Lead & Follow

Listening as a Core Followership Skill - Eran Magen

Sharna Fabiano Season 1 Episode 20

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 Dr. Eran Magen shares his insights around listening as a core followership skill and how the right balance of leading and following helps us form connected, supportive relationships.

Dr. Magen earned his M.A. in education and Ph.D. in psychology from Stanford University, completed post-doctoral training in population health as a Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar, and served as the research director for the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Counseling and Psychological Services. 

Dr. Magen is the founder of Early Alert, which works with universities, hospitals, public schools and first responder agencies to prevent suicide and promote wellness among students and employees. His work has been published in top-tier scientific journals including Psychological Science, Emotion, and Academic Pediatrics, and has been cited in popular media ranging from Allure Magazine to Psychology Today. 

He is a member of the Jed Foundation's advisory board, and the founder of Parenting For Humans, a relationship-first, trauma-informed approach to parenting that helps parents build stronger, more joyful relationships with their children and with themselves.

“For me listening is very much a form of meditation.”

“The core of the how is to spend a lot of time following. Setup, following, and leading.” 

“To help someone be less upset, we follow. And when they’re done being upset, we check if it’s ok to lead.”  

"People don’t always talk about the thing that really bothers them. Sometimes they don’t even know. And if we listen to them well they can find out.”

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