Own Every Moment with Peter Hamelin

How to Live a life of GRATITUDE, overcome fear and be present in every moment with Kristi Nelson

Peter Hamelin Season 1 Episode 16

Kristi Nelson, Executive Director of A Network for Grateful Living, is also the author of Wake Up Grateful: The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted. Her life’s work in the non-profit sector has focused on leading, inspiring, and strengthening organizations committed to progressive social and spiritual change. Being a long-time stage IV cancer survivor moves her every day to support others in living and loving with great fullness of heart.

-- What is the Network for Grateful Living. 

--How the path to happiness and joy is being grateful for what is available to us at this moment.

-- Having gratitude is a practice. 

-- Focusing on the basics.  Getting to the root of things we take for granted.

-- How to talk to kids and adults about Gratitude.

-- How to change our mindset from one of having to;  I get to!  Everyday things are privileges that will not always be available to us.

-- How can we focus and enjoy and love the journey not just the finish line.

--What is my insecurity trying to teach me, how can I befriend it, befriend the doubt, the fear to get us on the path to reach our goals, launch our project, grow!

-- Stop, look & Go as a practice.

-- Recognizing when you are not being present is the way to get back to the present. 

-- What pulled her through stage 4 cancer. 

-- What she sees as the Potential for the human race- 

To find out more about Kristi and her work, go to:
For more info about  the work of A The Network for Grateful Living:

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Own Every Moment Podcast