Dear Poly

Life, Love and Sex off the Binary

January 17, 2022

First I want to say the sound quality in this episode is not great but the content was so valuable to me I wanted to put it out there. In this episode I am following the advice of a good friend that once said "question everything." As I've been on this journey of self exploration I come back to questioning my gender identity but this time with more access to information and a greater understanding of the beautiful spectrum that is gender and gender expression. 
I am so excited to invite Barry Brandon better known as the queer indigo on tik tok and the gram on to discuss life, love and sex off the binary. He is making waves on the internet and jet setting around the globe setting people free of societal gender norms and I couldn't think of anyone better to discuss this topic. I hope it opens your mind, makes you feel not alone or inspires you to question everything. 

Barry Brandon AKA the queer indigo
tik tok :
IG :

Music: What A Wonderful Day by Shane Ivers -