Future Smart Parent

How to open doors for your kids to help them succeed in the future - with Graeme Codrington

Jude Foulston Season 1 Episode 3

I invited Graeme Codrington back today as there were some questions I wanted to ask him last week that we just didn’t get to. So in today’s episode, we chat about how Graeme thinks parenting is different now as we prepare our kids for the future and how this shows up in his life as he parents his 3 daughters. As Graeme says during the interview - we are the first generation of parents who know for sure that we don’t know what the future will be like for our kids and that means we have to approach parenting slightly differently!

Graeme is a Dad to 3 daughters, author of Future Proof your Child for the 2020s and beyond, a futurist and expert on the Future of Work at TomorrowToday global.

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Follow Graeme Codrington:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/graemecodrington

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/graemecodrington/

Website: www.graemecodrington.com