A Server's Journey

A Server's Moment: Conversation Without A Motive

Rocky DeStefano

Take time out of your day to start a conversation with a coworker without an agenda. 

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Speaker 1:

This is your servers moment. Every moment is a part of a survivor's journey and we hope this moment will be motivational for you, for your journey of serving your customers, your coworkers, or your family. I'm rocky, gets the final and here is today's servers moment. Make no mistake about it. You're getting ready to go. You go into battle, so here's something that you can do today to be a better leader, but I want you to do is think about the last time that you actually sat down and had a conversation with somebody on your team that didn't have an ulterior motive. Think about that. When was the last time that you just sat down and made time for them and chatted about something that was non work related? How is it possible that your team can feel appreciated if the leader isn't making time for them? For instance, the other day I had a chance to sit down with one of my team and we talked about her daughter who had just started kidding garden. The mom had all the normal worries about whether they're a kid could keep up or whether they were too young to be in kindergarten at this point or whether they should have held them back a year because of the way the birthday fell. There was all this anxiety around something super important in their life and I would have missed it if I hadn't sat down just to have a few moments of conversation. The reality is she felt empowered and she felt cared for and we both left the conversation feeling better about our workspace, so that's it. Really simple. Find a person and have a conversation without the motives easy as anything, and that's it. That's it for this moment. I just want to remind you that on Wednesday we do a deep dye queue at a server's journey and you can subscribe and join us each and every week. I'm rocky testify. No thanks for joining with us. As together we learned to be better leaders.