IP Talk with Wolf Greenfield

The Diverse Occupational Backgrounds of IP Law

Wolf Greenfield Episode 5

Career paths aren’t always a straight line, something Adam Zeiger can attest to. The Wolf Greenfield associate has a background in engineering and science, but a chance meeting led him toward the legal profession. 

Without question, Adam’s story is not unusual—many have channeled their expertise in a wide variety of areas to pursue a career in IP law. In this episode of IP Talk with Wolf Greenfield, Adam explains why transitioning from science to law made sense and why he finds it so rewarding. 

00:53 - Adam shares his career goals before going into IP law.

03:47 - There were skills that proved to be applicable in both science and law.

05:34 - Adam on areas of the legal industry that required a little more training in getting used to.

07:27 - What makes IP law so unique is the diverse occupational backgrounds many attorneys bring to the table. 

08:47 - Adam talks about the benefits of working in IP.