Livin' What You're Given

Involuntary Tide Turning

Laura Padgett Season 3 Episode 3

It's so easy to be praising, peaceful and happy when all things are going well. But how do we react when things are not going well? What about the path we thought was going to be the one we chose to live our life on but ends up being riddled with detours? What happens when questions are asked but the answers are nowhere close to what we desire? What do we do when those questions seem to go unanswered altogether? 

During this interview my guest, Lori Ann Wood, talks openly and honestly about questioning God at the time of a life-threatening diagnosis. She speaks about doubt which asks, "Is God always good?" She explains that sometimes it does not feel like He is there.

Questions were her lifeline to God and not a means of dividing her from Him. In fact, God has told us that our questions are welcomed and we can question and still be faithful. During her illness, she says she learned her faith was strengthened by being honest with God and leaning into Him with her doubts. She talks about learning lament and relinquishment.

You don't have to be living this kind of a detour in order to learn from this woman's journey and the honest, brave work she shares in order to let others know we are not alone in our feelings of betrayal, laments, doubt and questions.

To connect with Lori Ann Wood, please go to  where you can read more of her story, her blog, find out more about how to order her book, "The Divine Detour: The Path You'd Never Choose Can Lead to the Faith You've Always Wanted."

To connect with Gabriel Tafoya, who provided the song, "The Pivot" for this episode, go to 

The website to connect with Laura Padgett is