CryptoNews Podcast

#74: Krista Kim & Riley Demps on Utah Jazz NBA NFTs Episode 74

Krista Kim is a contemporary artist and founder of the Techism movement (2014), whose work explores the concept of digital consciousness. Krista created the first "Metaverse home", Mars House. Currently, Krista is the Creative Director for the Utah Jazz's "JazzXR", the first Sports Team Metaverse NFT in history.

Riley Demps is a young visionary from New Orleans and has collaborated with top brands around the world. Riley is directly responsible for the launch of the Utah Jazz's "JazzXR", the NBA's first NFT. 

In this conversation, we discuss:
- Working on the official Utah Jazz NFT
- JazzXR
- Meet & Greet with Utah Jazz owner Ryan Smith
- Access to a virtual locker room
- Partnership with non-profit and charities in Utah
- NBA Top Shot
- NBA Players loving Top Shot
- Krista's creative reign
- Daily routine and rituals for creativity

Utah Jazz NFT
Twitter: @utahjazz

Krista Kim
Twitter: @Krista_Kim

Riley Demps
Twitter: @rddemps
Instagram: @riley.nemo


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Matt Zahab:

Ladies and gentlemen, it's your host Motzei have and we have two incredible guests on today's pod we are back with another dual guests episode. First up we have Riley depths young visionary from New Orleans, Louisiana, and has already collaborated on a host of million dollar projects. While still a teenager, he was tasked with Lenovo, his Motorola project to create the next generation smartphone and did so thereafter. The owner of Qualtrics and the Utah Jazz Ryan Smith, one of the best owners in the National Basketball Association, hired rally to develop, create and execute the NBA entrance into the NFT space. He was responsible for the Utah Jazz initial NFT offering that sold out in just 90 minutes. Our other guests is Krista Kim, a famous contemporary artist and founder of the tech ism movement back in 2014, whose work explores the concept of digital consciousness. Most recently in 2020. During the run of lockdown, Kim continued to explore the creative potential to utilize screens as digital instruments of well being by creating Mars house, a completely virtual environment using her digital Zen philosophy as the first Metaverse home for sale as an NFT. History In March 2021. The piece received global acclaim and in March 2021 was the highest grossing sale ever, on super rare not too shabby. Kim was the Creative Director for the Utah Jazz MBA team Jas XR campaign, the first sports team Metaverse in NFT history. Without further ado, I'm very excited to welcome to the crypto news podcast Krista Kim and Riley Debs. Kristin Raley. Welcome to the show.

Krista kim:

Thank you.

Riley Demps:

I know that intro took a little longer it always does when there's two and you guys also have very impressive backgrounds as well. Super excited to have you both on I always love a nice little dual guest episode I get to bounce ideas off both people and big NBA fan myself. All the listeners know I'm born and raised in Toronto big raps fan. Quiet came over a couple of years ago we had the chips with the debt. We brought it home that was very exciting. I'm 26 years old. I've never seen a parade in Toronto before and we finally got to have it I love that but I got to kick it over to you to tell us a little bit about your past and I want to start with the sports. Riley we always I know you're from New Orleans Are you Pels fan? Are you a Utah fan? And Crystal go do you ask for a Riley, let's kick it off with you. So I am so my sports fans history. I'm a jazz fan all through and through right now. That's that's really what matters. We'll say that my dad actually was the general manager for the New Orleans Pelicans. And that's why I'm from New Orleans.

Matt Zahab:

Oh, wow.

Riley Demps:

And so through that, then I was a pelicans fan. But, you know, my whole life, my dad isn't working in sports, so whoever's paying the bills is my fan. So I'm a fan of, and now the jazz or, or with the jazz right now. And I love the things they're doing with their organization. I've always been a fan of how they, the way they play and the way that they run the organization. They've always been at the top of the league in terms of having respect and respecting for their employees and including their players. And you know, I just really love this organization. And I always say that Salt Lake City is one of the most underrated cities in the United States. Everybody's got to get out there.

Matt Zahab:

I've full disclosure, I've never been it's on the to do list. My dad got to go to the Olympics there. He wasn't better wasn't an Olympian I wish to then you know, and have some crazy genes that maybe wouldn't play in the NBA don't have the hype, but it'd be in the NHL right now. But get gotta go to Utah. Crystal, what about you?

Krista kim:

Well, basically, my background is art primarily. And I'm the creative component of the project, really, but yeah, I mean, I for me, I've been doing digital art since 2013. And, you know, I basically have been in the NFT space only since February, because I discovered Bitcoin and Ethereum last December for my own, you know, investment portfolio. I'm like, oh my god, decentralization Aetherium. I was in love with it. And I was like, Okay, I Googled art and blockchain. And then NFT showed up and then super rare and the rest is history. So I'm, I just had this incredible privilege of, you know, Riley reaching out to me, and I was so excited when he emailed me. He's like, you know, would you like to collaborate with the Utah Jazz? I was like, hell yes, absolutely. Let's do this. Let's make history.

Matt Zahab:

I love that rally. Know your owner, Ryan Smith. He's one of the coolest owners in the NBA, young stud. Obviously very well for himself. Whenever you can buy an NBA team, you've clearly done something, right. He's a big tech guy. And he's on the forefront of NFT. So I'm sure there was no problem explaining to him why this would all make sense. But I love you too, could walk me through some of the combos that you had with maybe some of the older folks in the organization who are like Kristen Riley. What are you guys smoking this way? makes no sense whatsoever. And here we are sells out 90 minutes. How did that conversation look like?

Riley Demps:

So basically, when I first got here, this whole job started with a Twitter DM. So what happened was, I was on Twitter, and I was trying to figure out what I was going to do for the summer, for that summer, and I just like, I'm gonna go out on a limb, and I'm going to send a DM to Ryan Smith and ask him, tell him, Hey, we want to get into this space, let me know what you think. I have some ideas. I've been doing this for a really, really long time. Let's just have a phone call and talk about what we can do. And we got on the phone call, I was just so impressed as to how much of a visionary he is, you know, he's the one that's willing to take a risk and look forward into the future. And so he understood that he was in a situation where he wasn't necessarily the most well known person inside of this space. He's like Riley, just take the reins, I'm gonna let you do what you got to do. And let's do something groundbreaking. And that was the bottom line. The bottom line was shake the league up, do something different. And when that happened, the fight when he first hired me up in April, the first thing I thought was Krista, Krista had always been in the back of my head because I've been following her. It's funny, either followers when I was a kid, you know, she she started back in 2013. I probably found her name around 2014 or 15, in terms of the tech in the tech ism art space. And so I sent her a senator an email and said, Hey, I have some ideas about some things we can do. And Chris Kane, and she really just took the reins and helped us get through this project. And, you know, from a basketball perspective, I got to give given to the Jags because they really let us do need to do you know, they they said that we're not necessarily experts in the space. So we're gonna let you guys be the experts. And we'll just support you in the ways that you need to be supported. So me and Chris, we had a couple meetings and it just seemed like a match. And we just went through with it.

Matt Zahab:

I love that what a great story. And Chris, that you got brought in first time working with a sports organization like this. And

Krista kim:

absolutely, it was an it was a pleasant surprise. There was a great challenge that I wanted to take on, you know, because for me, it's like I'm all about the metaverse, right. So the Mars house was the first Metaverse house that was sold in the world. And so I'm really about building out the metaverse and I believe that all organizations, all sports teams, all celebrities, all companies are going to have a Metaverse a presence, right? So for me, I thought, Okay, well, this is a perfect opportunity to create a space for the jazz to bring their community and actually activate and bring value to the community. And it's all about that, right? It's all about, like organizations and brands are now more about community more than ever more than just offering a product or or service. It's actually about building community and building an ethos and building a culture around the community. And the metaverse is where you experience that. So immediately, you know, I thought okay, we have to bring this into the metaverse and it has to be the first sports NFT. That's the metaverse NFT in history. And we did it.

Matt Zahab:

And it's pretty incredible. And I just can't wait a couple years down the road when every not every but a big chunk of Utah Jazz fans who aren't fortunate enough to be in the arena during game days, they're all going to have their Oculus glasses on, they're going to be in the sandbox or in decentraland chillin in the jazz X our lot, whatever's going on in there, they're all going to be shooting the shit watching the game at the same time. It's truly going to be incredible. I absolutely love that. Chris, I want to throw one back to you utility wise. Now when I first did some research, and when I first got the opportunity to have YouTube on the pod. I was like, oh, that sounds awesome. I wonder what kind of utility there is? Or is it just you know, something, you can see a piece of art. And then I saw the utility aspect. And I was like, Damn, that is awesome. I would sign up for this. If it was in Toronto. Was it tough making that happen? Was it tough? Getting Mr. Smith on board? Walk me through that? How'd that all go down?

Krista kim:

Okay, so just like Riley said, you know, right. Riley was is my point of contact with the team, right? He's the guy and he's the NFT guy. And let me tell you, Ryan Smith is a great leader because he knows exactly where to put his faith. And you know, the just give the reins to someone who can handle the project and give them the freedom to execute it properly. Right. So Riley had, you know, really, you know, this incredible ability to just say, Okay, guys, this is what we should do. And every time you proposed ideas, pretty much they're all okayed. Right. So yeah, they're really risky and breakthrough. But I mean, that's the beauty of this organization. They are really forward thinking and they have great like management and leadership. And I think Ryan Smith is a real like visionary, visionary leader and yeah, I think the Utah Jazz is really in good hands, especially if we're able to execute this project where A lot of teams will probably be too scared.

Matt Zahab:

Oh, you guys are paving the way every team is going to have to do this don't have a choice, one, the revenue generation to give back to the community. I know you're partnering with nonprofits and charities in the Utah, you know area, which is absolutely incredible. But Riley thrown it over you talk to you about the utility of the NFT. I don't want to give it away for the fans, you could explain it a lot better than me, tell me what the people who bought it and got sold out 90 minutes telling you what this NFT entails.

Riley Demps:

Right. So first of all, the most important part about this entity is the experience, you know, we wanted to create a community where jazz fans everywhere, could have a unique experience where they got to unite with each other and got to get up close and personal with the people of the jazz organization that they've been watching for all these years. So we created this entity, the the most important thing was, we want to make sure that this is an experiential component where people are able to actually see and feel what it means to be a part of the jazz organization, I think we did that with with this project. And so what we did is we were offering a 90 to our 90 minutes into our meet and greet with our owner, Ryan Smith, with different tiers included, where people can come and access and ask questions and a q&a in a q&a format with our owner. And also wanted to say that this is not our last meet and greet that we plan on doing that this is going to be open to many other many, many other icons that we have over in our organization, to where people are able to get up close and personal and talk to these people. This platform that we're using spatial is one of the most amazing platforms that I've ever experienced. It really gives people that feeling that you're really with with the person, you know, we we've created a situation where you can have intimate experiences with the people that you know in love with the jazz without encroaching on your privacy encroaching on their privacy, or you can be sitting in your couch in whatever city you are. We have a lot of fans in Australia, we have a lot of fans in Russia, that we wanted to stay connected with the jazz but haven't necessarily been able to just because time differences like prices, all those all those things that make it hard to be a part of a team and really feel like a part of the team. And so those 30 people that purchase our products or entity are getting a once in a lifetime experience to really get up close and personal with the people that make the jazz great.

Matt Zahab:

That's awesome. What a just make you so happy. I'm such a sports guy. I studied Sport Management at university. Of course I do nothing related to my degree. But one of like one of my favorite subjects and guests to have on the podcast is people who are bridging the gap between sports and crypto. Again, you two are doing that. I absolutely love that. And I'm actually gonna go take a walk over to Scotiabank arena where the Raptors play and I'm going to knock on Larry Tenenbaums door and tell him that Kristen Riley need a first class ticket over to Toronto and we need to poach you guys. The raptors are sleeping on the NF t's a lot of the NBA sleeping on the NF T's. I want to talk about NBA Top Shot, that must have been a huge catalyst. I'm sure both of you have had the chance to talk to some of the players. How do they feel about this NFT movement? Are they all in on it? What's the deal there?

Riley Demps:

Yeah. So you know, a lot of our players are really, really interested in what's going on. You know, I think this is the sentiment that goes along with a lot of people, not just our players, and that they need to see it before they believe it in terms of how things are going to work. And I've gotten a loads of support from everyone in our organization, including the players, like hey, man, I want to do a meet and greet. I want to I want to go talk to I want to go talk to the fans. I want to go do this I want to do that people are really really intuitive to talk about Top Shot chats with people that that created the concept tops that I really think they're doing a very important thing in this space to have sports fans start setting up wallets started thinking about crypto and really expanding the use cases that we have in this space. And you know, our players are up in arms about this. They love they love it. They love it. So I think in the coming days and coming in the coming weeks, we're gonna see a lot of players that really want to get into the metaverse so experiences like the one that we're having on this Friday

Matt Zahab:

have you to seen again there's this massive sort of exodus of regular profile pictures again both you to great faces but I'm assuming if I alert you on Twitter Krista full disclosure I have alerts you on Twitter, but profile pictures everyone is changing their pic to a crypto Pong party Yacht Club Coolcat you're seeing MBA players do that too. Are they talking to this in the dressing room like are they like yo why does this guy have a punk like why does obj have a punk I don't know any NBA guys off the top my head I have a lazy lion I know one NBA player I think he was more maybe G league but he got in change his profile pic there were tons of talk about in the discord like are they in on the whole experience with that? Going on super rare to buy a crystal Kim NFT or going on open sea to buy a profile pic NF T and then going into discord chatting with the community or the boys in on all this, like what's going on I'm so curious to know if the players love it too.

Riley Demps:

Okay, they're there. They're in man, they are in it, you know, I, I'm not going to throw his name out there. But there was one guy that we have one of our one of our new guys that came this year. He was he sent me a text and he's like, amen, like I really want to get into into the space. Like I just don't really know what I'm doing. But it looks so cool. And I just really want to be a part of it. I'm telling you, man, they are loving it magazine, for lack of a better term, there's there's a, we have a couple of our players that actually have been asking us about crypto advice about how to how to trade, about how to trade their crypto, and how to get into the entity spaces. And everyone's really eager to get into it. And I think that shows that this community is very strong. And when the people that are at the top of this community are really trying to get into it as well. It really makes it a lot easier for our entire organization and our entire fan base to get into this because everybody wants to see everybody wants to see it. Everyone's everybody wants to see everybody in it. No, it's It's fresh, new. And, you know, it's it's exciting. It's just really exciting.

Matt Zahab:

And Krista, when rally approached you for this gig? I know you said you're super excited about it. But I'm curious to understand what kind of freedom and free reigns you had. Because you're not a traditional sports artist. You're digital artists has done a whole lot of everything but never support. So when Riley hit you up and was like, Hey, Chris, that you got a blank canvas, what was going through your head? And what kind of plan? Did you have to set for it?

Krista kim:

Good question. Yeah, it was definitely a stretch for me. And I like it. Because you know, I've done collaboration with lawn van in 2018. I've done Lamborghini, I've done all these collaborations with brands, but going into sports, I thought okay, so how can my art be translated here? And what can I do, you know, to actually help creatively on this project? You know, creating a Metaverse space was the number one priority for me to create a very compelling space that that's, you know, inspiring and sort of like very sort of relaxing and not like a spa. But somewhere where you go, you're like, Wow, you could take it, you know, a breath of fresh air. Because I mean, when you go to the space, you see you actually see a beautiful view of the mountains in Utah. And the actual locker room is loosely based upon the actual locker room, but I've actually created my own interpretations, you know, design wise, and I've incorporated my artworks and I've made a few changes, but it's it's really amazing. And it collaborated with incredible Metaverse, architect Michael Potts and his team and for the actual basketball, yeah, I mean, I'm really into glass, if you haven't already noticed, I'm super into glass and light. So creating this crystal basketball with the lights. I mean, it was a natural thing for me and I I'm so glad we did it. It's really really awesome. I love this ball. And so that was used as you know, the visual for NFT. And the character Jas, that character Jas actually was, was was a product of Ollie one of our 3d artists on the team. So I work with incredible people Jia Valentina, and her team. So we basically it this is all a team effort, right? But I would say that my contribution mainly is more about, you know, just the creative direction, and not so much about you know, making it about me, but making it about you know, how can we use this use my design elements to create a cohesive visual language, you know, for for the project. And it was great. It's a real pleasure to lead this team. It was so much fun. I loved it so much fun.

Matt Zahab:

Just seeing your two smiles. It really does show how much fun you too did have on this. Chris? I do have. I'm so so curious, again, with doing research for the show, I learned all of your art. And someone like me, who doesn't have a lot of artistic juices and meat. I couldn't even dream of that. That's like, you know, I'd have to practice for 20 years just to get is one 100 as good as you were, you know, 20 years ago. How does someone like you get in the zone, what kind of morning rituals or nighttime routines or pre getting the art zone routines Do you have that really get you locked and loaded and make sure your creative juices are flowing?

Krista kim:

I practice TM, I am a meditator, I practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day. First thing in the morning, I drink water and I meditate and then I'm good. I don't do anything until I meditate. And then at 5pm runs between five and seven. I'm meditating also, sometimes if I'm out, I have no time but at least I'm doing the morning meditation. And if I've got a really like big event or you know, it was a particularly stressful Then I will meditate and just release all of that. And I think for me, the foundation of my work is about meditation and wellness. And that's something that I hope is also translating into this project with a jazz like, especially when you enter the space. It's a space of wellness, you know, you go there and you feel at peace. And that's what I want for the community.

Matt Zahab:

Talk to me about the routine itself. Do you have a specific time set me myself again, I wishy washy, I say, two days a week I do it. And when I do, I feel like a million bucks. But I have the bad habit where I wake up, I check my phone, and I see this 6 trillion messages from my team over in Europe or China or Australia or wherever. And then I just drink my coffee and I get ready to work. It's terrible habit. How do you get yourself out of bed, cross those legs and make it happen? Like what do you do with routine, you, you

Krista kim:

really have to think of it as self care. And you have to fight for that time, you have to carve it out and really see it as a time for you. Because you just have to be mindful of how you're spending that time. I mean, really investing 20 minutes in the morning is nothing. And in the grand scheme of things in terms of your overall productivity and you know, your output, the quality of your work improves when you meditate because your brain is just is so it's synchronised right between the left and right hemispheres. And you're also releasing stress. So you're making very calm and good decisions, you know, and your intuition is stronger, and you're just in a good state. And it's when you're in a calm state and you're you're you're solid in your brain, your prefrontal cortex, you know, it's got that boost that you can actually make right, the right decisions in your life and in your work. So I would see it as an investment in you and the betterment of your life. Just 20 minutes in the morning. I basically am also guilty, like in the morning checking the time, and there's like this and that. But then I'm like, Okay, no, no, don't, don't get sucked in, right? be purposeful, and control it and just sit up and just do it. And after you do it, you know you, you just have to you did you took care of yourself. It's self care. And I think after COVID especially, everyone is really cognizant of self care and mental health. And once we have that as an individual, then we can have a better society. So it's really important for all of us.

Matt Zahab:

Very well said there, folks want to take a quick break and give a shout out to sponsor the show prime x BT, you know, I absolutely love the team out prime Max PT. They've been partners of crypto for years, and we're always excited about the products that they have to offer. I've been using prime x PT for the last couple months and love it. I mean, a couple of reasons are the robust trading system for both beginners and professional traders. It doesn't matter if you're a rookie or a vet, you can easily design and customize your layout and widgets to best fit your trading style to you the best chances to make some red prime expertise is running an exclusive promotion for listeners of the pod after making your first deposit 50% of that first deposit will be credited to your account as a bonus that can be used as additional collateral to open positions. This promotion is available for a month after activation and that is promo code crypto news 50. That is crypto news five zero all one word. To take advantage of this offer, go check out prime x BT and receive 50% of your first deposit credit your account. Now back to the show with Krista and Riley. I want to get into some fun NFT stuff before wrapping up with a couple questions about the jazz. Either of you can kick it off first. But I want to hear your favorite projects that you have on the go whether it's on super rare, whether it's on open sea, give me some projects that you do have,

Krista kim:

I will start so I actually have a project that just called continuum. And so I did a drop with Steve Aoki curated a show with Sotheby's and he invited myself and a few other artists to participate on in an exhibition on September 30. And September 30, is a very special day was the day of the Sotheby's auction, and I had submitted an artwork called continuum. And continuum is a project I've been working on since 2017. It's basically a meditative sound installation sound in light where I collaborated with Jeff Schroeder of the Smashing Pumpkins. He basically scored some really amazing meditative music on his on his guitar. And, you know, basically, this is an NFT. That's a public art installation, and it's the first in history. So we did that we did the actual sale on the base, we sold the piece for around 113,000, which was fantastic. And then October 1, we actually did the live installation of Toronto and Fort York. And the amazing thing about this installation is what we're trying to do is we're trying to bring reconciliation and healing to the community. So September 30, in Toronto and Canada was also Truth and Reconciliation day, right for for the indigenous communities and all of the the horrible things that have happened in Canada's history of the colonial past and bringing that forth and of course October 1, creating a space of healing for the community to come. You know, we had elders of the indigenous community come and you know, you know, bless the the the actual installation, we had children come in, you know, dance and perform. And it was really a beautiful, you know, moment where we actually completely changed the meaning behind the space. It used to be a space of colonialism. And what we did was, we converted that space into healing and reconciliation for the entire community. So we had people of all walks of life come their, their children, their, their grandparents, their and everything in between, with people of all backgrounds come, and everyone was welcome for free for the entire October 1 to October 4 for four days. And the intention, of course, create that healing space, a space where everyone can be vulnerable, and just come as they come as you are. Everyone has been through trauma since COVID. And so this is a project that I want to bring worldwide. And I have so many requests like globally, like different cities all around the world, please bring it here. So we're basically working on organizing the store and making it into a documentary for a major streaming TV platform.

Matt Zahab:

Wow, incredible. Any chance that whole documentary will come out as an NFT, as well, to people who

Krista kim:

haven't started that yet, but I'm thinking of

Matt Zahab:

a way like that.

Krista kim:


Matt Zahab:

Rally before I jump into you. I'm so curious if any of you would watch because I can tell you for free that myself and my colleagues at Kryptonians, we've talked about this many times, I still can't believe there's not a Netflix show or a Amazon Prime or Apple show that is about crypto or NF TS with the amount of stuff that's going on right now. There's still not a series that I can sit down and just actually sink into my couch and get real into it. Like think of all the Bitcoin private keys that have been lost the millions of dollars on cold wallets that are in a dumpster somewhere or landfill. It's bananas, that this is not happening. Hopefully, I know the NBA does a bunch of PR and a bunch of media stuff. I would love to see an actual doc on how the jazz rip this out. Riley, can we ever look forward to that?

Riley Demps:

Hey, you never know, you never know. I'm a big movie guy. And so I love I would love to see some of the ups and downs that come from this industry. And I think it's such an exciting industry for everyone to thoroughly see through as they maybe in the in the coming in the coming month, you may see some type of some type of documentary Who knows.

Matt Zahab:

What else can people look forward to? For the next batch of Utah Jazz NFT installments I know there was only a couple people who got to take advantage of this one was the first first batch first allotment now that we know things are going super smoothly. And the event with Mr. Smith is happening on Friday, October 15. What will the fans look forward to in the next NFT release?

Riley Demps:

Yeah, so I just wanted to let jazz fans are listening anywhere, just know that we are not done. There will be a host of more activations for not only meet and greet type, and FTEs, but also for MCs that are maybe are at lower price points. And we really just want everybody to be able to enjoy the jazz and every possible way that they can. And you know, with these entities coming up through the season, we're in the process of planning some really exciting projects that will be available in arena and outside of the arena. So jazz fans, stay tuned. It's coming.

Matt Zahab:

Kristin Riley, are there any incredible projects? Now? I know when I say any they're definitely some but what can we look forward to over the next couple months from both you

Krista kim:

Well, for me continuum is actually going to be an Iranian China. It's it's a beach town in China. And we're going to be collaborating with the dune movie premiere, which is pretty exciting. That's the 15th and 17th of October. And after that, we'll be in Miami, Basel during the first week of December. So look out for us, and we plan on being in a city near you.

Matt Zahab:

Love that and rally What about you,

Riley Demps:

I have some projects that are coming up on the in the coming up mostly in the next year that they're looking at. I've been in some conversations with some teams out in Europe, and a couple of streaming services out here that I've been had reached out to me to do some projects. So keep on the lookout things are not things are still moving in this space and everything moves really quickly. And you know, it's been really exciting to be in a space that I did not expect to come to turn into an entire industry. This was my 1314 year old pipe dream that there would be an entire community of people worldwide that wanted to get into the crypto and NF T space. I'm just thrilled to be able to be at the forefront of all that.

Matt Zahab:

That's awesome. Kristen rally I really appreciate you both coming on. I had a blast speaking with both of you and hopefully I can meet you both soon. Chris, I know you're in Toronto. Hopefully I can meet you and Riley, if I ever get down to Utah, or if the Raptors meet the jazz and NBA Finals. I'll see you in Toronto. I do have one last one. Before you wrap up, where are the jobs gonna finish this year? You can't say first because that's way too much bias where the finishing

Riley Demps:

can say first. I just say it'd be I could say first I would say first

Matt Zahab:

you can say first

Riley Demps:

but if you're if you're gonna make me say for now, I cannot say first, I'm gonna say that we at the very least get to the Western Conference Finals. And we got a really great team we brought back our entire core, and we've added some pieces like Rudy Gay, Jared Butler, I actually played high school basketball with Jared Butler. Back in the day. So we have some really good guys we have a really good group with cleanly leading the way we're gonna be really good this year. Man, he better watch out for Utah.

Matt Zahab:

How many points will Mitchell average this year?

Riley Demps:

3131 31.2. To be exact, you can hold me on the record.

Matt Zahab:

That's that's definitely good enough for the scoring title, then.

Riley Demps:

Yeah, I'm saying Donovan Mitchell story scoring title this year.

Matt Zahab:

Good to know. Awesome. Love to hear that Christian rally really appreciate you both coming on before we let you go. Can you please let our fans know where they can find each of you and the Utah Jazz on socials?

Riley Demps:

Yeah, so if you're, if you want to learn more about Utah Jazz and NC program, you can go to jazz comm forward slash NF T. And if you want to follow projects that I'm doing, you can follow me on Twitter at rd damps or on Instagram at Riley dot Nemo, that is Mo.

Krista kim:

For me, you can follow me on Twitter Christa underscore Kim or Instagram Christa dot Kim and my website is also Christa dot Kim.

Matt Zahab:

Christa. How do you have such a cool name before the show? I was telling you I want my kids to have first name Zed last name Zed for girls and again not much choice maybe Zara but again it's already a store for guys you have like Zach, you know if I ever got a dog I'd probably name him Ziggy or something. But like, how? Has anyone ever told you that you have a super cool name?

Krista kim:

Oh, thanks so much. Yeah, I get that a lot. I'm I love my name. And my dad chose the name he he's someone who said oh, this is like a movie stars name. So he's like, Yeah, let's go with crystal.

Matt Zahab:

It is no,

Riley Demps:

it's like we knew she was gonna do it. Do it.

Matt Zahab:

I truly love when the first letter matches the good stuff. Anyways, appreciate you both jumping on had a blast. I wish you good luck, but neither of you will need it. So I will say good vibes and good riddance. And I appreciate you both coming on and we'll chat soon.

Krista kim:


Matt Zahab:

folks. This was the crypto news podcast with Krista Kim and Riley dams. Great episode learn a lot from both of them to incredible people working with the Utah Jazz, great organization in the NBA the National Basketball Association. Really hope you enjoyed listening to this episode. As always, please stay safe out there. Keep throwing your bags, have fun. Get a little bit better every day. Thanks for listening. Bye for now and we'll talk soon