The Sapio Files

Episode 92: Girl Meets Cancer-- and Emerges a Unicorn

The Sapio Files Season 6 Episode 2

There are few scenarios scarier than being a healthy, active twenty-something woman and hearing the words, "you have cancer". This week, we're talking to blogger and "accidental rare disease advocate" Christina Kosyla- who, as a young, active theatre teacher, actress, and yoga instructor, discovered that she had developed desmoid-type fibromatosis-- an incredibly rare soft tissue sarcoma that few have heard of, and even fewer have been able to diagnose. She's here this week to talk to us about her fascinating journey that has resulted from this diagnosis, how she's managed to stay strong and positive, how the global pandemic affects those with chronic health conditions such as hers, the universality of some of her struggles, why she calls those with her condition "the unicorn squad", and a whole lot more. 

For more on Christina's story, follow her blog at