Vic Ferrari, author of "NYPD: Through The Looking Glass : Stories From Inside America's Largest Police Department" joined co-host George Bauer.
Mr. Ferrari, who hails from The Bronx, and served as a Detective in the NYPD, has written several humorous books about the behind the scenes exploits of New York's finest. His newest book "Confessions of a Catholic High School Graduate", and all of his other great books can be found at
Vic Ferrari, author of "NYPD: Through The Looking Glass : Stories From Inside America's Largest Police Department" joined co-host George Bauer.
Mr. Ferrari, who hails from The Bronx, and served as a Detective in the NYPD, has written several humorous books about the behind the scenes exploits of New York's finest. His newest book "Confessions of a Catholic High School Graduate", and all of his other great books can be found at