A Server's Journey

Foster Parenting with Wilson Wallace (Part 2)

Rocky DeStefano

Part two of our episode on foster parenting, ministry, and what was next for the Wallaces when they left the foster parenting world. 

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Speaker 1:

The surgery. Is it my turn? Is it my turn? It's your turn lane. We want to welcome everybody to a server's journey with Rocky does the phono, you know, the program is built on that. Someone's leading something or someone and thus it's called a server's journey. It's right. Larry, thanks again for introducing us and for being here. Uh, as Larry mentioned, all of us are on a journey and, uh, we really want to help you become a better leader. And today, Larry, again, we're kind of, kind of talk about, it's part two with Wilson Wallace who, um, has been a longtime foster parent and we've got some more adventure waiting to hear about. And you know, you, you, you call him Wally. I mean, I do. I slip into college and you had me all confused there when we were getting ready to do these programs because I didn't know we were talking about, well, his distinguished name is, his name is Wilson Wallace. Yeah. And we call them Wally. Wally, what's your why? Oh, well, but, and last week he talked about being a foster parents, right. For 21 years. 21 years. Yeah. Can you imagine the number of lives that were changed in that time? It's pretty incredible. How many kids did they have at a time? Six or 12. So the house actually held 13, but he didn't have 13 all the time. But I bet they helped hundreds of kids and think of the lives that were changed. Absolutely. Wow. Speaking about lives that were changed, Larry. Yes. We want to talk and remind our listeners about paper for water. It's a great story. They can find all about, um, the paper for water organization on our website@serversjourney.com and they can hear the, the episode, which was August 28th if they'd want to go back and listen to Catherine Adams tell about it. And we've partnered with them and it's one of the rare times that we will say donate to a great cause. Right. And they actually, the two girls started this paper to water and they've raised over one point$5 million to, to help, uh, 200 water projects in 20 countries, including America, which I found to be shocking that even in America we still have places without water, but they have fundamentally changed the lives of over 65,000 people in the world. That is fantastic. That's what this program's about to, is helping people's lives to be changed. These two girls were definitely servant leaders. So check out their story on our website@aservicejourney.com and you can find out more about him. And his Rocky said, please donate. There's a donate button on our website, which we don't put up all the time, but for this we partnered with them. And speaking of our website, we want to really think ACS, creative. Um, when it comes to creating a website, it pays to go to the prowl. They did a great job on ours and they do brochures, logos, direct mail, ad campaigns and websites. And they don't play games with your money. They get to know you and they don't play games with your money. That's a C S CRE 80 my favorite part of the show. Larry, you like the music or, I do. I like everything about Epic moments on leadership. Okay, well we've got a wild one today for you. So Larry, talk about the headline. You know, there was a survey done and the survey said, if I could find it on my script, well the headline was bosses have no idea in what we do on a daily basis. Yeah, no, I was wondering about that because you owning two different restaurants and a hundred people that are working for you, is it true that they, the employees, you know, they think you don't know what's going on. I think they're probably right in that, in that there are some things that I no longer have any idea about, but I, you know, thankfully Chick-fil-A is, you know, a restaurant and so I have a[inaudible] pretty good idea of what they're doing. But one of the good things about your restaurant and you and Chick-fil-A is you ha as a owner operator what you are, you have to be involved in it. You can't other major franchises guys go on and buy the franchise and never put their hand in it. Right? Right. They don't know. They just say, Oh, there's a money thing, you know? Well, and I hope that this would lead to a different result from a survey in our store. Cause this survey found that employees, um, thought that bosses had no idea what they really did on a daily Bassett of basis. Um, in fact, um, one in three employee felt like their managers were totally oblivious about the jobs that they do. Well, sometimes I can see that. I mean, yes, you managers, you have so many things to think about and it's that day to day operation. Yes. That, that uh, that gets us mundane as we call it. But it's the be that kind of boss. It's the thing that makes things happen. Yeah. Don't forget to make the main thing the main thing. Right. So I think we need to, it's time for us to get into the meat of this program. What do you say? Yeah, I agree with you. And you know, this episode we're going to, I really find out about, um, we know we've talked in depth about his, his 21 years as a foster parent, but today we're going to talk about, um, why he entered his time with WinShape and what was next for him. So talk about, um, you know, cause saying that you were a foster parent for 21 years, it, it means that you're not any more talk about, um, what happened to kind of end your time with, uh, WinShape and kind of the new opportunity that God's provided for you?

Speaker 2:

Well, as you know, Wednesday that the time was for, it was really compress to go and, and they, um, they decided to, you know, I think shorten the program a little bit too. I think I read or know all the reasonings that it was a, a time for our home to be, um, to be closed. And, um, I don't know all the details.

Speaker 1:

Right, but you Def, you definitely felt like it was, you know, spiritually it was a time for you guys to move on.

Speaker 2:

It definitely. And it was really godless, really at work. Um, in June of 2017, uh, we were on vacation here in st John and this was kind of like our favorite little spot on the planet that we would come to every few years and bombed. I had this feeling we just couldn't shake it. We really felt like God was calling us to Saint John and it doesn't make sense because, you know, administrative salary is not a phenomenal base salary and it's expensive to live here, but we really just couldn't shake this calling to move here to be a part of st John.

Speaker 1:

So now what, somebody doesn't know about you, but they will because we're going to get a picture and put it up on your[inaudible] on our website too. I don't picture Wally in the beach together because Wally is quite possibly the widest human being on earth. Is that fair to say? I mean, you know, he burns very easy, very fair skinned. Um, so I'm intrigued that, um, God course has a sense of humor and, um, you know, brought you all the way to a very hot, a very tropical climate. So

Speaker 2:

yes, he does. Well, we, it was June of 2017 we were on vacation. We really felt called to be here. It didn't make sense, but we just started and, and my prayer was on my board, you leave, we'll follow. It doesn't make sense that you, you make it happen. And so that was our heart. And um, in August, 2017, uh, we left WinShape and, uh, and then right after that, the storms came, uh, Irma and Maria and it decimated the Island. Well, we thought, well, maybe we missed it, or, um, but I reached out to a pastor on Island, uh, pastor up press warrants or, and he said, you know, you can't come yet. There's not, there's no places to live. I said, we were going to try to come October, November. And he said, you can't, not ready. And so we just started praying and we really felt that we were supposed to be here. It was a leap of faith. We put our, uh, things on a boat. Our, our belongings were on a boat. Our Jeep was on a boat because you need a Jeep here. And, uh, so we said, fail for, uh, our, the earth stuff that fail. We flew down and stayed for a week, and during that week we found a place to live. And then, uh, our, our car, our Jeep made it, our thing, made it and moved it into our apartment. And then Robin went back for a couple of weeks, came back with Lily and may of 2018, um, may have got, we've been here, so it's been a year and a half,

Speaker 1:

which is, it's been a very fast year and a half. I know when you mentioned to us, and you mentioned Steve and a few of us from college, when you told us that you were considering, um, this big move, to be honest, I, I didn't know how to feel. I was a little bit skeptical of, wow. I mean, that's a huge move. It's something that, um, they've never done and it's pretty far away from Atlanta. Um, and I can't believe it's already been well over a year.

Speaker 2:

You know, we had a praying and we had to really make sure that we weren't manufacturing that and we wanted to make sure that we were doing what God wanted us to do. And if God calls you to something, you'll make it happen. And we wanted to make sure that he got the credit because it doesn't make sense for us to be here. Um, but God opened doors and we talked to people on Island. It, things that we found firing an apartment in one day just doesn't happen here. And cause long term housing is really hard to find. I, it is a beautiful place to live, but it's really expensive grocery wise. And we wanted to make sure too that we weren't, um, kinda running away in a, in a, in escaping. Um, but as we got here, there aren't a lot of needs here on the Island. And, uh, we know where right, where God has called us to be.

Speaker 1:

Yes. Yes. So talk about, um, cause I know that, you know, it's hard to, uh, you know, you, when you hear it from God, there's always doubts of whether, like you said you're manufacturing it or whether it's really God's boys. Um, has there been any, uh, things that have kind of happened that you've realized? No, this was what God had for us. Cause I know that you are, um, actively, uh, teaching and being an on staff of a church. And you're also at a school too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we, um, and I met with the pastor, um, uh, John Hill. He's the pastor of freshwater church. And as we started to me, he started to share with me some of the prayers that they had been praying as a church and they were praying for a like-minded man to come and, and join the church to be part of the church and ultimately be an elder via co-pastor. And, um, and I wasn't seeking that and that he showed me that. And you know, I think maybe you might be that person

Speaker 1:

Senator. Talk about, talk about freshwater church. Is it a prototypical church? Like what you would see in America.

Speaker 2:

It is not a typical church you see in America. It's refreshing. We have,

Speaker 1:

we're going to put some, uh, pictures on our website so you can see. Um, I always loved seeing the pictures that you post of having a church service and, and you guys kind of meet in a very different place.

Speaker 2:

We made, we made at Hawksnest speak at in st John and we rent one of the pavilion from the national park. And so our backdrop is the Caribbean sea and it is definitely a beautiful service. Uh, it is very, it's a very laid back service. We, we've had over 1200 visitors this year alone. And uh, and that's one of our big ministry. Um, the church was really instrumental in a lot of disaster relief and that was before I came. And, um, so as we have come on board, uh, my, I've got, I help teach, I'll preach, but um, it's just, uh, we are a real existing church and a church plant. We're about six years old and, uh, we have about 20 members that we've had over 1200 visits this year. And very unique. Yes, a really unique church.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So, um, what do you, and you're also teaching at a school, talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Uh, I was invited to do with little chapel server at this little Christian school, um, st John Christian Academy, and we currently have about 60 students, but the pastor at our talking is, uh, he worked at a little church of boils to picture a church and say those Georgia called new hope after, well, I was on staff for a summer, was[inaudible] and he said he's not, I've got big cause he's a, you know, Indian or West Indian. I wonder. And he said, I have the kid in me. And he said, I worked there at new hope. And so there was a new connection then.

Speaker 1:

Well, you had intended that your family had attended new hope for how long?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my sister's still on staff. They're probably over 30 years. 35 years. Yeah. So she's, um, but you know, family there. Um, and so he started, we started talking about Georgia and new hope. And so the pastor of the church, that's the foster school, he's the principal. And so he started to talk to Robin and I about, you know, being, you teachers are come on fast. And so I, I'm a sixth grade teacher. I teach, I have four students this year, had two students last year and uh, Robin, um, she works with third grade, second or third grade and she also works in the office. Uh, so she's a little bit of the cheap runs, everything phenomenal.

Speaker 1:

So, so that, that must've felt somewhat like God's saying, Hey, you're in the right place when you meet this gentleman and there's a connection immediately to fulfill.

Speaker 2:

We knew we were in the right place when, um, we were in, we were waiting for the children to arrive. And then the children start coming in as K four through sixth grade and all of these children start coming in. And we both hear that, well, I'm not like for each other. We started crying. Well then they were happy tears because we, we knew that God had opened up another door for us and to serve people here in st John.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So talk about, you know, uh, Wilson it seems, and I apologize if I call you Wally in college. Um, it was Wally, um, or, or other names, but you know, we'll keep, we'll keep this[inaudible]. Um, and I'm, you know, they called me some names too, but, um, if at T as a very peculiar Indian name that I'm not allowed to, uh, share, but uh,

Speaker 2:

Oh, actually, yeah, I'm the smiling puppy.

Speaker 1:

There you go. So when he worked camp at WinShape, they're given a, an Indian name and he was the smiling puppy, which if you know him and if you can probably hear it in his voice, it's a very fitting, um, name for sure. But what I'm intrigued about is I, you know, I mentioned you've always had this servant attitude, but I'm curious as what do you think, like, what's the most compelling reason for you and Robin to have served in so many different ways over these years? What, what motivates you to do that?

Speaker 2:

Really, we, we just really want to do what God wants us to do and we want to follow her, him. And we really have boiled down the secret of life is love God and love people. And as I love God and have my relationship with him, it overflows into other. And we want to communicate that and point others to Jesus through how we serve them, how we care for them and how we do things and to every stage of our life or our adult life, married life, we just simply wanted to make it different. And it's not us individually, it's just we're just doing what God wants to do and God has done amazing things through us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it sounds

Speaker 2:

like it. And I think it's been a pretty, you know, when we graduated college, I don't know that any of us had a real clear idea of exactly what God had for us. I know I was going to law school. I know you were really unsure of what was your next step. Um, so it's pretty interesting to see, um, this many years later how God has used you in a Robyn, um, kind of service. You don't use anybody if he can use me, you can use anybody.

Speaker 1:

So I, um, you know, I, I really appreciate having you on the show Wilson and I think that, uh, you are like, as I said, just the epitome of what a servant leader is. Um, so I, I we are going to move onto our next section if we could. Um, and I don't know if you probably listened to the show hopefully, but we are, have a part of our show called this one or that one. And I kind of put you into two. I give you two different things and I ask you which one you prefer and I'm, I'm maybe Y we'll get to know you a little better. Yeah. So, sure. So first one I'm going to say is hot dogs or hamburgers and you've got to tell me why.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Colleen, um, probably hamburgers cause there's a awesome joint here that uh, athletic oriented. Imagine a tropical version of five guys and you have this restaurant that's here on Island.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Now I'm sure it's a little bit more expensive than mainland.

Speaker 2:

It's run them are affordable right there on the Island. But everything else. Yeah, everything else is pretty expensive.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So now let's talk about um, Christmas or Halloween.

Speaker 2:

A Christmas all the way.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Now tell me why. Cause I know it, you know, I was reading an article the other day how Halloween is now. Um, people are spending billions each year on costumes and decorations. And I think back to when we were a kid, we threw a pumpkin outside. My parents dressed us in a sheet and that was it. That was our Halloween. But talk to me about why you love Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Christmases. It's nostalgia. One of my very favorite memories ever was, it was my first Christmas of working sick, Calais and I was able to buy, um, buy something for my mom and my sisters. And I still remember, um, my mom was a lot older. She was born in the 20s and so she needed some comfortable shoes. So I bought her from Naturalizer. She used her in the mall and she cried. And I bought my sister a study Bible if she had wanted. And so we all three just cried like babies that Christmas morning. Um, that this is a patient and watching children at Christmas and just the, the beauty of Christmas and the message of Christmas that Jesus was willing to come to earth for a M I love Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do too. All right. Um, so let's go with a favorite sport and I'm going to throw out there baseball or football, but you're, you're more than able to deviate from, um, those two sports if you have a different one.

Speaker 2:

Golly. Well, I love football. I love baseball. I'm a diehard Atlanta Braves fan. Atlanta Falcons fan, a Georgia bulldog fan. Um, but I, and I didn't think I would get into this, but in 1999 I got into NASCAR, so I liked NASCAR too.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was going, I was going to wonder if you were gonna mention NASCAR cause I knew that that's something that I have not been able to get into. People swear, they swear to me if I ever go to a live event that I will become a fan. But, uh, I, I just can't see myself liking NASCAR. So

Speaker 2:

it's such an amazing event. And I, I've loved going to NASCAR races. Um, I actually was, I was decked out in all my math car year and I was in the stand, like, I apologize to me for cussing because he said I was a Christian and I kind of laughed,

Speaker 1:

so, okay, let's go on. And so we're going to say Harry Potter or star Wars,

Speaker 2:

star Wars. You gotta go with the fourth?

Speaker 1:

Well, I think it's just our generation attrition. I just went, we took our great nephews, which is hard for me to admit that I'm a great uncle, but, um, and it's a great, in age, not in like a status. I don't know that I'm a great uncle, but I am old enough to be one. But we went to Galaxy's edge at Disney and we got to, I got to fly the millennium Falcon and let me tell you what, I was a fan boy all over again. So I agree with you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that would be awesome.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so final question. We always like to find out about musical taste. So what I say is a rock and roll or Broadway,

Speaker 2:

uh, rock and roll, even though I'm not a big rock guy. Um, you know, I'm big into Christian music, but, uh, you know, Robin is probably in the Broadway, but I'm definitely into rock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know you, you, you like a good story. So I know that, um, Broadway probably there's probably some that you like, but I definitely remember your liking country music

Speaker 2:

a little bit. And it's funny, we liked country music here because it reminds us of the South.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes. Well, I want to thank you very much, uh, Wally for being a Wilson, for being on the show. I think you've, uh, uh, truly lived the life that is serving others. I know that you're a humble man. You're not gonna admit to that. But, um, I've been really, uh, uh, amazed at watching your life and I think it's partly because, um, I chased money and you listened to God. Um, and I, I'm, I'm kind of joking that a little bit. Um, you know, I definitely felt like I was called the Chick-Filet. Um, but, uh, I, I've always been amazed at people like you that have sacrificed a lot in the sacrifice, a lot of your own personal, um, things in order to follow the call of God. So I really want to thank you for being on the show Wilson. All right, well, Wilson, we wanna thank you so much for being on the show. Like I can tell you, I've always been amazed at people like you that, you know, have sacrificed a lot, a lot in your own personal, um, in order to follow the call of God. I think that's something to be very, uh, proud of and young. He did it, what, 21 years ago or more? Yeah, he was 22 maybe when he heard the call. So, and, and again, I emphasize again, I'm going, he lives impact, impacted and changed from fallen. How many lights will still be impacted cause is that done yet? Wilson's got a quite a long life ahead of him. That is fantastic. Well thank you for bringing him to the show. Of course. I appreciate that. And uh, we want to thank everyone for joining us here on a server's journey. As always, we asked you to leave, um, comments, give us reviews, tell us what you want to hear on the show. Uh, we listened very intently to what you have to say. And again, uh, I'd suggest if you need help with your website, you can do what we did. Context ACS, creative. They don't play games with your money and check out the story of paper for water and donate and help them change lives with water. And then so Rocky, until next time, I know we've got a great show coming up next week. Oh, this, you said this show next week is going to be my favorite of all. It's going to be your favorite of all times. So wait for it. Until then. I am your ever faithful companion. Larry and I am Rocky testify now. As always, I want to thank everybody for coming along on this journey. We believe that everybody leads and we want to help you be somebody worth following.

Speaker 3:
