The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast

Cultivating a strong team culture

July 05, 2021 Dr Andy + Dr Jacinta Season 1 Episode 9

Everyone who’s in business wants a cohesive team, where everybody loves coming to work and they all get along - like a family.

And if you want a team culture like that - you need to cultivate it.

As the saying goes “the grass is greener where you water it” - so you need to put time, energy and a lot of love into your team to build a strong team culture.

At Open Space Healing, what we’ve created is magical.

It’s something that every client who walks through the door...takes the time to tell us that they feel better when they walk into the space and that they love everyone in our team.

That doesn’t happen by accident. In fact we’ve very systematically put things in place to create that strong team culture.

So if you want to cultivate a strong team culture too - we’re going to share exactly what we did in our business so you can create the same.

Let’s get started.

Things You’ll Learn in This Episode of Hustle With Heart:

  • Why having a strong team culture is GOLD when it comes to having a business that flows with ease and serves your customers
  • How the small things make a BIG impact and can help you build a business family 
  • How to bring every team member together to strive towards a common goal
  • The exact process we used to create our cultural words 

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