In The Ring With Eusebius McKaiser

Episode 160 - "Eusebius, surely you don't believe Malema is a genuine ally of gay people?!"

Eusebius Season 1 Episode 160

I tweeted a picture of Julius Malema marching to the Uganda embassy where he spoke - with the rainbow flag wrapped around it - condemning the bill criminalising identifying as gay in Uganda.

I accompanied the tweeted image with the following words:

@Julius_S_Malema thanks for showing leadership today and not being worried about homophobic backlash even among some of your supporters online.

Shame on the ANC government for SILENCE.

Doing right isn't about calculating how many 'likes' you'll get.



A friend of mine called me and wondered why I would praise Malema, suggesting rhetorically that Malema and the EFF are weaponsing allyship and not being genuine. They added that they know I *must* know this, so were wondering what the thinking behind my tweet was.

My friend - love him to bits - asked an excellent and important and incisive question.

In this 10 minute audio, I share some of what I told him in my response to him.
