That Tech Pod

What Is Your Data Worth? The Cost Of Online Information Explained With Global Digital & Innovation Policy Expert, Piper Crowell

Laura Milstein and Gabriela Schulte

Today on That Tech Pod, Laura and Gabi speak to Piper Crowell. Piper currently works inhouse for an American multinational corperation on privacy and digital policy issues. Seperately, she was appointed by Governor Brown as a council member of the Oregon Innovation Council. For the state of Oregon, she also serves on the Futures Commission, contributing to a comprehensive set of policy measures for a statewide 10-year Innovation Plan.

Previously, Piper worked at Pandora Media leading outreach to Congress and federal agencies on issues relating to streaming media platforms, apps, e-commerce, and online advertising. Before Pandora, Piper was the Campaign Manager for Congressman Jared Huffman’s 2012 campaign and subsequently, Piper served as the Congressman’s Legislative Director in DC, serving the 2nd district of California.

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