The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast

How to connect with source for alignment and guidance

October 04, 2021 Dr Andy + Dr Jacinta Season 1 Episode 22

We’ve been wanting to do this episode for a while and funnily enough, it’s something that we actually wrote down in our initial brainstorm...while we were connecting with source!

You may be full bottle with all the woo woo and have this down packed, or, you may be thinking, what planet are we on!

No matter which you are, we know today’s episode will be of benefit to you and we wholeheartedly attribute our business success to connecting with source.

It’s been a guiding light for us, opened channels, helped us make decisions with clarity and certainty, and bring in opportunities we couldn’t have imagined!

And if you’re a left brain logical mind - don’t worry we’ve got some tangible tips for you too!

So if you’re ready to connect with source for alignment and guidance - let’s dive in.

Things You’ll Learn in This Episode of Hustle With Heart:

  • What is source? 
  • How to connect with it to help you stay in alignment with your soul and help you succeed in business
  • Our favourite ways that we personally apply this in our business and life to give us alignment, clarity and purpose

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