A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Praise A Team Member Today

Rocky DeStefano

Don't just review you team members, but get to know them.

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Speaker 1:

This is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so today it's a little bit different. It's not necessarily a game you're going to play or anything you're going to do with counting or whatever, but I want you to be very cognizant today as you enter your work environment that employees need to know how they're doing. So I want you to look around and I want you to find opportunities today to provide feedback to your team employees. They want to know how they're doing and not only that they deserve it and they deserve not only positive, but they also deserve constructive feedback to and servant leaders realize that the importance of talking to their employees, you have to praise them when they do well, but you also have to sit down and review their performance when it's maybe not as stellar, but you have to do it in an honoring way. So today, while you're at work, please be cognizant and search out opportunities to provide feedback back. And that's it. That's it for this moment. I just want to remind you that on Wednesday we do a deep dive here at a survivor's journey and you can describe and join us each and every one. I'm rocky destefano. Thanks for joining with us together. We learned to be better.