
Direct to Consumer services and the shift towards OTT Streaming

March 25, 2021 KitPlusTV Season 3 Episode 39

The shift towards OTT streaming - and particularly Direct to Consumer services - is not up for dispute. This was true before the pandemic – and even more so as a consequence of it.
80% of consumers in the US now subscribe to at least one paid streaming video service, according to Deloitte Insights, June 2020. This staggering number goes a long way to demonstrate the rapidly evolving media landscape and consumer viewing preferences.

Today, we are speaking to Erik Ramberg, who is VP, Head of Global Business Development at MediaKind. Erik will be walking us through why the popularity of DTC services has seen such a sharp rise, how they can potentially benefit broadcasters and content owners, and what future service models might look like in the future.

25 March 2021