FASD Family Life

Summer Series: Talk to the Experts - Chris Fillion

Robbie Seale / Chris Fillion Season 1 Episode 21

Welcome to FASD Family Life, the show where we get REAL about raising children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. I am Robbie Seale your host, FASD educator, advocate and mother of four with FASD. I know the struggle is real, and so is success. In this 21st episode of FASD Family Life my guest, Chris Fillion, a 36 yr old with FASD and ADHD will share his perspective on growing up in foster care and the unfortunate events that unfolded when he aged out of care. Without adequate supports Chris struggled, and as a vulnerable youth he was easily led into mischief that ultimately led to criminal charges and prison.  But his story does not end there. Get yourself a cup of coffee and buckle up its going to be a bumpy ride from adversity to advocacy.  Today Chris is married, owns his own car, and is the Executive Director of a start up not for profit called WEAREYOU to serve at-risk-youth with a disability in his community of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Chris will tell you the struggle is REAL and so is success.

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