Kanth Mentorship Show

Major Difference between AI/ML Engineer & Data Scientist

April 30, 2020 BEPEC

 Major Difference between AI/ML Engineer & Data Scientist. Actually, there are multiple parameters you can differentiate these two professionals and if you are looking to hire machine learning engineer and shortlisting the data scientist you need to know the actual difference between these two AI specialists. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence where a class of data driven algorithms enables software applications to become highly accurate in predicting outcomes without any need for explicit programming.

  If you want to become a ML engineer you may have options like either continue working as entry level programmer or explore the opportunities into AI filed and become a specialist in big data or machine learning programmer to develop an AI model. 

 If you are ambitious to become a data scientist, you need to gain more education as master/doctorate degree to make your academic skills more strong and gain the capability to analyze and utilize the data for deep learning.

We from BEPEC are ready to help you and make you shift your career at any cost.
Anyone are interested for Career Transition Programs on ML / AI / DL / Data Science
get register here https://www.bepec.in/registration-form

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