IP Talk with Wolf Greenfield

Chelsea Loughran on Practicing Law from Home

John Episode 1

Practicing law is challenging and time-consuming under the most ideal circumstances. So it goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has required a new way of working to ensure clients are serviced to the fullest extent.

However, for many, juggling work and family demands—all within the same four walls—is an entirely new challenge. Chelsea Loughran, a shareholder in the litigation group at Wolf Greenfield, is a married mom with two young children, and like many of us, she’s navigated the new normal through trial and error. She recently shared her unique perspective on IP Talk with Wolf Greenfield. 

  • 01:00 - What Chelsea’s home and work life was like prior to March of last year
  • 01:55 - There were a number of home and work-related discussions to prepare for a fully remote environment
  • 04:47 - The challenge of being a work-from-home attorney and a parent
  • 07:19 - One of the clearest challenges has been conducting virtual depositions
  • 09:01 - How Chelsea has adapted to other work duties
  • 11:08 - Chelsea shares a story about an unexpected visit during a webinar
  • 13:51 - The takeaways and benefits she’s noticed over the last year