FASD Family Life

Threats to Emotional Health Series with Dr Jerrod Brown: Irritability

Welcome to Season 4, episode 6 of the FASD Family Life Podcast. the show for families by families raising children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. I am your host, Robbie Seale. I am an FASD educator, advocate and mom of five incredible people; including three teens diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. If my 30 years of parenting has taught me anything it is, that the struggle is real and so is success.

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Did you miss my last episode when I spoke with Myles Himmelreich, CJ Lutke, and Emily Hargrove members of the Adult Leadership Committee of the FASD Changemakers, lead researchers and authors of The lay of the land: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) as a whole-body diagnosis study to discuss their groundbreaking research that led to the discovery of the 428 comorbid conditions common with FASD.  Subscribe so you never miss another episode.

This week we are back with my friend Dr Jerrod Brown with a brand-new series: Threats to Emotional Health. Today Jerrod will dive into the topic of IrritabilityJerrod Brown, Ph.D., M.A., M.S., M.S., M.S. is a professor, trainer, researcher and consultant with multiple years of experience teaching collegiate courses. Jerrod is also the founder and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies (AIAFS) and the Editor-in-Chief of Forensic Scholars Today (FST). HTTPS://www.aiafs.com/Jerrod-Brown-asp

Safeguard your family, reduce your stress, learn more about the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure, intergenerational trauma, and the neurobehavioural model by registering for Patricia Kasper's FREE programs.
MASTER CLASS for Parents and Caregivers
FASCETS Overview Training for Professionals

Join our community of support! Together we will deepen our understanding of FASD & build a community of support.  Support Groups meet monthly on the second Tuesday
Subscribe to the FASD Family Life Community for only $20 / month


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