The Wealthy Wellness Business Podcast

The strategy of protecting your energy to avoid burnout

Dr Andy + Dr Jacinta Season 1 Episode 28

You know how much emphasis we put on leaning into what feels good in business and preserving your energy as the business owner.

Let’s face it, the old 100% hustle model is old and outdated.

What’s the point of the grind, the sweat and tears if you’re left feeling like a shell of your former self?

It is enough to make you want to give up on your business and place it in the too hard basket.

We KNOW how much you love your business, and that you’re an ambitious entrepreneur - but sometimes we can disown our own wellbeing in pursuit of our dreams.

And if you’re in this headspace right now - where you’re feeling BURIED under the weight of your to-do list, the expectations and money worries in your business - we’re here to help!

Because we've  been there.

It’s important to protect your own wellbeing and energy as a business owner because YOU are the needle mover therefore ensuring your cup is FULL is top priority.

In today’s episode of the Hustle With Heart podcast we’re sharing more on our own personal journey with burnout, the lessons we’ve learnt from it and the strategies you can implement to protect your energy as a business owner.

So let’s dive in.

Things You’ll Learn in This Episode of Hustle With Heart:

  • The mindset shifts that are necessary to cultivate a ‘work smarter rather than harder’ lifestyle
  • Why preserving your energy as the business owner should be a top priority
  • Tools and actions that will help you protect your energy while still being productive in your business
  • Our own personal journey with burnout and the lessons we’ve learnt from it 

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