IP Talk with Wolf Greenfield

Learning More About the Wolf Greenfield Tech Spec Program

Wolf Greenfield Episode 9

Many Wolf Greenfield attorneys were accomplished professionals in other fields before pursuing a career in IP law. A great number of them went through the firm’s technology specialist—or tech spec—program. A technology specialist translates into words the often complex work of inventors who are experts in their fields. At Wolf Greenfield, our technology specialists interact with clients frequently and are visible members of our client teams. 

 In this episode of IP Talk, Shareholder and Wolf Greenfield tech spec program alum Heather DiPietrantonio shares her experience and advice to those considering the program.

00:58 - What the tech spec program consists of

 01:35 - Why someone might want to make the transition to IP law

 02:42 - Heather discusses her journey from science to Wolf Greenfield

 03:53 - The ideal qualities of a tech spec candidate

 04:35 - Benefits of the tech spec program

05:23 - Heather addresses challenges of the program and how to overcome them

06:46 - Along with a wealth of knowledge, the tech spec program helps build relationships

07:22 - Advice to someone considering the tech spec program