Implementing a change project in the Philippines
This podcast episode is hosted for the ANZHFR by former Registry Manager, Elizabeth Armstrong. On this episode, Elizabeth discusses with Dr Irewin Tabu the development and implementation of the Multicenter Implementation of Orthogeriatrics and a Fracture Liaison Service for Older People who have sustained a Hip Fracture.
Dr Irewin Tabu is a Consultant in the Department of Orthopaedics at the University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital in Manila, and is Lead Investigator for the project which kicked off on the 1st April this year.
The project launch meeting can be found at: https://www.ffnphil.org/frameworkforasustainabledigitalhealthregistry
The APFFA Hip Fracture Registry toolbox can be found at https://apfracturealliance.org/hfr-toolbox/
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