The Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry podcast to improve hip fracture care.
Sprinting into Acute Rehab: The Upcoming ANZHFR Sprint Audit
Season 1
On this episode is Dr Mitchell Sarkies, a NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow from the Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University shares the upcoming plans for the ANZHFR Sprint Audit in acute rehabilitation.
Suggested references:
1. ANZHFR Sprint Audit page
2. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy: The national physiotherapy hip fracture sprint audit
3. ANZHFR March Newsletter
Please contact our Australian Registry Manager Jamie Hallen on j.hallen@neura.edu.au if your site would like to take part in this ANZHFR Sprint Audit.
Please note that due to the QLD Public Health Act requirement, QLD-based hospitals are not able to participate in the patient-level audit.