A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Are You Worth Following?

Rocky DeStefano

Are you someone to follow? Rocky breaks down some of the key quick tips to being the best servant leader you can be. From humility in the workplace to holding yourself to the same standards that you hold for your team, uncover how you can polish your professionalism as you head into work this morning. 

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Speaker 1:

Yes. Yeah.[inaudible]

Speaker 2:

this is your server's moment. Every moment is a part of a server's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm Rocky testifying now and here is today's server's moment. Make no mistake about it. You're getting ready to go into battle, so here's something that you can do today to be a better leader. On a recent episode of a service journey, Rocky to funnel was challenged by what is servant leadership. Do you serve as your team or do you serve the corporation? Because I don't think serving your team and serving those above you are mutually exclusive. I think that a world exist where you can do both at the same time just because you have a title. Are you any better? First of all, we're not better than anybody because of our position or our title. The fact that I owned the store doesn't make me more important than the people that work for me. I think a lot of places struggle to keep team members and I think they do because in their mind they do feel they're more important. And that's a, it's a faulty mindset. You've got to get rid of that. There is honor and dignity in serving the people beneath you. And serving means being respectful for who you work with people, we'll excuse my bad behavior because I'm their boss. And so here's what I mean by that. Uh, this past week I missed a meeting and I missed a meeting cause I'm a bonehead. I just didn't put it in my phone and I was talking to the person and apologizing for missing it and they said, Oh, don't worry about it. I know how busy you are. And so I was quick to tell them everybody's busy and that's no excuse for me to be a bonehead. A servant leader needs to know how to serve and to care for the people he works with. When people feel served, when they know that you care, and when they know what the boundaries are, most times they work harder because they want to serve the person who is serving them. They want that person to succeed. So as Rocky ends each program are you somebody to follow and that's it. That's it for this moment. I just want to remind you that on Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a server's journey and you can subscribe and join us each and every week. I'm Rocky DeSteffano. Thanks for joining with us. As together we learn to be better leaders.