FASD Family Life

Rearch & Resource Edition: Together for FASD - An Atlantic Canada Conference with Audrey McFarlane

Robbie Seale / Audrey McFarlane Season 2 Episode 25

Welcome to FASD Family Life, the podcast for families by families where we get real about raising children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. I’m your host, Robbie Seale, FASD Educator, advocate and mom of four children with FASD.  I know the struggle is real, but so is success.  Whether this is your first episode, or your 75th, I invite you to settle in and  join me for a cup of coffee.
Research & Resource Editions of the FASD Family Life podcast are designed to give you information on a variety of FASD networks, resources, training events, and conferences, as well as fascinating FASD studies for your participation and interest.

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In this Research & Resources Edition of FASD Family Life Research & Resources edition I am delighted to speak with Audrey McFarlane, Executive Director of The Canadian FASD Research Network, about TOGETHER FOR FASD - an Atlantic Canada Conference.  

Audrey McFarlane has been the Executive Director for CanFASD since 2015. Previously, Audrey served as the Executive Director of the Lakeland Centre for FASD (LCFASD) for two decades. Before becoming ED, Audrey had been on the board of CanFASD since 2005. Her interest in FASD began in the 1990s while she was working as a behavioral specialist for people with developmental disabilities. Upon anomalies in responses to her behavioral plans, Audrey began to learn more about FASD. She began to build a team of link-minded community leaders to develop responses to the folks with FASD she was helping, and her passion for the field was born. 

This is a one-day event that brings together experts, community members, and service providers to share knowledge, empower collaboration, and inspire action to address the complexities of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Atlantic provinces.

The conference will host 2 keynote talks by Dr. Jaqueline Pei and 4 sessions that will cover local services, lived experiences, FASD projects across the globe, and the Claudette Bradshaw FASD Innovation Award recipient presentation.

The cost for this conference is $75.00 plus taxes and fees and lunch is included in the price of admission. This presentations will be held in English with translation services available for French-language speakers.

This event is hosted in partnership with CanFASD, the New Brunswick Child and Youth Advocate, The New Brunswick FASD Centre of Excellence, the Fredericton FASD Support Group and the Moncton FASD Support Group.


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the leading cause of neurodevelopmental disability in Canada, affecting 4% of the population. The prevalence of FASD is greater than Autism, Down Syndrome, and Cerebral Palsy combined. Not solely a healthcare issue, FASD intersects with homelessness, substance use, education, criminal justice, mental health, child welfare, social services, family health, and more. The statistics are alarming.

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