SoundBalming with Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields

Student Loans Are the Devil

Shatavia Elder

It’s been one week since federal authorities announced that 50 people — including actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman — participated in a massive scam focused on getting wealthy children accepted to elite universities.

The scandal has sparked an intense discussion about wealth, privilege, and access to America’s most selective schools. But the ongoing fallout, and other recent stories about race-conscious admissions at Harvard and growing racial disparities in New York City’s selective high schools, provide a chance to examine a larger issue: how racial, educational, and economic inequality and discrimination collide to create a system where low-income students of color — particularly black and Hispanic students — struggle to access a quality education.

Well, the average student doesn't have wealthy families and don't have trust funds. Therefore, they have to apply for student loans. In Student Loans Are The Devil, educational leader, and author Shatavia Elder combines a deeply personal narrative of her own journey through student loan debt along with practical strategies that will help you. No matter where you are on this journey, this book and interview are geared to help you create personalized solutions to lessen the mental burden of the debt and to develop specific skills to help you use your past experiences and your debt as a foundation of your future freedom. Your financial freedom toward a more purposeful life is within your reach.

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