FASD Family Life

Build a Life You Can Be Proud of; My Life With FASD

Robbie Seale / Jacob Neaville Season 4 Episode 3

Welcome to Season 4 of the FASD Family Life Podcast. I am your host, Robbie Seale. I am an FASD educator, advocate and mom of five incredible people; including three teens diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. If my 30 years of parenting has taught me anything it is, that the struggle is real and so is success.

SEASON 4 of the FASD Family Life Podcast kicks off with FASD Awareness month, before I embark on my VIRTUAL World Tour in October to speak with FASD Researchers, Service Providers, and Individuals with FASD from various places around the world.

Do you enjoy listening to FASD Family Life Podcast while you are walking, running errands, as part of yourself care routine, or with your support group?  This podcast is supported by listeners like you!  Click here to Support the show

September is FASD awareness month! There are many awareness events happening in your community and in communities around the world.  There is still time to join the RunFASD 2022 VIRTUAL 5K - lead by Rebecca Tillou, a remarkable woman with FASD. Join the movement #runfasd2022 https://runfasd.org/campaign/2022-team-run-fasd/team/15/join

Did you catch last week's episode featuring a Q & A with a panel of FASD podcasters and our good friend Dr. Jerrod Brown?  We covered a lot of ground in that episode so you will want to have a listen if you haven't done so already. Dr Brown is a regular guest on the FASD Family Life podcast, and I am thrilled to let you know that we will beginning a fascinating new series next month.  SUBSCRIBE now so you never miss another episode.

This week I sit down with Jacob Neaville to speak with him about having FASD. Jacob is a husband and father who is passionate about giving hope to people with FASD!  He knows the struggle is real and so is success. I invite you to join Jacob and I for a nice hot cup of coffee and an inspiring conversation about following your dreams and building a life you can be proud of. 

Jacob lives in Illinois with his wife, Kristen and their son, Jayden. Jacob and Kristen have been married for 11 years. Jacob, aka "Neavilleman" is a fellow podcaster and TikTok content creator. 

FASD NL Network #MoveforFASD https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/move-for-fasd-in-atlantic-canada-tickets-380052726937?fbclid=IwAR2C-DeK0Ichj1MNkBA0Nj_i-LikxOlYb2OWmosqHvdAm9bQoICGuNy_ME4

Edmonton FASD Walk: Sept 24 @ 11:00 am City Hall and *Wear Red for FASD* https://www.eventbrite.com/e/413802603727

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You will be invited to join our monthly online support group on Microsoft Teams.
Our support group is a fun, lively place to connect with other parents who get it.
SIGN UP TODAY to be part of our next meeting

Join me for the next episode with the ever-inspiring Lauren Richardson as she tells us about the big dream she is going for!

Email: fasdfamilylife@gmail.com   LIKE & SHARE on your socials

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