love that on the team side what do you do to keep the team motivated at all times? No, you're managing a healthy amount of people how does it how do you keep everyone motivated and enthused?

Ruud Feltkamp:

I think like one of the concepts I find most difficult to grasp and I've read about a lot is culture because it's such a vague thing company culture but yet there's so much stuff written about it. I think that is crucial and i and i think that it starts with humor and met and just having fun you know it's I mean we're like you spend 40 hours a week as an employee it's been for like 40 hours ish a week ago on your work and I mean that's a lot you know that's you spending so much time of your time is the most precious thing they're like you can earn money but you can not earn your time back. So I really I don't know how to say that but I appreciate people spending time with us that's that's something I appreciate because they could spend it everywhere. But they decided to spend it at us and it's not it's not only the payroll that's that's the reason they spend it at cryptohopper so I think it starts there like like appreciating that everybody's there and appreciate the fact that you spend your time with each other and have fun you know and appreciate each other and nothing don't don't ever think like hey I pay you so yeah you have to do this because they don't really do not understand what you're doing what it's all about. I think that's that's one and then understanding culture is what what do we what do we need to become really productive so so it's first is the layer the first layer is like the foundation is trust. It's and it's having fun with each other Then and then okay what do we need to become like productive right so how do we have meetings? What What can we do to reduce time in meetings and make it more effective and how can we collaborate better bringing structure and there's always there's always a hurdle there's always stuff you do wrong you find out and then you do it another way you always makes mistakes because having a business is the most complex thing I've ever did and I think like running a business is is underestimated this it's sick complex, but I love it and it's, it's every day you learn and he especially as a business owner, you have to keep learning because you don't know what you don't know. And it's so hard to understand what you're doing wrong because you don't know so the only way to find out is to make mistakes to find business mentors who can point you out the mistakes or to read a lot of books which takes a lot of time and that's the way to go so I think Yeah, finding out what to do wrong and yeah in regards to managing a team bring structure ask what they need don't just think oh I'm going to enforce this kind of structure and then it'll work no it's because every department has their own culture and their own preference of working and then having fun that's super important

Matt Zahab:

read well said very well said this has been incredible I know we're getting short for time we got to wrap up soon couple a couple more questions before we let you go about a month ago your boy max for stopping takes home

Ruud Feltkamp:

yeah VOXI oh my god it was so awesome. Yeah.

Matt Zahab:

How fired up for you for that.

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, it was so special it was it was just funny to see how that we had to Dutch obviously that we have a Dutch Grand Prix and having that by itself in in the Netherlands was super like it was amazing and it is so special for the Netherlands and you could see I can imagine everybody in the world who saw the Grand Prix and even if you're not pro marks for stopping you could see that this was just insane like the whole country was just like I don't know upside down you know and everybody always everybody was there the king is just sick and and then having a weird like I'm not even a big Formula One fan I appreciate a lot what but what what Max is doing but seeing that I was like okay this guy's just an absolute King This is just insane it's just I don't know it's I don't have words to describe it. I think it's I'm not a sports fan at all. I don't watch football, soccer or football harder are you to call it an English I don't watch much stuff on every weekend I admire what he does but i'm not i'm not a sports fan. I just don't like watching sports but this yeah sorry that was amazing.

Matt Zahab:

That's I'm a big sports guy but that's one of the reasons why I love sports so much is it unites countries continents like it's just very few things on the planet activities on the planet unite countries or continents or communities reports

Ruud Feltkamp:

music does it well music

Matt Zahab:

yes that's another 100% rule just been incredible any questions for me before we wrap up?

Ruud Feltkamp:

Oh difficult. Who is your favorite person say that

Matt Zahab:

you as my favorite one no

Ruud Feltkamp:

no no no no no I have serious question we were were talking you asked me the question about my favorite organs and being so bad at fundamental analysis I'm really curious about your top five top your top five coins and why

Matt Zahab:

top five coins? Okay, coin number one well my top two is pretty standard Bitcoin and aetherium love it I'd have to throw salon in there love salon I think they have a lot of room for growth I'd throw a box in there as well I think avalanche is building an incredible ecosystem and they can really they can really stir the pot and then for my fifth comment it would have to be and it's a bit of a teaser but I can't even disclose it but my team and I have an incredible team and we are launching a coin it's going to be part of a matte ice plate earn ecosystem and I'd love to tell you more often off the record but that will be the fifth offset and in voting in two weeks I'll be able to answer that question more in depth but for now for now I can stop man Thank you appreciate it

Ruud Feltkamp:

let me know i mean i'm super I want to know everything about it and if I can help you I don't know with some intros to exchanges or whatsoever because we are in touch with all the big exchanges let me know free to help like I don't know I don't want anything for it's just super nice to to know you're doing that. Cool man,

Matt Zahab:

Rudy as a man, appreciate you jumping on we need more people like before we let you go. Please tell our guests where they can find you. And cryptohopper on socials.

Ruud Feltkamp:

Yeah, so visit crypto and start your adventure of automated trading and follow us at crypto hopper m on Twitter for the best analysis in the market seriously there's some really good stuff there and our newsletter consists of really nice special analysis made by our team are in cryptohopper and had some really sick predictions that all came through so do that.

Matt Zahab:

Absolutely love to hear it Rudy man appreciate you jumping on definitely

Ruud Feltkamp:

want to honor honor to be on your show, man. Thank you very much.

Matt Zahab:

Thank you very much, folks. This was rude fell camp from the one and only cryptohopper amazing guide great team better company to big fans of these guys. had a blast listening and learning with Ruud. If you'd like to learn more, please do go check out the show notes. I will include everything you could ever want to rate in the show notes. That will be on Apple, Amazon, Spotify buzzsprout you name it. All the major podcasting platforms were there. We're always dropping on Mondays and Thursdays. Until then appreciate you listening. Love you all. Stay safe. Keep rolling those bags and we'll talk soon bye for now.