A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Mary Kay Proves Flying Isn't Impossible

Rocky DeStefano

A little history about Mary Kay Ashe.

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This is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm rocky, gets to final, and here is today's servers moment. Make no mistake about it. You're getting ready to you. Go into battle. So here's something that you can do today to be a better leader. Mary Kay ash started Mary Kay in 1963 to provide women with the kind of opportunity she thought were being denied women in the 19 sixties, she and her son built a multilevel marketing company to the sixth largest network marketing company in the world in 2015 with a wholesale value of three point$7,000,000,000. What did she do in the beginning? Mary Kay ash had chosen in the beginning as a corporate symbol. The bumblebee, as any aerodynamics engineer, will tell you, the bumblebees can't fly. It's wings are too small to lift its body, but since none of the engineers bothered to tell the Bumblebee, it flies anyway. So Mary Kay cosmetics flew away. This commitment from the top and devotion carried Mary Kay as a recognized leader and a good servant leader. So what kind of leader are you going to be today? And that's it. That's it for this moment. I just want to remind you that on Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a server journey and you can subscribe and join us each and every week. I'm rocky desteffano. Thanks for joining with us. As together we learned to be better leaders.