Gaia's Dance, Part II
Conversations with Elisabet Sahtouris, scientist, evolution biologist and futurist. Professor Sahtouris is an international sustainability consultant to businesses, government agencies and other organizations. Gaia’s Dance is Elisabet Sahtouris latest book. In this episode she explores Western Science, Vedic Science, and Islamic Science through the keyboard metaphor. She declares that the task of science is choosing the appropriate metaphors because metaphor is the only way to convey the scientific mode.
Enjoy current episodes while we prepare Season 2 with lots of storytelling! Find @credko on Twitter. See alivepodcast.net
Thank you,
Cristina Redko, PhD
Key Sources:
Elisabet Sahtouris. Gaia’s Dance: The Story of Earth & Us, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018
See also http://www.sahtouris.com
Piano pieces interpreted by Justin Allan: “Old French Song” by Tchaikovsky; and “L’Adieu” by George Peter Tingle.
04845 andean flute short melody.wav, CC by 3, Robinhood76, sound effect from Freesound.org
Theme music created by Tim Moor. Source: https://soundcloud.com/tymur-khakimov
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