Come to Yourself

Come to Yourself Daily: Lesson 107 - A Course in Miracles

Gretchen O'Neal Season 2022 Episode 107

Come to Yourself Daily is excited to guide you through A Course in Miracles, the groundbreaking text that launched the New Age thought movement. 

If you would like to follow along with the text, you can find a FREE online version from the publisher here:  Or you can purchase a hard copy from online retailers (just make sure you are getting the original BLUE cover versions published by the Foundation for Inner Peace). 

This podcast is not a reading of the text. Gretchen will guide you through the lessons by providing context, examples, exercises, and insights into how you can make the most of these lessons and transform your life into one that is grounded in love, peace, and happiness.

No more resolutions…it’s time to focus on your evolution. Changing WHY you live changes HOW you live.

A Course In Miracles (First Edition – Three Volume Set) is the edition Gretchen is using as the reference material for this podcast.

Gretchen O'Neal is a spiritual accountability and empowerment coach. She holds a Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology with a focus in Applied Spirituality and owns and operates Come To Yourself provides unbiased, easily accessible information from the top scholars in the fields of transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies, coupled with personal insights from successful artists, musicians, and business professionals to anyone looking to start their spiritual journey to discover and serve their soul's mission in life 

Music: "What One Has Done Before, One Now Does For You Once More" from States: Vol. 1, written and performed by Robin Lynn.  All rights reserved and used with permission.

Gretchen ONeal:

Hi, it's Gretchen Welcome to lesson 107. And of course in miracles, today's lesson is, Truth will correct all errors in my mind, Truth will correct all errors in my mind. Let's start with a definition of what is truth. Truth here is referring to the universal concept that we are connected to spirit, and that we have never been separate from spirit. And if we choose to live from that source from Spirit, then we're living our life with love and peace. And then what's an error? An error is the illusion. It's the illusion that there is anything to fear. It's the illusion that you are under attack, that you're vulnerable in any way that you have some limitations, that you are not connected to spirit. Those are all the illusions that we've discussed leading up to this point in the course. So today's lesson is just the sum of all of what we've covered. Truth will correct all the errors in my mind. Once we recognize that truth, all the illusions go away. And we now finally can experience the true reality. We are no longer victim to these perception filters, and these false ideas of being under attack, and that we have anything to fear or that we're vulnerable in any way. We can live authentically. We can live from love, and we can be happy. So for today's practice, we're just going to express our joy. In that truth. We're going to express our gratitude and thankfulness that we have finally reached this point of understanding and that this truth, the one truth will correct any errors in our mind will dispel any illusions we've had to this point. So you can say it as a mantra as often as you need to throughout the day just to remind you. That truth will correct all the errors in your mind. And you'll rest in the love and comfort of your connection with spirit. Have a wonderful day to day. Just be grateful and thankful and appreciative of all the work that you've done to this point to reach this understanding. This is where we start taking the next steps forward. Have a great day and join us for the session tomorrow.