A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: "Blossoming"

Rocky DeStefano

A message and example to be used today

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Speaker 1:

This is the, this is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm rocky Desteffano and here is today's servers moment. Hey guys, make no mistake about it.

Speaker 2:

You're about to get ready to go into a battle zone. So here is something that you can do today to be a better server. Okay, this idea is called blossoming and I'm going to have to give you an example of it, but let me just started off by saying it's a way of thanking somebody deeply and so it's not your casual. Hey, thank you. What it is is recognizing that somebody has done something that only they could bill. So let me give you an example. My daughter Abby, she is a kind soul and what I mean by that is when she sees somebody who's new to school or somebody who is maybe feeling a little bit awkward in a certain situation, she is great at going up to that person and including them, making them feel very cared for. So if I was going to play this out with abby, I would sit her down. I'd make sure that she had my. I said she was looking at me and I would slow it down and I would say, abby, I noticed that you included that young woman who felt awkward today and let me tell you something. I could tell a mile away that she just didn't feel good about herself. But you walked over there and you grabbed her and grabbed her by the hand and you said, hey, I'm abby. Come on over here and join up with my friends today. You did something that nobody else did. And that's the idea of blossoming. And it's a little bit different than just thinking somebody casually. Because in this situation you are being very, very specific. And really, if you do this with your child, that's fantastic, but if you do this with a coworker, an employee, what you're telling that person is that you are doing something that nobody else in this company can do. And that's it. That's the moment for today. So I want to remind you that on every Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a server's journey and you can subscribe and join us each week. Thanks for joining with us as together we learned to be better leaders.