A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Everyone Loves a Gift Card

Rocky DeStefano

See what a gift card will do to help being a leaderd

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Speaker 1:

This is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm rocky. Testify no, and here is today's servers moment. Make no mistake about it. Everybody.

Speaker 2:

You are getting ready to go into battle, so we're going to give you something that you can do today to be a better leader and a, this one's a little bit different and it's going to cost you just a little bit, but it's a really fun one and it's a way to allow other people in on the action and in on the fun too. And the great thing about this one is if you do it enough, you'll begin to create a culture where it happens by itself, but it's going to cost you this a little bit of money. So on your way into work today or on your way home from school, stop in. I want you to get a couple gift cards,$5 gift cards to starbucks or a$5 target gift card. Anything that you want to get, so today when you get to work, I want you to pull aside any team member and if you can, try to pick somebody that maybe this would be a struggle for, but you give them the gift card and you allow them to get in on the reward of other people. So now set the stage. Let them know this is your gift card to give to anybody that you recognize as going above and beyond, and this is a huge thing because first of all, they're playing with house money. They're not having to come out of their pocket at all. They get to be the hero which everybody loves to do, and you'll be amazed at how excited they'll get to think and reward another member of the team. And that's it for this moment. I want to remind you that on every Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a survivor's journey and we want you to subscribe and join us each and every week. Thanks for joining with us. As together, we learned to be better leaders.