The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast

Nailing Your Niche

Dr Andy + Dr Jacinta Season 1 Episode 6

Nailing our niche played such an important role in our business success.

But when we first started it felt so overwhelming and confusing.

We thought if niched too much, we would be limiting ourselves and the clients we could serve.

But we quickly learnt that without a clearly defined niche, you end up serving no one.

Yes, if you try to attract everyone…

You actually end up attracting no one. 

So in today’s episode we’re sharing some tips to help you nail your niche.

This will help you to be clear on who you’re serving. To repel the people you don’t want and magnetise the people you do want.

So if you’re ready to nail your niche - let’s begin. 

Things You’ll Learn in This Episode of Hustle With Heart:

  • Why having a clear defined niche is so important for business success
  • How to create a clear and defined niche for your business so that you are magnetic to your ideal customer 
  • How to understand the wants and needs of your client or customer so that you can serve them in the best way possible

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