Signposts for Living with Dr Kirsten Hunter

Are you creating guilt in your child. Co-presenter Kristen Coggan

Dr Kirsten Hunter

Podcast: Are you creating guilt in your child. Co-presenter Kristen Coggan

Guilt is the strangest emotional state and thinking process. As parents, it's extraordinary how easy it is to set our child up to feel guilt. Perhaps we are programmed to feel guilt ourselves from our childhood, our culture or our religion. But guilt is a problem. Guilt can lead us to make choices that are not our own, choices that are based on blind obligation, not to mention the emotional toll. 

How often do you feel guilt, how often do you make decisions to avoid feeling guilt? But perhaps most importantly, are you accidentally parenting your child through guilt? 

This is an unspoken problem, it was really interesting where Kristen and I ended up on this one.