In the Berkhamsted spotlight
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In the Berkhamsted spotlight
Berkhamsted Prep's Headteacher, Jamie Hornshaw (find out what he does in this episode!)
October 20, 2021
Jamie Hornshaw
Season 1
Episode 17
#017 - In this episode of the Berkhamsted Spotlight we’re talking to the Headteacher of Berkhamsted Prep School, Jamie Hornshaw.
Now Jamie knew he wanted to work in the world of education from a very young age which means he was able to follow that path immediately. So you’re about to hear about this and some of the activities children undertake and the benefits these bring. We also get an insight into life as a Headteacher by taking a sneak peek into a typical day of his.
But come with me now as we speak to Berkhamsted Prep Headteacher, Jamie Hornshaw.
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