FASD Family Life

Continuing the Conversation with Kat Griffin & CJ Lutke about Interdependence, Adulting, Health & Hope

May 13, 2022 Robbie Seale / Kat Griffin / CJ Lutke Season 2 Episode 23

Welcome to FASD Family Life, the podcast for families by families where we get real about raising children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. I’m your host, Robbie Seale, FASD Educator, advocate and mom of four children with FASD.  I know the struggle is real, but so is success.

I am grateful to be spending this time with you!  Please join me with a hot cup of coffee for part two of our conversation with CJ Lutke and Kat Griffin, two extraordinary women with FASD, members of the Adult Leadership Committee of the FASD Change Makers. 

Our conversation is punctuated by laughter and infused with hope. Kat and CJ share about adulting and benefits of interdepence. We also take a deeper dive into some of the topics covered in the FASD Health Survey that was done by the ALC of the FASD Changemakers in conjunction with UBC. If we want to learn more about living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder who better to learn from than those who live with its limitations and its gifts. 

"When we know better we can do better."

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