The Podcast with Friendswood ISD

A fun and candid conversation with Laura Seifert

Dayna Owen and Kelsey Golz Season 1 Episode 2

Dayna Owen and Kelsey Golz sit down with Friendswood ISD Board of Trustees member Laura Seifert for a candid conversation about diving into discomfort, being a mom and wife, faith, dancing, junior high perms, and much more! We're excited to give you a little more insight into the heart of someone who makes big decisions about the students and staff of FISD. 

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Speaker 1 Welcome to my Estes, the podcast with me, Dana Erwin and Kelsey Gold. Speaker 2 If you are a new listener. Speaker 1 Welcome. Speaker 2 We are so glad you're listening in if you're returning. Speaker 1 Welcome back. Some of you have asked how we did the first podcast and. Speaker 2 We had 222 downloads. Speaker 1 Which was way. Speaker 2 Over my prediction of. Speaker 1 Five. So we were super excited about that. We basically are going to be selling merch soon, right? Kelsey Isn't that the way you're feeling? Speaker 3 Oh yeah. I'm sure we're going to sell out in the first hour. Speaker 1 Yeah. Okay. Speaker 2 I'll let everybody know whenever we have the merch to sell. Speaker 1 Our guest today is Laura Cipher, a.k.a. Trusty Cipher, founder. Speaker 2 And. Speaker 1 CEO of. Speaker 2 Yes Ministries. Speaker 1 Wife. Speaker 2 Of Jason, Mom of Beth and Ben, Twin sister of Catherine. And now professional dancer. Well, that didn't really sound right. Speaker 1 But what I meant was Dancing with the Stars. Speaker 2 Soon to be champion. Speaker 1 That description. Speaker 2 I. Speaker 1 Would actually. Speaker 2 Say, does not even do. Speaker 1 You justice. I like it. Laura, so glad you're here. Speaker 4 I am thrilled to be here. And I just. Here's the thing. Never in a million thousand years would dancer ever be attached to my name. So just hearing you say that is surreal, even amateur dancer. Speaker 2 Was there ever a time when you thought, I'm a really good dancer? Speaker 4 No. Never. Never. Nobody would have told you that. Everyone, if I. Speaker 1 I mean, maybe. Speaker 4 When I was at the. Did you ever get the Black Swan at the Omni Hotel? No, it's the basement of the Omni Hotel. And it's a bar and a they have they played the best music like on, you know, just like the. And so when I was in my twenties and single all the girls, we would always go and dance and I thought I was looking good, but I never got asked to dance. Speaker 4 So that makes. Speaker 1 A lot of girls dance together, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Everybody just is out on the dance floor. It was. Speaker 4 Just fun. But I watched Dancing with the Stars, the real one. Not that this isn't real, but the one on TV. And I mean, I would. I just wanted to do it for the workout. I'm like, My goodness, look at those women working out so hard. And now I'm in the Bay Area, Dancing with the Stars competition. Speaker 1 And how did that thing that. Did did they did you hesitate when you were asked to? Speaker 4 Now, here's the thing, Trish, Hank's former superintendent of feisty current city councilwoman, asked me before COVID. So 18 months. Oh, yeah, she won. She's she's a Mirrorball trophy champion winner. And she asked me if I would be her successor. And you don't say no to Trish. Hank's. I love that woman. Yeah. So she always says that, you know, she'll ask with a smile, and she makes you believe that you're fit for the role. Speaker 4 And so you say yes. And so I did. And then COVID hit. And I thought, Well, I got out of that one. I said yes to Trish, Hank's, but I don't have to do it right. And then they brought it back around this year and called me like, Here we go. And I said, All right, here we go. Speaker 1 Wow. So it is Saturday night. Speaker 2 It's this Saturday. Speaker 4 Night, August 28, 7 p.m. at South Shore Ballroom. Speaker 1 Social Harbor. Speaker 4 National Harbor Ballroom. And my dancing partner is Marvin Keon Lee, who is a professional bodybuilder trainer, and I am old enough to be his mom. Speaker 2 And are you going to tan like those fighters? Speaker 4 This I'm going to be orange like you are Donald Trump's sister. Oh, wow. Yeah. My professional dance instructor said You will be getting a spray tan. And I was like, I guess I am. Speaker 1 So you don't. Speaker 2 Want to get one now to kind of build on. Speaker 1 That or you're just going to go straight in the first time ever. Speaker 4 Well, I can't. I mean, y'all can't see me, but I look, I look pretty dark. I'm actually. Speaker 1 You're not what I would not say your super ghostly pasty. Speaker 4 Yeah, but no, I. I mean, I only have a maybe I'll get. Speaker 1 You to stand because they ask you, do you want light, Medium, dark? If please go dark, please go to the darkest. Okay. Go, please. Oh, gosh. Oh, it'll be fun. Speaker 4 It'll look like I have a pair of the suntan colored hose that come in an egg. You know, you buy a green to. Speaker 1 Look like my legs. Doesn't even know what that is. Speaker 3 I actually have you did. I have. And my grandma calls it. Yes. Speaker 1 Oh, that old. Oh, she used to. Speaker 3 Run those on Sunday mornings at church. Oh, you're. Speaker 4 Great. I'm going to have to slap sweet Kelsey. She is my two years older than me. Speaker 1 That's funny. Well, let's talk about Bay Area Alliance really quickly, because we. Speaker 2 Have partnered with them. FCC has partnered with them, and they do a lot of great things for FCC. Speaker 1 So this is the third annual Bay Area Alliance. Speaker 2 Dancing with the Stars. I know that it's Saturday night. And I do know one of the things that has come out. Speaker 1 Of it really with COVID, they stepped up. Speaker 2 And we. Speaker 1 Had a lot of. Speaker 2 Families that had needs. Yeah. Throughout COVID and Bay Area Alliance, kind of. Speaker 1 I guess you would say helped. Speaker 2 Raise the funds, right. Speaker 1 For. Speaker 2 Families. I think we had 90. Speaker 1 Kids that were referred by. Speaker 2 Campus counselors since March of 2020, and they raised over $38,000 and they paid for things like housing, utility assistance, daycare, auto needs. Speaker 1 Grocery store. Speaker 4 Counseling, needs. Speaker 2 Counseling. Speaker 1 They paid for a lot. Yeah, that's right. Speaker 2 And it's just one of the things. Speaker 1 That they do. So this is raising money. Speaker 4 It's yeah, it's a it's a complete fundraiser. We are not paid a dime. We're just hoping for bragging rights. So, Lynn, how bright was the first one that represented the district? And she danced two years ago or three years and years. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 And then Trish Hanks was the second one. Both ladies brought home the trophy, and so pressure is on, Pressure's on. So all five listeners need to vote for me. Actually surpassed Nicole. Speaker 1 I know. Okay. Speaker 4 What was adds to 21. Speaker 2 To 20. Speaker 1 Two. Speaker 4 Okay, so let's go for 223 listening to this one at least. And y'all need to all vote for me and Marvin. Speaker 1 Yeah, so let's talk about that. So how do. Speaker 2 People donate. Speaker 4 So you can text directly? Yes. And you text. You have that? Tell us. Speaker 1 I do. It's text couple. Speaker 2 One. No space couple 1271777. Speaker 1 Yes. Speaker 2 Now that just inspired I think we need 777 listeners on this. Speaker 1 We do. Speaker 2 Because your numbers. Speaker 1 Absolutely. Speaker 2 1777. That's a lucky number. Speaker 1 Anyway what is the lucky. Speaker 4 Number in being couple one I think is prophetic. That's right. I think we are going to be number one all the way through. So yeah. And when you text your vote, it is $1 per vote. So to cast a vote equals a dollar and that's how they're raising money. Gotcha. So, I mean. Speaker 2 20. Speaker 4$20 would be 20 votes for us. But and if 770 something. Yes, we're carrying this thing. Speaker 2 How do you know how much money you've raised so far? Speaker 4 No, I don't. There's someone in League City that's competing, too, that is like going crazy and you got money. So we got to beat him. I mean, I'm glad they're raising money. I just want to win. Speaker 2 What if we made signs and, like, actually stood out. Speaker 1 On the street? Just text. Text this text couple. Speaker 2 1271777. Speaker 1 When the driver. Speaker 4 Money you and me Dana Yes. Speaker 1 Like. Speaker 4 That. Yeah we could even have bathing suits on with spray tan. Oh boy. Speaker 1 Well that's what Kelsey, Kelsey. Speaker 3 Tony agreed to opt out of that. Yes, Yes. My grandma, my Jane. Speaker 1 Sure. Speaker 3 With her pantyhose in the egg squeaking. Speaker 1 Oh, I love it. Oh. Speaker 2 So are you. Speaker 1 Nervous? Speaker 4 Oh, yes, I am. Honestly, I have to say I'm really excited. Yeah, because this is a very good stretch for me and it's a lot of fun. And so I'm trying to stay in that moment. But yeah, I'm going to be super nervous. My goodness, it's sold out with a wait. All table tables are full. They have no individual tickets left. Speaker 4 So that's a lot of people in a big ballroom that are going to be watching me with my spray tan dancing. Marvin is Austin, my partner. Oh, my goodness. I love him. And so he's going to be I'm going to be gripping on him for dear life. Speaker 2 Now, get your tan before because, you know, if you get your tan too. Speaker 1 Quickly, like if you get it right before the dance, if you start to sweat a run down, I just you need to. Speaker 4 Know that I do need you now. Okay. So. So dancing was on Saturday. I'm thinking I'm going to get it Thursday or Friday. Speaker 1 Oh, yeah. Friday. Speaker 4 Friday. Speaker 1 Yeah, for sure. Okay, I'll get it Friday because you'll wash it off by. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 Sweet Lord. Tonight it's going to be extreme words. Speaker 1 And then what? Speaker 4 It's like, man, you know how when you get a spray tan and if they don't get your underarms right, then it's like white under there. But it's orange on. Like, who knows? It could be a hot mess. Speaker 1 Well, I have this phone. Speaker 2 So call me if that. Speaker 1 Okay. Speaker 2 I will run over with the. Speaker 1 Phone and we'll just. Speaker 4 Get me situated. Speaker 1 Yeah. Would you show up for you going out there? Speaker 4 Oh, perfect. Speaker 2 That's amazing to me, though, that you're not. Speaker 1 Nervous. Speaker 2 Because that's one of those things that I would say, Yeah, I want to do it. But then sometimes when I get really nervous, my brain like out. Speaker 1 I forget things. Speaker 4 We'll see. I'm definitely nervous about that. Marvin, though, is great and he'll whisper, Slow, slow, swish. You know the steps to me sometimes. But I will say we've practiced since May, every single week, since May. This is no joke. And so we are now we're doubling up every week are practices. So I practice tomorrow and Thursday, and it's a workout much more so than I expected. Speaker 4 And so we've got the choreography down, but we're dancing the tango. And if you have you see. Mr.. Mrs. Smith, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 1 Was a long time ago, though. Speaker 4 So there's a tango scene between them and that's our dance professional took that scene and that inspired this dance that we're doing. So my biggest concern is when I get nervous, I smile and I giggle. And this is a real serious we have to look like we hate each other, right? Can't look at each other. I have to look over his shoulder the whole time and keep frame and and I've not made it through once yet without laughing. Speaker 4 So that's the thing. I got to be really geared up. Speaker 1 Yeah, you got to start really serious at some point. If you laugh, I think it would be okay. Speaker 2 Yeah. I mean, you are dancing. Speaker 1 It's a fundraiser. Speaker 4 It's my daughter said she's 13 and she said, Wait, so this is really like, this is for real? And I said, Yes, Beth, where do you think I go? Yeah. She goes, Oh, I thought this whole thing was a joke. Like, this is you're really this is serious. Speaker 2 I'm assuming they're going to be. Speaker 1 There, right? Yeah. Speaker 2 Now, in any. Speaker 1 Of your practices, did you wear those Flashdance like. Speaker 2 Leg warmers? Speaker 4 No, but that could have been inspiring. I couldn't. Speaker 2 Have wanted. Speaker 4 To do one August. I would have. Maybe, but it's so stinkin hot. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. It's been hot in that dance hall is not the where we practice has been hot, too. We're sweating bullets. Is there more than a Grinch theory? Speaker 1 Is there like a dance dress like. Yeah. Where do you go? Speaker 4 Well, my dance instructor was showing me all these tango dresses that were hundreds of dollars. I was like, Oh, I'm a Begona Marcel's. Speaker 1 Yeah. So I. Speaker 4 Found one. The only requirement is how to be black and have a split up the left leg. Speaker 2 There you go down this at Marshals on clearance. Speaker 4 One dress my size, $15. Speaker 1 Wow. Yeah, I do that. Speaker 4 I call that spirit led shopping. Speaker 3 You know, I've always laughed. Like whenever a woman compliments another woman on something she's wearing, typically, like, the first thing we'll say is, thinks I got it on sale. Like we're always so proud of. Speaker 4 You know why? It's because we're hunters and gatherers, just like men, but in a different arena. And so it's like I. I killed the bug when I got that dress for $15. When it's originally hundreds of dollars, it's like I got the big score. Speaker 3 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Speaker 4 We want to share that victory. Speaker 2 Now, is she going to be wearing black. Speaker 1 Or does it? Speaker 4 Yeah, she's wearing a velvet suit. Wow. Or velvet jacket. At least he put that velvet on. We've had one dress rehearsal so far and he put that on and it went from good to great. He oh, my gosh, he was feeling himself. I was like, Marvin, He's like, I know, right? This is amazing. Wow. Yeah. Speaker 1 And he's going to. Speaker 2 One thing you need to remember, I've never been in a dance. Speaker 1 Off or dance situation between me. Speaker 2 Yeah, I know that. Speaker 1 Kelsey knows I'm really bad. If you think you need to remember on the dance floor. Go ahead, Dana. Speaker 2 So is no one knows if you mess. Speaker 1 Up, no one knows if you did a step to the left instead of to the right. Speaker 2 Right. And I have a feeling your partner is. Speaker 1 Going to correct that if that. Speaker 4 Happens. Yes. He's so strong and intimidating and so he so our professional said, stop moving her. You've got to let her dance. Just guy don't. But he's just really intense. He's he's almost linebacker like and I'm like I feel better when he is grabbed on to me because I'm like, am I getting all this correct? And it'll be fine. Speaker 2 Is is anyone videoing it? Do you know where we can put. Speaker 1 This. Speaker 4 Framing. Speaker 1 All their lives? Speaker 4 Oh yeah they're live stream minute I 45. Speaker 1 News 40. Speaker 2 Five now. Speaker 4 Yeah. I'm 45 now is filming it doing the livestream so yeah. Speaker 1 Oh good. Speaker 2 I know they're on Facebook and Twitter so you can go to I 45 now and Yeah. And then putting your votes. Speaker 1 Like keep. Speaker 2 Texting in your vote. Speaker 4 4171777. Wow. Speaker 1 Yeah. So excited for that. Speaker 4 I am too. It'll be a lot of fun. Speaker 1 Okay, let's move on a little bit. Just talking about just you, Laura Cipher. So just. Speaker 2 Thinking about. Speaker 1 Like, what's your story? If you had to, like. Speaker 2 Wrap it in a nutshell. Speaker 1 What would you say is like, who is Laura Cipher? Speaker 4 Oh goodness. I know you didn't tell me. You're going to ask. Speaker 1 Me that. Speaker 4 Is Laura Cipher. Well, I think my faith defines me, to be very honest with you, and I think that when I began to really understand how loved I was by God, it enabled me to love my personality because my personality's big. It's I'm animated. I love to have fun. If you know anything about the Enneagram, I'm a seven, which is. Speaker 4 Oh, boy. Yeah, right. Yeah. Like for the party. And so I love I love life and I have a big personality and have a lot of passion. And I think for a long time growing up, I thought that was always too much. You know, I think a lot of women think we're either too much or we're not enough. Speaker 4 And so I either wasn't timid or meek enough or I wasn't bold enough. I was too bold and but as I grew in my faith, I realized that's how he made me. And so I kind of would I don't know if that answers who am I? I just think I'm I just love who God has made me. But it's, you know, I turned 50 this year, so it's taken me a lot of time to get to that place. Speaker 4 But I think we're most effective when we are in that place. I'm comfortable in my skin. I'm certainly not perfect and have it down, but I'm not as troubled by the imperfections anymore, if that makes sense. Speaker 1 Don't you think? With you? I would. Speaker 2 Think first of all, let me just. Speaker 1 Say that you. Speaker 2 Are the kind of woman that. Speaker 1 I strive to be. Speaker 2 Oh, they're not going to be any tears on this. Speaker 1 On the second five guests later in the year. I'm sure you were just we awesome. Thank you. Speaker 2 Everything about. Speaker 1 You. I always have. Speaker 2 I mean, you know, I'm a huge fan. Speaker 1 So don't you think so? Speaker 2 With your personality, I find that interesting. Speaker 1 So you're basically you. Speaker 2 Were saying you. Speaker 1 Weren't really comfortable with being that. Speaker 2 Person. Speaker 1 But doesn't live. Speaker 2 Kind of. Speaker 1 Show you like you. You draw people in? Yes. You show. Speaker 2 People in. So to me, that to me would be this constant. Speaker 1 I think people like me because you really draw people to you. Speaker 4 Yeah, I think that's true. I think that I have a twin sister and she is so I would say she's sweet and I'm spicy. And so. Speaker 1 I. Speaker 4 I think for a long time I wasn't okay with being because I'm kind definitely kind, but I don't know that I would define myself as sweet. I'm bold. I say it, and I think one of my stronger gifts is to is encouragement is like, come on, let's we can do this. And so I just remember one of the things God used to kind of help me turn a corner in the way I saw myself is my young life leader said to me, You are a leader. Speaker 4 And I was like, No, I don't think I'm a leader because I felt flaky, like I'm spur of the moment. I'm kind of always, you know, I'm not a planner. Speaker 1 You know, You thought a. Speaker 2 Leader needed to be planned, like have all. Speaker 4 Their ducks in a row at all times. And that's just never been me. And he said, No, you're a leader because people follow you. And I think that speaks to what you're saying, is that people are drawn. Yeah, that changed a lot of how I saw things. And so I think a leader is somebody that has influence. And so you can be a leader in your home, you can be a leader in your workplace, you can be a leader. Speaker 4 And so once I understood that, I thought, well, what do I what I want to lead, what I want to be about? And my faith is what changed me. My faith is what understanding the love of Christ in my life and how much he loves me has changed. The has been a game changer for me. And so what else do I want to draw people to and and encourage them in? Speaker 4 But but faith, even if they're they don't have to believe the way I do. But I. I want to be an agent of peace and the way God's wired me. I think I let me say it this way I think I express God's love in my own personality the way you can. You do in the way he's wired you and you, Kelsey, and the way he's wired you. Speaker 4 So just live your life that way. And that has helped me tremendously. Speaker 1 We've we've talked about this several. Speaker 2 Times, and I want to encourage you again. Speaker 1 With this. As you talk. Speaker 2 Through that, it makes me think of it. You know. Speaker 1 The struggle with kids right now. Speaker 2 And the. Speaker 1 Struggle of depression. Speaker 2 And seeing themselves. Speaker 1 Through the eyes of social media. Speaker 2 And I mean, I just think about. Speaker 1 How the struggle that kids have today. Speaker 2 And I do think that is a. Speaker 1 Message that you. Speaker 2 Bring. Speaker 1 And I of course. Speaker 2 Just going to say it again, you need to talk. Speaker 1 To either high school kids or. Speaker 2 Junior. Speaker 1 High kids. We've talked about. Speaker 2 The junior high. Speaker 1 Yeah, because that's just a message that I feel like students. Speaker 2 Need to know in here. Speaker 4 Seriously, I was. So we just finished our first week of school. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 As we're airing, as we're recording this. And I watched my kids over the course of this summer go to summer camp, find kids that they connected with road bikes all over the town. They were they would go in a pack of kids and eat at parents. They'd go to sign it together and live. Just it was just life. Speaker 4 It was so much fun. And the first and we have the best schools. I would put us up against anyone across the country. But walking into school again, there's a there's a pressure that kids feel that I don't know that we felt Dana, when we were coming up, we felt pressure, but it's heightened with social media. And I've just watched over the course of the week, it's just overwhelming the first week anyway. Speaker 4 But there's a joy that's been zapped a little bit that they'll find their groove to get back. But right now I'm watching it zapped because of just There's pressure. Am I? Dwight? Not only am I going to perform well in my classes, but do I look right? I have the right shirt on. Am I wearing the right Air Jordans? Speaker 4 Am I wearing? And that's both that, you know, boys and girls. And so you'd ask me a question. SHEETS Dana sent me a few these questions before we started this. And one thing you said is what message do you want your kids to what do you want your kids to know or something? Speaker 2 Yes, that's on down the list. Speaker 1 But go ahead. Yeah. David, do what. Speaker 4 You're saying with depression, anxiety, I mean, it's skyrocketed. We had 11 kids hospitalized from our high school in one month last year. That's unheard. That's not happened before. I want my kids to know that they're enough. Yeah, that's what I want all these kids to know. Is there enough? Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 They're enough. And from that place, they can launch into whatever they need to do. That's what I love about friends. What I think friends would in friends. What I see is a launching pad for world changers. We are a sending town, and I think we are excellent in what we do in our school district is excellent because we are shaping world changers and I don't think that's an overstatement. Speaker 4 I really think it's true. And so the fact that they have to battle the noise that's anxiety and depression makes me so mad. I hate it for. Right. Speaker 2 And really, I love your message are enough. It's really getting them to believe that you're enough in your weakest moment. Yes. Speaker 1 Because it's almost it's one thing to cure. Speaker 2 Your enough, but it's another thing to. Speaker 1 Your enough. Speaker 2 When you. Speaker 1 Feel like. Speaker 2 You don't measure it. Speaker 1 Worst the worst that you're. Speaker 2 It's okay. Speaker 1 It's okay. Have what you everything you need you have. Speaker 2 It in you. Speaker 4 Exactly right. Yeah and God is not surprised by your worst moment. And if others are just. I don't know, just. I think that's what I would love for you, for kids to know Exactly. That is. You're just. It's okay. You're okay. You are okay. And from that place, it's like, that's such a grounding place. Then you can launch and do I mean, Sky's the limit. Speaker 4 But if you think you you're you're always running in a deficit. You don't have what it takes. You're not pretty enough, You're not smart enough, you're not courageous enough, you're not blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, that is paralyzing and everything. Not everything. There's a lot of things that are good about social media, but a lot of what kids see is an idyllic, idyllic, perfectionistic type of world. Speaker 4 That's not true. It's just not true. Speaker 2 Now. Speaker 1 It's one. Speaker 2 Of the things. Speaker 1 I love to see or hear is you're. Speaker 2 Comparing your, you know, your messiness. Speaker 1 Yeah, you're. Speaker 2 Comparing it with. Speaker 1 Others. Best perceive to perceive perfection. Yes. Right. Right. Speaker 2 Because it's not even real. Speaker 1 A lot of it's all filtered. And I'm a big believer. I've always. Speaker 2 Talked to my boys about. Speaker 1 I, I truly believe. Speaker 2 And that's what this generation struggles. Speaker 1 With. When you're really. Speaker 2 Struggling, more than likely. Speaker 1 You are so focused. Speaker 2 On you. Speaker 1 Mm hmm. Speaker 2 And that. Speaker 1 Is. Speaker 2 If you want to get depressed quickly, think about you in yourself all the time. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 2 And the more we can turn out or. Speaker 1 Serve others or give to others, it's this weird. Speaker 2 Ironic way. Speaker 1 Of life. To be a friend. Speaker 2 To get a friend, you have to be a friend. Speaker 1 To. Speaker 2 Do things in life. We have to make the effort, and then it comes back to us. Speaker 4 Yes, absolutely. So like at the Met, it's medicinal almost. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 It's healing. Yes. And it's just. Speaker 1 Yeah, well, that's the other example. So if. Speaker 2 You want energy, you. Speaker 1 Have to go. Speaker 2 Run. Speaker 1 Which is weird. Speaker 4 That's exactly. Speaker 1 Right. But it's the same with feeling bad about yourself. Yeah. How can you stop. Speaker 2 Thinking about yourself and think about others? And then that naturally I think will happen. Not easy to do. Speaker 1 It's just. Speaker 4 Yeah. And to stop thinking about yourself. Does it mean you in you invalidate your feelings? No, it's just you. You don't stay there, right? It's like, So what? How can we help move out? Look up and out and. Speaker 2 Yeah, well, I think that's what I meant to bring it up is. Speaker 1 Or I brought it up was. Speaker 2 Social media I think of when you're on your phone now on social media. Speaker 1 It's just so quickly to get absorbed self-absorbed. Speaker 2 And it's. Speaker 1 Just like, okay, let's put. Speaker 2 That up and let's. Speaker 1 Try to. Speaker 2 Put our mind to. Speaker 1 More positive. Speaker 4 I did in the month of August, which we're still not out of. So the first two weeks of August, right before school started, from August 1st to like the 20th, I think I just did a social media fast and I just stopped, didn't pick up Facebook or Instagram and I lead a ministry. And a lot of what we do is via social media. Speaker 4 So other than posting or doing something with my own ministry page, that was it. And I did it intentionally just to see if it changed my mood, if it changed my outlook. And it absolutely did. And with school starting, I hopped back on just to stay up to date because so much of our information comes. Speaker 1 Through social media. Speaker 4 And I'm noticing myself, like last night I woke up super early, can go back to sleep first thing I did was start scrolling and instantly I thought, I'm already in a funk and it's not even 7:00 yet. And so I have to be really, really careful. And if if that's true for me, imagine what it's doing to our kiddos. Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a deep. It's hard. It's difficult. Hard. It's there's a lot of. Speaker 4 Positive things about it, too. But it can be really destructive if you're not careful. Speaker 1 Yeah, this is not good words. They're good things to talk about with your family. Speaker 2 And your kids and. Speaker 1 And as a kid, like, what was, what would be one. Speaker 2 Thing? Was there anything that. Speaker 1 You had to get over? Speaker 2 Was there any major. Speaker 1 Struggle. Speaker 2 In your. Speaker 1 Life that. Speaker 2 You know. Speaker 4 I body image stuff? Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 I was in seventh grade, so I have naturally curly hair anyway. But you know how those perms are coming back. I mean, there's a lot of boys, especially they're growing mullet and getting their hair permed. And I got a perm in seventh grade and the it was at Montgomery Ward's. Do you remember that department store. Well that's that's red flag number one is that we went to the salon. Speaker 1 Oh yeah. The salon was there. Oh I didn't know though. Speaker 4 So caveat my mom was a single hard working mom. And so that's probably what we could afford. So we go into that memory ward and the guy there looked like Billy Idol, the guy cutting my hair. So that's red flag number two. And then he says, Do you want it curly all over? Speaker 1 Well. Speaker 4 How do you answer that as a seventh grader? Yeah, I don't even understand the question. Speaker 1 Why exactly. Speaker 4 So he takes my hair his own length. He takes it and he cuts it to like a half inch on the top of my head. And it's like, now I don't even know. Just like that curly permed all over Poodle is the only way to describe it. And I had to go to school the next day. And mind you, my twin sister, we got the same haircut, same perm. Speaker 4 Mom drops us off, and Katherine, in her courageousness, steps out of the car thinking I'm right behind her. And she starts to walk into that school with a poodle on her head. And I fall to the back seat floorboard and I'm like, I kick. I'm not going. Speaker 1 Away. I'm going to do it. Speaker 4 And so I went. Now, her the texture of her hair is different than mine. Mine was fried for life like I still today, the top the bangs part. Well, I don't have bangs, but that top of hair is we'll never be the same. The texture is different. So throughout my junior. So imagine that as a junior high kid. Speaker 4 Oh, I had to get better. It didn't go away. There weren't enough conditioner or creme rinse, as they said. As your grandmother said, it kills me to to relax that. And then and so that so body image for me I just had to over kind of I remember one guy said I would love to ask her to homecoming, but she needs to comb her hair. Speaker 4 Oh, have I been through counseling? Yes. Have I walked through forgiveness? Speaker 1 8 hours? Yes. Yes. Speaker 4 I won't name his I won't say his name, Willie. But anyway. Speaker 1 And then. Yeah. Speaker 4 So I had to overcome that. You know, I was a cheerleader all through high school, and I always felt like I was, you know, I was the base heat. Speaker 1 Oh, I know. Oh, I know. Speaker 2 I was the base and I were you. Speaker 1 I remember holding multiple girls with both my hands. I, I don't think that actually happened, but I remember literally, I think I was the base I all the other three cheerleaders, me holding them up saying, I don't believe that, Laura. I do. Speaker 4 Believe that. And so I just remember thinking my thighs are, you know, you just as girls, you just go through all that. So I kind of had to overcome. Speaker 1 Hey, did you try out like I. Speaker 2 Tried out in front of the entire. Speaker 4 Class in all white, all white uniform, like white shirt. White. Speaker 1 Yes, but I. I need help with this. Speaker 2 I we did not go to the same high school. I'm from Pasadena. Speaker 1 Which team did okay. And they called us back out to the gym, file out in the line. They chose us so yes. Speaker 2 One by one in front of the student. Speaker 1 Body. Speaker 4 Okay, that's traumatic. Speaker 1 Can you believe we. Yeah, it's. Speaker 4 Traumatic. No, we. But we had to run out and it was a huge on a Friday pep rally. It was the Friday before spring break and we had to run out and do our cheer. Yeah. And then they called all the girls trying out into the cafeteria like 10 minutes before the bell rang and they announced the winners over the loudspeaker so that we could either celebrate or hightail it out the side door and go cry. Speaker 4 And then you're gone for a week for spring break, and then you can come back and. Speaker 1 Just everything's better. Speaker 4 I don't I didn't try out. Speaker 1 What a great way to spend your spring. Speaker 2 Exactly. I cannot imagine. Speaker 1 I mean, But you think people never. Speaker 4 Do that today? Speaker 1 Oh, my gosh. I think people in the student body would be like, What are we here for? Why do we need to get for a tryout? Do you imagine a football team would try out for the Girl Scouts. Speaker 2 Like and you all? Everybody needs to come. Speaker 1 Out and announce the winner. Speaker 4 So traumatic. Speaker 2 I mean, we were we're not teach in school. Speaker 1 They just say I know, I know. Speaker 4 You did it. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 And thought it was normal. Speaker 2 I know. Speaker 1 It's crazy. Yeah, that's exactly right. We did it. Yeah. Speaker 2 There are people signed up to. Speaker 1 Do it, and. Speaker 2 That's the amazing. Speaker 4 Part. Well, my tennis coach said, Listen, you're not going to make varsity, and so we can't have seniors on JV, so you should try out for cheerleader. Speaker 1 Which, by the way, that does. Speaker 2 Not make sense to me either. Speaker 1 I have to say, why can't you be a senior on J.V.? I don't know. I mean, just want to play. Speaker 4 I don't know. I guess. Yeah, good question. But I wouldn't. So I think got it made cheerleader and then I had the biggest blast. Should have been there the whole time. Yeah. Did you love it? Speaker 1 Well, I didn't make it. Oh, I was a junior high cheerleader, but I was. Speaker 2 One of the ones that did not have my name called in front of the school. Speaker 4 See where the Kleenex is? Speaker 1 I know. Talk about counseling. Speaker 4 I seriously, that's the worst. I'm sorry. Speaker 2 Can you imagine the food aid. Speaker 1 That night. Speaker 3 Which is how you ended up being a volleyball player? Speaker 1 Well, exactly. Oh, my gosh. Speaker 2 And then, My God. Well, I won't get into. Speaker 1 Anyway this whole motherhood. Speaker 4 Let's do it. Speaker 1 Because I think that's. Speaker 2 One of the things when I was thinking about a. Speaker 1 Podcast. Speaker 2 I am dying to talk to women. Speaker 1 About all the rules that we. Speaker 2 Have, you know. Speaker 1 As women. Speaker 2 And how the balancing act. Speaker 1 Of. Speaker 2 So many things as a mother. And so you're a mother of two. Speaker 1 What has been. Speaker 2 And. Speaker 1 You're a school board. Speaker 2 Member which, you know, we're going to get to that in a second. Speaker 1 But what have you found? What are the grades of your kids? Eighth grade. Speaker 4 Eighth grade and freshman. Speaker 2 Freshman. Okay. I was thinking sophomore. Speaker 1 Oak. Speaker 2 Eighth grade and. Speaker 1 Freshman. Wow. Two big. Speaker 4 Big years. Speaker 1 Yeah, big years. Speaker 2 There was never a change in my boys. Speaker 1 Like what they went from. Speaker 2 From freshman year to sophomore. And I mean, really body. They went from. Speaker 1 Little boys. Speaker 2 To men. It is. Speaker 1 Unbelievable. You will watch the way he changed like. Speaker 4 Ben has done that though. Speaker 1 Maybe he did maybe. Speaker 4 A year he's an August birthday so we waited to start him. So Ben and Beth are two years apart so he could be the youngest baby if he were a sophomore. Yeah, Super glad I waited with him, but he. He hit puberty fast. I feel like he's already a man, but maybe he'll hit another great spot. His dad did. Speaker 2 He might have. Speaker 1 Hit. Yeah. Speaker 2 I guess you're going to see. Speaker 1 But it's just like this crazy joke is. Speaker 4 Bizarre when they do hit it, whatever grade that is. Oh, my goodness. Yes. Speaker 1 What's the best part. Speaker 2 Of being. Speaker 1 A mother for you? Speaker 2 I mean, I know there are so many great things. Speaker 1 But it's. Speaker 4 Funny because there's some women that are just hard wired and know from their early twenties. They just they want to be moms. They know that that was not my story. I, I just assumed I would have kids. But it wasn't a longing like I loved. I had a career. I loved my twenties. I didn't get married till I was 30. Speaker 4 So. So I will say what has surprised me and I've is just, well, the love. It's like your heart begins to beat on the outside of your chest the rest of your life. Yeah, but I will also say just how much I enjoy them. I, I really do. I just love them. I want. That's who I want to be with is my family. Speaker 4 Just the nucleus of my family. The four. That's who I would always pick. I am never like, Oh, thank God they're back in school. I, I mean, they annoy me at times for sure, but they are. I've really, really it's been a thrill and an honor to be their mom. So I will say it has caught me by surprise that I've loved it as much as I have. Speaker 1 That's that's. Speaker 2 Great. I mean, I see that when you're you know. Speaker 1 Of course I follow you, I stalk you, follow you on social. Speaker 2 Media. And I just. Speaker 4 See her peeking through my window sometimes. Speaker 1 It's creepy. Speaker 2 Whenever you I don't mean. Speaker 1 For you to catch that, but I know you just. Speaker 2 Seem to really enjoy. Yeah. Speaker 1 You know. Speaker 2 Being with them and spending time with them. And. And Jason seems such. Speaker 1 A supporter of of you. Speaker 2 You know. And I know. Speaker 1 You're two different we he's very quiet. Speaker 4 Yeah right. He's introverted. I'm extroverted. Right. He is Yeah he's we're both leaders, which is interesting, but we're very different. Jason has he's a pastor and he was a worship pastor for years and years, so he was always on stage. And so there was a presence and a persona. I think that a lot of people assumed and they just thought, if you're on stage, then you're not, you know, you're extroverted and you're effervescent. Speaker 4 And not that he's not four of us, but he's shy and he's definitely more introverted. And so he would step down off stage and people would approach him assuming and they'd go, Oh, I didn't realize he was a shy as he is. I don't know if shy is the right word, just reserved. But he is my biggest cheerleader. Speaker 4 I talk about make me cry. Good grief, he because he believes in me more and before I believe in myself. When I started Yes Ministries, he like spoke it into happening. He was like, this is for absolutely you're going to do this. And he named the ministry. He Oh, wow. Yeah, he did it. He's a my I have a board of directors. Speaker 4 And if we're deliberating over something and trying to figure out what the next move is, if we need to take a pause, we will ask Jason to pray for and give us wisdom on it. He's really, really wise. He's has a real shepherding heart. He's very counselor type. He's just but he what I love about Jason is because like I mentioned earlier, I have a big personality and God's called me into arenas of leadership since my twenties and not only is he never been threatened by that, he loves it and he loves to get behind. Speaker 4 He's no one's more proud of me than Jason. And so he if if I'm teaching somewhere and he can be there, he'll be there. I used to teach at Dunn Brothers on their patio. You know, if you're there, you'd see Jason at the sound booth making sure he just as a real support minded person. And so he's a he's steady. Speaker 4 Good grief he's fast. The I definitely married up but I always think of Jason as like if you look at a brick wall and you see the mortar in between that holds the bricks together, that's Jason. He's like the mortar that holds everything together so well. Speaker 1 What a beautiful picture. Speaker 2 For. I mean, ladies, man, if I could tell you one thing, ladies, find a man that is. Speaker 1 Your biggest. Speaker 2 Fan, and they should make. Speaker 1 You better. They should help. Speaker 2 Balance out that if you need. Speaker 1 Support here, they're there to give that support. Speaker 2 But I mean, of course, they can guide and lead and all of. Speaker 1 That sort of thing. Speaker 2 But if you can find a man that. Speaker 1 Truly loves you for. Speaker 2 You and is. Speaker 1 Supportive of that, yeah, that's huge. Speaker 4 And it'll come. You know, they always say behind every great man is a great woman, but the opposite is just as true and every great woman is a great man. And so it takes two and it's a balancing. And I think that I think roles look different in every marriage. And I think men are gifted to lead in specific ways and women are in specific ways, but they look different. Speaker 4 It's not the same for every marriage. And personalities are different and I don't I think it's super important that you're newly married. Speaker 3 Kelsey Married? We got married in November of 2020, so I guess we're coming up on a year pretty soon. Speaker 4 So that's essentially 30 minutes that they've been married. Yes, that's like nothing. So I would say to Kelsey, you might as well. But I would say as you guys, don't assume that your roles have to be a particular way. So if you're better at finances, you do the finances. If he's better at cooking, let him cook. If he doesn't have to be. Speaker 4 Culture has told us a lot of what it ought to look like. And I think that trips to many couples that and so God has called me to teach and God has called Jason to lead in his ways in shepherding. And and we don't compete against each other. We're for each other. And we can annoy each other for sure. Speaker 4 Our marriage is anything but perfect. But like you said, Dana, it's like if you don't want a spouse or a mate that's threatened right, by you, it's like, no, man, you want to make each other better. Speaker 1 I love that they're for you. Speaker 2 And yes, they make you better. Speaker 1 You make you better. Yeah, that's. Speaker 4 That can make you crazy. But can also make you better. You know, at the end of the day, you're two people. But he has always been such a huge, huge fan and supporter. And I love that my kids see that. You know, my daughter especially sees that. And I always say, don't don't take anything less, you know. Speaker 1 Yes, absolutely. I completely with the herd I watched. Speaker 4 Have you ever seen the Perks of Being a Wallflower, the movie. Speaker 1 Now I've heard of it. Speaker 4 It's good. But there was a quote in there that says, We receive the love we think we deserve. Speaker 2 Man, in that the true. Speaker 4 Good is that. Speaker 2 I mean, it's. Speaker 1 That's exactly right. Oh, right. Yeah. Speaker 4 So, man, I wish I'd known that in some of my dating years now. But man, for both of my kids, that's the message I will drive home for sure. Speaker 1 But that's part. Speaker 2 Of being a good mother. Speaker 1 Too, though, right? Speaker 2 I mean, you talk to them about. Speaker 1 Those sort. Speaker 2 Of things. You ask them questions, which I know you're. Speaker 1 You're great at. Speaker 4 Nothing's off the table. Speaker 1 Right? And do they tend to go to you over. Speaker 4 Depends on what the issue. But yeah I would think that initially but they know that Jason is like the steady rock and so I think just his calm he's very he has a very patient calming presence that I think just provides stability for them. But they definitely vent and they'll say, can we go get a car drive, drive in the car? Speaker 4 We could drive around and listen to music. But I always know that's an invitation for them to start to talk. So I go, You bet. And so, well, most every time I say, you bet. Unless it's like a well, whatever. Sometimes I'll say no, I guess. But most every time it's like, Man, these years are fleeting. Get in the car. Speaker 1 They really live. Speaker 4 Around, even in your PJs, but let them vent. And so I hope that my kids, you know, if they were here, I'd love to hear what they say. But so far, I think that they they do feel a safety. And you know what? The thing is? Nothing. I try not to be surprised or caught off guard by anything. Speaker 4 Nothing you say right is going to shock me. Speaker 1 Yes. Speaker 4 You have permission to say, Mom, you made me feel this way. I apologize a lot. You know our parents, Dana, that's huge. Speaker 1 That is huge. Speaker 4 Now, our generation of parents, that was not. You didn't challenge them. You didn't. I didn't hear. I'm sorry. You're right. I messed that up a lot. Did you. Speaker 1 Know? Speaker 2 But I didn't never expect that. Speaker 1 I guess that I hear it. Speaker 2 So I never would think that. Speaker 1 Just for allergies. Speaker 2 Yeah, they were very much. I mean, of. Speaker 1 Course we love our parents, but. Yes. Speaker 2 And they were incredible parents. Speaker 1 But yeah, it's. You had your roles. Speaker 4 Totally. You were. Speaker 1 The kid. Speaker 2 And the adult. Speaker 4 Completely. Speaker 2 You know. Yeah. So it's just it's amazing how things are changing, you know? I mean. Speaker 1 We all have. Speaker 2 Things if. Speaker 1 I could go. Speaker 2 Back and do things differently, of course, my boys are out of college and moving on with their lives. And one thing before my. Speaker 1 Boys. Speaker 2 Graduated from high. Speaker 1 School, I would told you, if there's. Speaker 2 One thing like I'm really. Speaker 1 Good at. Speaker 2 Is being a. Speaker 1 Mother. Speaker 2 And then they went off and everything. Speaker 4 I cried. Sure. Speaker 1 I really thought. But I was an. Speaker 2 Assistant principal at the high school for nine years, right? Yeah. Speaker 1 My poor kids. But life happens. It's not a reflection of me. Speaker 2 That's what I'm saying. Then you need to. Speaker 1 Pull yourself out of all that. Speaker 2 You know you can't. They're adults and people aren't perfect. Speaker 1 And people. Speaker 2 You know, make decisions and it's their life. And it's. Speaker 1 True. It's. That's the hard. Speaker 2 Part of motherhood. Speaker 4 Oh, my. Speaker 2 Gosh. You know. Speaker 1 Is it is. Speaker 2 Watching them. Speaker 1 Go. And how they do is they're great kids. Speaker 4 Your boys are great. Boys are. Speaker 1 Great. Speaker 2 But, you know, you. Speaker 4 But they're not perfect. Speaker 1 And I don't care what I think. You know, honestly, I don't have any I don't much say they're done. Speaker 2 You know, they don't I'm their mother, but I'm not their mother. I'm not paying for anything. I'm not. So they're on their own. Speaker 1 They don't care what I think. That's hard. Speaker 2 As mean. I'm who's always needed far. Oh, wanting to be needed. Speaker 1 Oh, I needed. Speaker 4 Last night I said to Beth, I was like, she said something. I can't hear what she but I was like, but the end of the day, A You like me? Like I'm like, I'm here. Like, I'm like, I'm your person, like. And I'm like, reverting to a junior high kid myself, meeting her approval. And she looks at me like, Pull it together. Speaker 4 What in the world they keep the check, but it's. Yeah, but it is. Parenting is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. Speaker 2 Well, it's not. And to let them. Speaker 1 Go after all those. Speaker 2 Years of being a mother, you just let them go. Speaker 1 Well. Speaker 4 Did you were you in an identity crisis when they left? But you had a career. Speaker 1 Yeah. You know, I try to just tell myself this is what I raised. Speaker 2 Them to do. Speaker 1 Yes, I raised them to leave. And when they leave and they don't really look back your way, you're like. Speaker 4 That's just rude. That's just rude Well. Speaker 3 I will say, as Celeste tells me, you're. Speaker 4 Just left not lucky. Speaker 3 Yes. So I will say that just listening to your talk, you you will always be needed in that role. Speaker 4 Promise? Speaker 3 I promise. And I think even more so after I left my parents, my appreciation for all that they've ever done just grew. And it continues to exponentially. And so. Speaker 1 Yeah, that's good to hear. Yes. Speaker 3 And I think even as as I've gone through these new stages in life, like marriage. Yeah, I have talked to my parents knowing that they have have walked a similar walk. And so I really value the advice and just the knowledge that they bring to the table that I don't have just yet. And so it's like you're always needed. Speaker 3 You really are. And I think that's something that you should remember too, as they go off into college or like if any parents who have high school students are listening is they will always still think of you. They will always love you. They'll need that that recipe for their favorite meal or, hey, how much detergent do I put in the laundry? Speaker 3 Like there's always going to be a need. And just because they're taking on more independence doesn't mean they're no longer your child or they no longer need you. Speaker 1 Yeah, that's good. Good word. Speaker 4 This will. Speaker 2 When you're. Speaker 1 Healthy. Speaker 3 I'm 24. Whatever. Speaker 1 But gosh. Speaker 4 Wise words, Kelsey, thank you for that courage. Speaker 2 I don't even know if I'm speaking a 24 years. Speaker 1 That's not true, though. I was a teacher, so we hope you chose a different lifetime. Speaker 4 Good. I guess it does feel like a different lifetime ago. Speaker 2 It's good to remember that. Speaker 1 But you do. It's important. Speaker 2 I mean, it's important for me to have my own life just because. Speaker 1 Yeah, kids do grow up and then. Speaker 2 They have their own life and they move on. And so that's one factoid that I don't think a lot of people know is that your husband, Jason, married and I. Speaker 4 I know I was going to say that if you didn't. Speaker 1 Yeah, I know. Speaker 2 That's crazy. Isn't that awesome? Kelsey? Did you know that? Speaker 3 I did not know that. That's awesome. Yeah. Speaker 1 Trent loves the way I think about Laura is the way. Speaker 2 Trent thinks about Jason just loves him. So it was wonderful that Jason stepped. Speaker 1 Up on her. Yeah. Speaker 4 It's been fun to watch your. You guys are a great couple. Speaker 1 Oh, thank you. Really. Speaker 4 Are he in? Good grief. He's a nut job. Speaker 1 You know, losing their job, but in the. Speaker 4 Best way. Speaker 1 Oh, of course. Speaker 2 Well, he knows he's. Speaker 1 He's so fun. Speaker 2 He's so fun and funny. Speaker 4 But he's also incredibly intentional and smart. Speaker 1 Oh, he's so. Yeah, he's. He's got a huge heart. Yeah. Oh, he has a huge heart. We just basically sit around and watch our dogs and cry all the time. That's basically what happens whenever you get to be in this off day. Speaker 4 Binge watch shows and then she posts if it's good or not. So I take my leads off of her. Speaker 3 She has the best recommendations. Speaker 4 I watched that because of. Speaker 2 Virgin River as. Speaker 1 Well. Speaker 4 That's a hallmark. Speaker 1 I'll see you tell her the new one she used to watch. Speaker 3 Yes. So she recently got me on. Welcome to Placerville. Never heard of it. It's TLC. Oh, it is So that you would love it. Speaker 2 Oh, no, no. Speaker 4 I like Virgin River. Let's be honest. Speaker 1 That's cheesy. Speaker 4 Okay, go. It's reality. Speaker 1 So this is the Alamo. Oh, no. Speaker 3 Way. It's really. Speaker 2 Good. Very conservative. And they raised their family. Speaker 1 Without. Speaker 3 Their homeschool. Speaker 2 Owns their home. Speaker 1 School. Speaker 2 And now the kids are growing up and getting married and they're. Speaker 1 Like. Speaker 4 What do we do now? Speaker 1 Yeah, discovering. Speaker 3 A whole new world because they were never exposed to like, pop culture. They weren't allowed to have like soda or like sugar. And it's it's wild, but it's so good. Okay? And it's like, so good understanding. Two very different perspectives something to Plath. Speaker 1 Vacaville. Yes, very. Speaker 2 Clean. I mean, my. Speaker 4 Kids could watch it with me. Speaker 3 Oh, family friendly, for sure. Speaker 2 Okay, You can have some. Speaker 1 Great. Speaker 2 Discussions. Speaker 1 Okay, kids, what do we see this going wrong in this scene? Speaker 4 I need to eat a honey bun. Do you see how they don't eat processed foods? Speaker 1 That's Zach Long. That will send you over the edge. Speaker 4 When Mom opens that box, her dinner. She's doing a good. Speaker 1 Job That's on the set. Speaker 4 I just started watching an HBO. What? No. Hulu. Nicole Kidman. What's that new show? Shoot. What is it called? I just started watching it. Speaker 1 Oh, my gosh. Speaker 4 Nine Perfect Strangers. Speaker 1 Oh, no, I haven't seen it. Speaker 4 It's not kid friendly. It's not bad, but it's not something I would watch at my junior high kids. But you would love it. Speaker 2 Oh, I need something to watch. Speaker 4 I was really also up at this tranquil spa place. Nine perfect strangers to get their lives back on track and in order. And so you've got, like an ex-football player, a third all in there. There's some big mystery involved. And it's Nicole Kidman. Yeah, David Kelly wrote it. Who did? Undoing and Big Little Lies. Good. I just watched it. Speaker 1 Just want to say, if you're. Speaker 2 Hearing like the sound of thunder in the background. Speaker 1 Laura keeps saying the table with her hands, like her. Speaker 2 Hands are going. Speaker 1 Everywhere and she keeps banging the table. So if it's not thundering outside, it's Laura. Speaker 4 Before we started. Okay, don't hit the table. Don't do any of all that I'm doing. She told me not to, and I did say I'd get real animated when I talk. Speaker 1 I love it. Speaker 3 I did all that I could. I prepped as best as I could. Speaker 4 It's not Kelsey at all. Speaker 1 So let's talk about school boards, not to it. So how long have. Speaker 2 You been on the school. Speaker 1 Board? Speaker 4 I'm in my fifth year. I've finished. So each term is four years and I did one term. I was elected in 16, 2016 and was reelected. Is that right? No. Yes. Yeah. And then reelected in 2020. Speaker 1 I don't think most people realize. Speaker 2 How much time. Speaker 1 Y'all put in. No, I'm a little surprised anybody goes. Speaker 2 For another. Speaker 1 Four year term just because of. Speaker 2 The amount of time. Speaker 1 That you all. Speaker 2 Spend. Speaker 1 And you're volunteers, by the way. Yes, I assume. Speaker 2 People know that. But your volunteers. Speaker 1 It's a lot. Speaker 4 Yes, it is. In some seasons it's like. It's a lot. A lot. Yeah. Speaker 1 But I will say. Speaker 4 I absolutely love it and I will say Friendswood is unique because we have a school board of trustees that really like each other, respect each other, get along well. We may not always agree, but we come out on the same page and we're unified. That is a make or break because a lot of school boards are super contentious. Speaker 4 Right? That is not the case everywhere. So Friendswood will go to big school board conferences and stuff and continually get feedback of like Friendswood is super unique in that is that you actually get along. Speaker 1 You do get along even though you you may not agree on everything. So there have. Speaker 2 Been a lot of things you have on, but you're. Speaker 1 Very respectful. Speaker 4 Absolutely. Speaker 1 And really, you want what's best for the. Speaker 2 Students and. Speaker 1 For our district. So I think that that. Speaker 4 Is I think that's what at the end of the day is the saving grace, because we really are all aimed in the same direction we want. We really, truly do. That's what I would love for people to know, because with COVID and Mask policies and no mask mandates and. Speaker 1 All. Speaker 4 Of the contentious issues at hand that no one can help, it's just where we are. It it's troubling at times when people assume the worst about not just school board members, but particularly for me, our superintendent and you guys, the admin and principals and teachers and staff, that is troubling to me. It's like assume and understand that everyone wants the best for students and we're doing the best that we can. Speaker 4 And so you don't have to agree with everything, but don't be a jerk about it. Speaker 1 Well, that's one of the. Speaker 2 Reasons why I was really looking forward to have you on here. Speaker 1 Is. Speaker 2 And as. Speaker 1 We do other podcast, we'll have other. Speaker 2 Trustees on here. Speaker 1 But I think the more. Speaker 2 People get to know who you are and, that you're real and you're you're a. Speaker 1 Parent. Speaker 2 And you're a. Speaker 1 Wife, you're a you want what's best for every. Speaker 2 Kid in the district. Yep. And I think the more that they can see. Speaker 1 That we've. Speaker 2 We've been able to do a lot. Speaker 1 Of that with that. Speaker 2 They kind of at this point know who that is and know his heart. Speaker 1 And to be able to do that with other board. Speaker 2 Members I think is important because they need to know who's representing them. Speaker 4 Huge, hugely helpful. Yeah I love that you're doing this. I love this podcast. And I, I think any time we can, because we're present in a lot of places, we show up to a lot of things, but we don't always get to. We're not known by a ton of people. Like I think it would be helpful if we would be known. Speaker 4 I mean, I have a lot of relationships in the community every board member does, but things like this are super helpful, I think. Speaker 1 Yeah, Well. Speaker 2 I mean. Speaker 1 You've like skyrocketed. Speaker 2 Into. Speaker 1 Like. Speaker 2 You're pretty famous, right? I mean, well, I'm. Speaker 4 I'm a dancer. Speaker 1 You are a dancer? Speaker 4 I wouldn't say professional. I'm not going to go that far. Speaker 2 You're not getting paid. Speaker 4 I'm not. Speaker 1 Getting paid. Okay. All right. But it is. Speaker 4 Dancing with the Stars. And so it's a I'm a definitely a local star. Speaker 1 Star. Yeah. Speaker 4 I would say that makes me like grade. Like you got A-list stars and then you got B-list. And I would probably be e oh down there as well. But I'm working my way out. Yeah. Speaker 2 Do you have time for people? Like if they come over, like. Speaker 1 While you're. Speaker 2 Eating and they're like, Can. Speaker 1 I get a picture with you? Speaker 4 Yeah, sure. Yeah. Always want to be respectful, my fans. So if I'm in Jersey, Mike's or somewhere and people come up, I, I will take a picture for sure. Speaker 3 Yeah. Can we expect that you're going to be launching your own line of merch like we are with our famous spots? Speaker 1 She probably has. Speaker 4 It. I've been approached. I've been approached by several vendors that would like for me to endorse their products and I'm just waiting it out right now. I'm not going to run it. Speaker 2 You don't really want to send any names out there, right? Because you're trying to waiting for Nike. Speaker 4 Yeah, but until then, really? Okay, I'm out of the new dance line and that's the face of Nike dance apparel. Speaker 1 Let's just wait. Just wait. Oh, okay. Speaker 2 So let me one thing I know. I think I know about you, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but. Speaker 1 You love questions. Speaker 2 I love you love question questions. Speaker 4 I love asking questions. Speaker 1 Yes, you love asking questions. Speaker 2 Love it. Speaker 1 And I love questions. You do, too. I do. I love it. Speaker 4 That's that's why I would. Dana and I will go to Happy hour together every now and then. And we will sit there forever. And just what do you think about, you know, ask questions? Speaker 1 Did you ever watch Super Bowl Sunday on Oprah? Yeah. Okay. I love the end of her show. Yes. Where she would ask. Speaker 2 The same questions. Speaker 4 What do you know for sure? Speaker 1 Yes, but Laura, that's the last question. Oh, yes. That's my very. You can't jump ahead to the last question. I to. Speaker 4 Was left. That's not true, y'all don't hang up yet. Don't stop. Speaker 1 Yes. So I. Speaker 2 Just want to randomly think through. Speaker 1 Or ask you some questions. Yes. So are you ready? Love it. Okay. What makes you. Speaker 2 Unique? Speaker 4 I don't know what makes me unique. I have a twin sister. I think that's unique. Speaker 1 Kelsey is a twin. Speaker 3 Shut up. No, I am. Speaker 4 Boy, girl. Speaker 3 Girl. We look nothing alike. Most people journal? Yes. I don't even know we're sisters. Speaker 1 Fraternal is sweet and spicy. Also over here, right? Speaker 3 Oh, yeah. My sister's shy and so all. But she's kind of got a little more of an edge. But she's so quiet, and I'm. I've always been the loud one. Speaker 4 So. Definitely the loud one. I don't know. Katherine's pretty loud, too. We're both very extroverted, very extroverted people. And we are funny. We had Oh, my goodness, we have so much fun. Speaker 3 Do you feel like when you get together, like you turn into seven year olds again? Speaker 4 Yes. And my kids love it because I'll say, watch this and I'll say, Catherine, seventh grade lunch line, and she'll say, Benji Ogden, chili cheese. Not like she knows the memory and will just spouted out. All I have to do is give her one word and that kind of connection is so much fun. I'll say, Watch this, kids, and I'll walk up to Catherine and I put my hand up and she remembers our secret handshake from whatever Junior high. Speaker 4 And we just do it automatically. And my kids love it. Speaker 3 I love it. No, listen, I re the same way. It's it's so fun. And I'm like, of course, I wouldn't know any different people always ask, what's it like to be a twin? I'm like, Well, this is just my life. Speaker 4 My only. Speaker 3 Experience, really experience. But I think it's pretty great because you're born with a built in best friend. So it's it's a really unique bond. I'm like, There's something very special to me about being together before you're ever even born. Speaker 4 And she's, yeah, we call each other woman roommate. Yes. She's the finest human that I know. So yeah, she's just wonderful. Speaker 3 That's how I feel about my sister. Oh, it's hard to. I mean, of course, like, I love my spouse, and he's. He's supposed to be my number one, but I'm like, Oh, my gosh, It's hard to compare loves, you know, because you just love so many. Speaker 4 Loves Catherine as much as me. Probably like she's part of the family. Before she got married, he paid for everything when she, you know, he just takes he just loves her. She lives a mile and a half. She's a single mom now. And he still just would do whatever he went and plunged her toilet the other day. Speaker 1 That I love. It is love and without a baton. Speaker 4 And I. Yeah. Wow. She's the best. But what makes me unique? I don't know, Dana. You know me pretty well. What would you say? I don't know how to answer that. Speaker 1 Oh, gosh, I love that you see the. Speaker 2 Fire in you. Speaker 1 As a positive because you're I mean, we're all so different, right? Like, I don't get mad at a lot of people. I like most people because I have this way. I see everybody. Speaker 2 As a Saturday Night Live. Speaker 1 Character. It's true. Speaker 4 She does. I do. That is so true about you. Speaker 1 Everybody is their own character. And if you could just see that. Speaker 2 Person and go. Speaker 1 What would they look like on. Speaker 2 Saturday Night Live. Speaker 1 So you can appreciate them a little bit more. And Susan, don't get me. Speaker 2 Wrong, everybody in my family, I mean, it's. Speaker 1 Like we're all characters. But yeah. Speaker 2 I just think you're just so unique and special. Speaker 1 You have your passion. Speaker 2 A. Speaker 1 Joy. And what I love about you is. Speaker 2 You're not. Speaker 1 Afraid to. Like you said, your faith drives you. Speaker 2 You're not afraid. Speaker 1 To talk about it. Yeah. Speaker 2 And I think. Speaker 1 I was brought up where there. Speaker 2 Was a time and like. Speaker 1 Yes, always been a strong Christian. But I don't know. There's this weird balance of. Speaker 2 Educators and and Christ and secular. They can't be in the same scene. It's just like, am I breaking the law right now? Yeah, You know, so you don't know what's right and wrong. And I mean, faith. Speaker 1 Is a huge part of who. Speaker 2 I am, too. Speaker 1 I just love. It's who you are. Kelsey is the exact same way. Yes, you are. You're proud of. Speaker 2 It. You're not going to change for anybody, Right? Speaker 1 But you love people. It's all about. Speaker 2 Just loving people and pouring into people and. Speaker 1 That's all. I mean, it's just that's who I'd say you are. Dana. Yeah, You're awesome. Speaker 4 Dana's a truth teller for sure. Speaker 3 I actually respect. And even though I don't. Yeah, she should be brutal. Speaker 1 Oh. Speaker 3 I've. I've had a few tears at the hands of some of those honest words, but it's so appreciate it. I respect it so much. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Speaker 4 Sir. Pictures like, remember, I saw a picture of a suit, like something I was about to buy and she didn't respond. And it was like I'm pulling her out of a meeting because I need to know if this is cute or not. She's like, What is wrong with you? Speaker 1 And I was like, She looks cute. Everything she was, Oh, should I buy it? Should I not buy? It's this. It's just like this retardant. I was like, I know. Speaker 4 But if you say it's cute, then it is cute. Yes. In the professional business world, I'm. I've been in that world for so long and Dana always looks so good. Speaker 1 So put together. It's $12, for. Speaker 2 Goodness. Speaker 1 Sakes. Just purchase it. And I'm just kidding. I know. She's like, for the love, just buy it. I'm like, okay. Speaker 4 Go back to your meeting now. Speaker 1 Portrait. Speaker 2 He's been on the other side. Speaker 1 Of those brutal. Speaker 2 Comments in. Speaker 1 Real conversation. Sometimes men need it. Speaker 3 We'll just leave. Speaker 1 It at that. That'll be a whole other podcast, but we'll just talk about. Speaker 4 You have to Trent on. Speaker 1 And talk about. Speaker 3 Marriage. She would love it. Oh, he loves attention. Oh, he. Speaker 4 Would. He'd be like, Give me that, Mike. Speaker 3 I think he wants to go viral. I've noticed from some of the videos, I mean. Speaker 1 The last video he did. Speaker 2 I would not share it. Speaker 1 Because it's. Speaker 2 Borderline. Speaker 1 Who's crossed the. Speaker 2 Line on some things that I don't. Speaker 1 Think are correct. And I wouldn't share it. He's like, Yeah, it's ridiculous. No, it's not. I say I say way. Speaker 4 To have some wisdom, Dana. Speaker 1 If you want to do it, they do your video and you. Speaker 4 Create your own account. Speaker 1 Yes. Yes, exactly. Okay. So if you could. Speaker 2 Go back and change one thing in your life. Speaker 1 What would it be? Speaker 4 The sperm. I wouldn't have had the seventh grade perm. Montgomery Wards. I would have changed that for sure. Speaker 2 It would have changed everything in your life. Speaker 1 Like, do you think that do you think people. Speaker 2 Around you didn't really make that much of. Speaker 1 A difference? Speaker 4 I don't know. But it did. In my little world, I. Speaker 2 Think your personality overcomes things like that. Speaker 1 So yeah, I did. Speaker 4 I will say it did. It has helped with grit to go, You know what Bethany can do when you got a poodle sitting on your head, they just walk properly. Speaker 1 You just got to be a little louder and a little bit better personality. You got to draw the attention off of the hair. I don't know what I would. Speaker 4 There's probably some boys I wouldn't have dated that would, you know, I don't really know. But truthfully, I look back and I think God's grace has covered a multitude of sin. That's what Scripture says. And lawyers have been true in my life. And so I don't know in particular, I when I read that question, I was like, I honestly can't think of any there's nothing that stands out, which I'm grateful for people that I feel like I've hurt along the way. Speaker 4 I've gone back and apologized or I've, you know, I've feel like I've done a hard a lot of work on forgiveness. And so so I don't have a lot of regrets to. Be super honest. Speaker 1 Yeah, well, that's great. Speaker 2 Yeah. I mean, how many people. Speaker 1 Could say that sex work if you could go back and do things all over again, would you? Speaker 2 If you were given the opportunity. Speaker 1 To go back to your seventh grade year? No. With that perm, would you go. Speaker 2 Back and try to make that right and then have to live the rest of your life on? Speaker 4 Maybe. But if I could, I'd go back and I wouldn't have gotten the perm right, But I would if I could go back, I would go back and do high school again. I loved I had a great high school experience. I loved it. It was so fun. But I would go back and be more intentionally kind to people. Speaker 1 Yeah, I. Speaker 4 Would have just I mean, that's like whatever to say that now, of course, whatever go back can be kind. But I tell my kids I was like, You initiate first exactly what you were saying. Dana, put it out there and it'll come back to you. So you don't wait for someone to draw you out. Go. You go up to the person and say, Initiate kindness. Speaker 1 It really is. Speaker 2 Night and day. Speaker 1 Difference of what I. Speaker 2 Am not going to. I don't want to take us down a rabbit hole. Speaker 1 So if I do, y'all. Speaker 2 Pull me out of. Speaker 1 It. But I struggle. Speaker 2 At times walking into a room full. Speaker 1 Of a lot of people. Speaker 2 That's one. I don't know where it comes from, but I. Speaker 1 Really and a lot. Speaker 2 Of times in my life, I'll come up with a reason. Not to walk. Speaker 1 Through those doors. I'll just. Speaker 2 I can't do it. Or I go home or, Oh, nobody's going to know if I'm there or not there. Which is a little funny that the position that I'm in. Speaker 1 But what I've. Speaker 2 Learned to. Speaker 1 Do is picture what a confident person that wants to walk through those doors, what that would look like. Speaker 2 And pretend. Speaker 1 Yeah, and it makes a huge difference. Speaker 2 So like being afraid to. Speaker 4 Fake it till you make it. Speaker 1 Yes, I talked. We have a son. Speaker 2 That it's very difficult for him to be around people and make friends. And I've had that conversation with him about. Speaker 1 You have got to walk up. Speaker 2 To people and say. Speaker 1 How. Speaker 2 Would someone that enjoys being around people. Speaker 1 Do it and try to act. Speaker 2 Like an actor. Speaker 1 Act like, hey how are you doing? Speaker 2 And my name is so, yeah, you know, nice to meet you and have a. Speaker 1 Have a go to. Speaker 2 Question that you can start with, you know. Speaker 1 Yeah. But that's. Speaker 2 Just one of those things that I don't know where that came from. Speaker 4 In that Interesting. We have different anxieties and triggers and I don't like large crowds like that. It's sometimes it's difficult, but I'm glad that I've had the experience of feeling that way because when I lead large Bible studies or I speak at large events, it helps me and it gives me a lot of compassion. And I think so. Speaker 4 So I used to lead large studies on a weekly basis, and with my team I would always that person was always in my mind. So we would have greeters at the door, we would have women planted everywhere at every single table to welcome to always be inclusive because nothing that's the worst feeling, right? Speaker 1 It's hard. Speaker 2 And it's hard for a lot of women, I think, to just. Speaker 1 Walk to the door. Speaker 2 Sometimes they're doing. Speaker 1 It to themselves. Speaker 4 Super intimidating. Speaker 1 Yeah, that's hard. One of the best pieces of advice that. Speaker 2 Kelly and. Speaker 1 I actually overheard her. Speaker 2 Telling the story. She didn't tell me to do it, but she was. Speaker 1 Just deathly afraid. Speaker 2 And shy and did not want to talk. Speaker 1 To people. Speaker 2 And her mother started by having her call and order. Speaker 1 Pizza when she was a kid. Really? Yeah. Speaker 2 She did not want to talk. Speaker 1 To people. Speaker 2 And she said it changed her. Speaker 1 Life. That's amazing because. Speaker 2 What she learned when she would. Speaker 1 Order her. Speaker 2 Family pizza or her own pizza, it really needed to be something she. Speaker 1 Said that she. Speaker 2 Wanted. Speaker 1 So that, well, if I want this, I've got to do it. Speaker 2 And then she. Speaker 1 Said, Well, if I did that and it wasn't bad, the. Speaker 2 Person just. Speaker 1 Took the order. Speaker 2 And life went on. Then she was able to do the next call and then she. Speaker 1 Was able to. It's great call, for instance, at a time. Speaker 2 Yeah, one step at a time. Speaker 3 Yeah. It's just diving into discomfort in like data could tell you about this, but Every year since my last year of college, I've done a bucket list, and it's really all about that. Like, I'd had a tough situation and I was living in a lot of fear. And so that's how it started was, okay, I'm going to make a list of ten things that I want to do that I have either been too afraid to do or have made a million excuses not to do for whatever reason. Speaker 3 And I have this many days until the end of the year to complete all of them. That's awesome. So I've done one every year since and it's like you start to learn that so many things that we think we couldn't do or things we were too afraid to do. Like if you just do it to like no excuses and you jump in, you're going to end up the next thing that you're afraid of. Speaker 3 It's going to be easier to do in the next thing because you just start to build this confidence and. Speaker 4 Do hard things. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 Yes, That's so good. Kelsey. Speaker 1 It's great. Speaker 2 It's I mean, I learned it. Speaker 1 At 48. She's 24. Yeah, exactly. What the heck would I? I mean, I have accomplished I have taking sewing classes. I know roller skate, love that. Well, and things that I wanted to accomplish. Speaker 2 In the year. And I so I. Speaker 1 Set the things out and I'm actually doing like, really crazy things I can. Speaker 4 Do that I'm going to start doing it. Speaker 3 Well. And the thing too is like, I'm big on accountability. So I actually post my list on social media and I say, okay, every time I complete something, I'm going to post a picture completing it. That's awesome way. It's like, okay, I even though maybe three people actually care, but that in my mind, I know people are watching. Speaker 3 Yes. Yes. And how. Speaker 1 Do you do. Speaker 4 Actually follow. Speaker 3 Through? Yes. Speaker 4 It's time to take a sewing class. Speaker 1 Well, so we did one together. Speaker 4 We're going to do a Bible study. So I'm going to teach a Bible study this fall at cloth yard. Speaker 1 Yes. Speaker 4 And fabrics on Main Street where the old Larry's was at the top floor. We're going to airs. Yeah, we're going to start in September and 12 to 1. Speaker 1 Weekly, weekly. Speaker 4 Weekly for 4 to 6 weeks. Probably six weeks. Speaker 1 That's awesome. Speaker 4 Anyone can come bring your own lunch if you want to eat lunch. Yeah, but we're doing we're going to do what was my point in that? Speaker 1 I love it. I love it's a great plug in this plug. Speaker 4 I'm totally plugging it. I had a point. I thought maybe you didn't. Speaker 2 Maybe it was something you wanted to accomplish. Speaker 4 No, I was talking to Michelle McCaslin and it. Yes. And I just am fascinated by I can't even imagine sewing. I can't imagine cutting a pattern out. Speaker 1 And let me tell you something. I don't know. Speaker 4 If I have patience. Speaker 1 Oh, you do. You've got to do it. Really? Yes. Speaker 4 Did you buy a sewing machine or did you have your mom's? Did you already have it. Speaker 2 Took my mom's good. That's in all fairness, there are women out there. There are going to be thousands of women listening to this. Speaker 1 Thousands. Speaker 4 Well, this will go worldwide. Speaker 1 They will probably degrade celebrity. It will say, hey, I don't even use my sewing machine anymore. Would you like to use it. Speaker 2 You know. Speaker 1 For your whatever. Speaker 4 Anyone listening? I'll use it if you have one. Speaker 1 You're going. Speaker 3 To say it over. Speaker 2 Here and you're going to think, why have I. Speaker 1 Waited so long? You ominously, I can teach you how to sew pouches. Speaker 3 Yes. Yeah. You learned how to sew, including one. Speaker 1 What's a pouch? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy. Speaker 4 You don't. I want to start or address. Speaker 1 Okay, Can I start with a pouch and then we'll move to the skirt. All right, We'll start. You proud of my pouch? Usually pouch. That's. Speaker 3 That was one of my goals. I'm going to give him this Christmas gift like this. Not just learning to sew, but like to actually have a solid thing to have at the end of the year is I have to sew myself an outfit. That's the goal I've set for myself. Speaker 4 By the end of 2020. Speaker 3 One, by the end of this year. Speaker 1 So see, it's. Speaker 4 The of us should set the goal that we have to sew. I'm not going to sew an outfit. Speaker 2 No, I just learned to sew. Speaker 4 I'd like to sew skirt. Speaker 3 See in the picture all together of our of our janky. Speaker 4 We have to wear it to the board meeting. Speaker 1 I think I'll take my pouches. It's much better shape. Say, here's a pouch. If you haven't seen Trent's video with the pouch thing. I think it was a video. Yes. Yes. It's really. Speaker 2 Comical. Speaker 1 But. So maybe we need to get back together at some point. And just here, I would love to. Speaker 2 Hear what your ten things that you want to accomplish. Speaker 4 And can I start with you? Since we're halfway. Speaker 2 Through the year now, we need you to raise. Speaker 1 The bar a little bit. Speaker 4 All okay. Speaker 1 Ten, ten for the year. Speaker 2 So in January. Speaker 1 You'll have ten that you'll have the whole year to start. Speaker 4 Just get this done by December. Speaker 1 I'm stressed now. Speaker 2 You have now until January to figure out. Speaker 1 Figure it out. Okay, I'm in. Speaker 3 Oh, yeah. And if anything, I mean, I have like some goals that are smaller. And then. Speaker 4 To me, one small. Speaker 3 One was taking a calligraphy class this year. Speaker 4 I would rather have my eyelashes plucked out. Well, that's. Speaker 1 Want the ten things that are going to be specific for what you like to accomplish. Mine is two, which I haven't put it out yet. Laura, Kelsey's. Speaker 2 Going help me with it. I have. Speaker 1 To do a. Speaker 2 Roller skating video. Speaker 4 Okay. I do want to. Okay. Cause I secretly. Well, I'll just say, like, roller blades. I'm not. I'm like, really? And now I'm thinking, going to start roller blading. Speaker 1 Oh, I'm not roller blade. Speaker 4 You're going to roller skate. Oh, I'm. Speaker 1 I'm roller dancing. Shut up. It's a video. You're going to be shocked when you see how good of a roller skater that I am. Speaker 3 I'm going to help her. I'm going to I'm going to put some cool edits on this thing that's going viral and Trent's going to be jealous. Speaker 1 So viral. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 It's like, are you going to run out, pair with skate and, like, use their floor and dance to a whole thing? Speaker 2 And I thought about how I'm going to I don't know. I don't know if I can rent that out or I mean, you know, I can. Speaker 1 Roller skate outside. Speaker 2 But there might be some. Speaker 1 Rough trio that could be dangerous. Speaker 3 I agree. We're just trying to keep, you know, budget costs low. Speaker 4 So how much do you think you got to you got to rent. Speaker 1 This. Speaker 4 Week? Could you get you couldn't go. Could you go on like the old girl's gym or something before it gets refinished and like, use that and just we could have that whole space for you. Speaker 2 That's been done before. Speaker 1 But yes. Yeah, it's. Speaker 2 Probably not. Speaker 1 Supposed to. No one's probably supposed to know that. Speaker 4 Dana in a roller skate dance. I can't wait. Just wait. Speaker 1 I'm going to put it out. I have to. It's part. Speaker 2 Of this part of my my ten things I want to accomplish. Speaker 3 Because it's no excuses. It's like ten things you got to do. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 2 So you have time to plan your ten things and. Speaker 1 We'll get back together. Kind of talk about that. All right, what makes you happy? Mm. Speaker 4 People make me like. Like I do. I really do love people. Good food, a good meal, sitting around a table with good. My favorite people and good conversation. Nothing that's like a little taste of heaven for me. Speaker 1 When you say good food. Speaker 2 Now, this. Speaker 1 Is a rabbit hole. Dana. Speaker 2 Oh, and could go down. When you say good food. Like what to. Speaker 4 Mind in case so every time in a frozen margarita with salt. But it's got to be like. Speaker 2 Like you're my kind of. Speaker 4 It's got to be okay over there. You know, they have that. In my opinion. Theirs is the best. Would you say. Speaker 1 They're chicken soup? Speaker 4 Yeah. Do you like it? Speaker 1 No, I would not say Lupita's. Speaker 4 Would you say Pepsi? Speaker 1 Can we get sued for this sort of thing? Speaker 4 I don't know. Speaker 3 No, you won't get sued Opinion. Speaker 4 Who would you say. Speaker 1 They'd have to hear it first? Speaker 4 Yeah. Speaker 3 It's very tricky. Speaker 1 Yeah. See, I wouldn't say queso is. Speaker 2 My. Speaker 1 Go to that's mine. But yeah. So I'm not a good judge so. Speaker 4 Brussel sprouts or something. Oh yeah. Look at me brussel sprouts. Speaker 1 I live on brussel sprouts. Speaker 4 I just eat clean. Speaker 1 I just love Mexican food. Me too. Every time. Yeah. Chips. Yeah. My dad love. Speaker 4 Life. Candida. I love going there because it's right around the corner. I've got an old I like. I don't even cross over 45 hardly anymore. Speaker 1 That's true. I'm like, Can we? I don't know what that is. Well, of five miles. Speaker 4 Five miles is aggressive. I would say within three miles. Oh, my God. I'm like, if it's I don't know what that is. Just comfort. Speaker 1 I guess. Speaker 4 I need to go into town for date nights and stuff. We don't do that. Speaker 1 Anymore in the world. Speaker 2 That needs to be on your top ten. Things you want to. Speaker 1 Accomplish. Speaker 4 Right before right In January, before COVID hit, a gift I gave Jason was a monthly date like a surprise every month, and I would do surprise things. And I had like Sur la table. We were going take cooking classes, we were going to go try new restaurants and then COVID hit. Speaker 1 And yeah, I haven't gone. Speaker 2 But Jason opened that gift, went. Speaker 1 Oh, love me. Speaker 4 He actually opened it up and loved it more than anything. Do you think. Speaker 1 You really loved? Speaker 4 I do. I think he really loved it. Speaker 1 And then he was like, perfect, super sweet. Speaker 4 He was super sweet when it didn't come to life. Yeah. Yeah. Too good to date. And then COVID hit Shut it all down in March. Well, January, February. Speaker 1 You can pick it back up now. Speaker 4 Yeah. No, I got to. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 4 But he loves sitting across the table uninterrupted conversation with a glass of wine. That's his favorite thing with me. Speaker 2 What else makes you happy? Like, what are some things? Like popcorn? It like working out? Speaker 4 Like, I'm always happy when I work out. I know, I know. Sunset on a beach with friends makes me happy. I love curling up on the couch with my kids and binge watching a show that we can all watch. Yeah, I love my dogs. Oh, my God. I'm a huge dog fan. I'm suspect of people that are not. Speaker 1 Just wait. When your kids go off like they become your kids, it's weird. Speaker 4 Well, they already kind of are like I'm super needy with them. We have one dog that's, like, he's spastic, but another one. That's great. But yeah, my dogs make me happy. Shopping. I love I love clothes. I'm a fashion. I love fashion. I love. Speaker 1 Clothes. Speaker 2 What's been the longest you've. Speaker 1 Shopped. Speaker 2 Like? Can you just shop for 6 hours? Speaker 4 Oh, yeah. Speaker 2 Oh, no. Speaker 4 Myself and a couple friends when we were in our younger years in our thirties, we could go all day like, Oh, now IKEA, now I'm a it wears me out more but I still love. Speaker 2 I'm that go in get it get. Speaker 1 Out. Yeah I want. Speaker 2 To be more. Speaker 1 Like that. Speaker 4 I love it. I could walk those aisles of Marshalls and Target all too often. Speaker 2 Do you shop online at all Amazon? Speaker 4 Mm Yeah. Speaker 2 Anything else that makes you happy that you want to. Speaker 1 Throw out there? Speaker 4 Oh, no, that's pretty good. Speaker 1 Yeah, that's a lot. Yeah. What makes you. Speaker 2 So let me say it this way. If I wanted to really make you mad. Speaker 1 I would. Speaker 4 Okay, this is a hard one. If you wanted to really make me mad, I think you would make a statement about. Me Accuse me like a false accusation is really hard for me. Like I understand when you misunderstand, but when people take a misunderstood nannying to a conclusion that is. That makes me crazy. Speaker 1 What do you look like when you go crazy? Speaker 4 I get real passionate. Speaker 1 I get your arms flail, you hit the table. Speaker 4 I get real. Speaker 1 Like, Yeah, I. Speaker 4 Don't bang the table, but I get real. I mean, it's a trigger. Speaker 1 Do you yell? Are you yeller. Speaker 4 When you have to get me really mad to yell. But I have for sure I don't yell it. I don't really get an argument. Jason I've had some definitely yelling matches in our 20 years being married for sure, but we don't yell that much anymore to each other. We really don't. But early years. Oh, good grief. Speaker 2 We're not nice with marriage. Speaker 1 Like you. Just two times. Yeah, it's like there's this piece that just is. Or maybe that's what it is. Maybe there's not energy. Speaker 4 There's. But there's also just a I just. I don't want to hurt him. I want to be kind, but in the early years of marriage, you may not feel I don't know anybody can see. Gyllenhaal. No, I'm feeling it early years. It is still some turf war of like. Speaker 1 Oh, just. Speaker 3 So many adjustments to. Speaker 4 Power struggles. Speaker 3 I've definitely learned, like men and women. We're not just different genders, we're different species. Like completely living with a man for the first time in my life. It's a an adjustment. Well, is that. Speaker 4 Totally an adjustment and is for them. Speaker 3 To. Oh, yeah. Speaker 4 Oh yeah. We we just didn't know how to fight clean or fair in the beginning. Speaker 1 That's a good way to see it. Speaker 4 And I think we we still I mean, communication to me is always root of every I just think it is when you really boil it down people will say, well, the biggest struggles in marriage or finances or parenting or sex issues or whatever it is, but the reality is when you drill down, it's really communication. How I speak about those things. Speaker 4 And are you able to be honest without being hurtful and right? I think the older we get and the longer we're married, we just learn how to just be kind. It's not worth it. Speaker 1 Exactly. And I let a. Speaker 4 Lot of things go. Speaker 1 You let a Y things go. Speaker 4 Someone told me when I got married, the one of the best and I just now I'm employing this advice. But she said, before you get married, you keep your eyes wide open. You look at everything. And then once you say, I do in that back door shut, you just shut him halfway. Speaker 1 That's just so sad. But it's it's just let things go. Speaker 4 Don't be so easily offended and. Speaker 1 Don't be so easily that I would say to my mom, Why are you why do you accept that? Speaker 2 And she would. Speaker 1 Go, Girl, you've got to learn to pick your pick your battles. I'm not going to live my life upset about everything. I mean, there are times are I was really. Speaker 2 Dumb and like I would. Speaker 1 Ladies out there, if. Speaker 2 You want to try this, your marriage will only go. Speaker 1 South. But I would. Speaker 2 Drop a towel on the ground and see. Speaker 1 How long it would take before he or the boys would pick it up. Speaker 4 Never, wouldn't. Speaker 1 Never know. And then I picked it up and I yell at everybody and I was like. Speaker 4 Hey, you're heading the house off. And then they're like, She's a nut job. Yeah. And then it's not effective. And yeah, and. Speaker 2 They just laugh. Speaker 1 And then I'm the only one that's angry. And then I tried again, like I wanted to torture myself or something. It was ridiculous. But yeah. Speaker 2 You just kind of learn. You kind of learn to serve. Speaker 1 Other and life goes. Speaker 3 Better. Yeah. And you have to. I think you have to know there's a reason why we chose each other and go back to that, you know? Yeah. Those core values of why we chose each other and yes and to forget some of the little things that really don't matter because fundamentally this is why this is why God put us together. Speaker 3 Yeah. Speaker 4 And think some other really good advice I got was just always remember that God cares more about your marriage thriving than you do. So he's got you. When when you feel like it's all falling apart. He's got you. He's got you. Because there's been I mean, we've had hard seasons and great seasons. And at the end of the day, I'm like, I'm thankful for the ties that bind. Speaker 4 And it's I mean, I think a part for I just know for me and Jason, our faith is what binds us. Oh yeah, it really is. It's not common interest. Those come and go. Speaker 1 Yeah, expand on that a little bit. Like what do you mean? You say God's got you. Speaker 2 And that sounds. Speaker 4 Yeah, right. It sounds. Speaker 1 Pollyanna. Yeah. What does that mean? Well, I. Speaker 4 Think it goes back to a belief in a trust. It's a faith when I say God's got me, I just know at the end of the day, there have been times where I think, How are we going to work this through? How are we going to get out? How is this going to get better? And I'm out of answers. Speaker 4 I'm out of steam, I'm out of energy or whatever. And he is too sure. I know he has been. And at the end of the day, then God will just open up a pathway. It's like we have dinner with a couple who's been there and all of a sudden it gives us hope or we go see a counselor and we get the advice that we need. Speaker 4 Or we just at the end of the day, God always shows up and he always comes through. But usually it's when we're at the very end of our rope and we've lost our own ability to try and control it anymore. Speaker 3 Yeah That's something like that's when we typically surrender. Yeah, We realize like God has been in control the whole time, right? Why do we think that we are more capable of controlling the situation? Speaker 4 Thank God He's like, Thank you. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 1 Now do you think he's like, All right, when you're when you're done, when you're done trying to figure it out completely. Speaker 3 That's cute. Speaker 1 You know? Exactly. Speaker 4 I remember before I got married, I would look at marriages that I wanted to emulate and I was like, I want a marriage like theirs. And I just assumed it would happen, that God would just, like, sprinkle and it would just be that way. I didn't know I'd have to work at it. And what I realize is when we first got married, I thought, Well, the work will be me helping Jason change. Speaker 4 That'll be what the work looks like, me helping him get better, change this, pick up his tail, whatever. And it was in a counselor's chair that both Jason and I were seeing. And she was like, You're both selfish. And so stop looking at him and stop looking at her and start. Just start working on you. Speaker 2 Yeah, looking at you. Speaker 4 Yeah, looking at you. And boy, that that helped us turn a corner. That was early. Speaker 1 On. Speaker 2 That's one of my favorite lines from Evan Almighty. She was praying for patience. Yeah, praying for patience. Speaker 1 And she said, God, I. Speaker 2 Have been praying for patience. And he said. Speaker 1 Do you think when you pray for patience, I give you patience? He says, I. Speaker 2 Give you more opportunities to. Speaker 1 Become patient. And that's like, Oh my gosh, that was very they made that line in the movie for me. I mean, yeah, talk about egocentric, but it's like, but it's wow. Speaker 2 Yeah. And that's what I mean. We can. Speaker 1 See these sort of things as really. Speaker 2 Tough, challenging times, which they. Speaker 1 Are. Speaker 4 Yeah, they are. Speaker 1 Or they're. Speaker 2 Opportunities. Speaker 1 To really. Speaker 2 I don't know if it's changed the way we. Speaker 1 Act. Speaker 2 Change who we are, change our. Speaker 1 Efforts, see God's. Speaker 2 Maybe, or just. Speaker 1 Give it to Him completely. Speaker 2 I mean, it's an opportunity for something. It is, you know. Speaker 4 Yeah. And I think every when I go back to realizing God loves me, God me, God's at work, then I can take a deep breath and surrender it and go, okay, what do what do we do next? Then you know, I'm listening, but I have to know that he's for me, right? Because if I don't trust that God is really for me, then I'm still on my own and I'm still, you know, I still feel alone, regardless of what I would say. Speaker 4 My faith is you have to believe that he's actually good. He's actually for you. And that's challenging, especially when circumstances would speak otherwise for a lot of us. You know, we're living in a pandemic. Feels like we're going to hell in a handbasket. Speaker 1 Yeah, you know, that's one of my favorite. Speaker 2 Things that you said a long time ago. Speaker 1 Is. Speaker 2 I made some comment about and you. Speaker 1 Quickly said. Speaker 2 Who's telling you that? Speaker 1 Mm. And it was so powerful. Speaker 2 To me. Speaker 1 Because I think we have to constantly ask ourselves, who's telling you that? Speaker 2 Where are you getting that? Where are you hearing that? Speaker 1 Because it's probably. Speaker 2 Not God. Speaker 1 Right. Which is. Speaker 2 You know, so to. Speaker 1 And go, wait. Speaker 2 Why do I think that I'm not capable of doing this? Speaker 1 So why is. Speaker 2 It that I'm afraid to open that door and walk through? Because someone's winning in that. Speaker 1 Yeah, someone is winning. Speaker 2 Me, not opening that door. Speaker 4 For sure. Speaker 2 And so you kind of have to keep questioning. Speaker 1 Wait, where are you? Speaker 2 Where are you hearing that voice, Dana? Coming from. Speaker 4 Every thought. Speaker 1 Yeah. Oh, which. Speaker 2 Which reminds me. Speaker 1 Before I ask the very last question, we're all three, I. Speaker 2 Think going to be talking to the high. Speaker 1 School. Yes. What's that? What's the sentence? What do they call it? This? I believe this. I believe. Speaker 2 Yeah. And so trying to figure. Speaker 1 Out we have. Speaker 2 That coming up. Speaker 1 Where. Speaker 2 Cory Truman. Speaker 4 Courtroom and Melissa. Speaker 2 Stevenson, they're asking people to come in and talk to. Speaker 1 Their class about this, I believe. Speaker 4 Or that's. Yeah, just what basically your personal life statement or mission statement, right? I don't know. That's hard to say. Speaker 2 But then they're being asked to turn around and do that. Right? Speaker 1 They're doing great things. Speaker 4 They are doing amazing things. They really are. They came and presented, I guess it was to the board, maybe I was in a. Speaker 2 Presentation. Speaker 4 I was on a team. I was amazed. They were amazing. Speaker 1 Maybe it was a board workshop. It wasn't. It was a joke. Speaker 4 And I said they should come present to the board. Speaker 1 That was the table you can. Speaker 4 Slam on the table. Speaker 3 There's thunder. Speaker 1 Yeah, they're great. Okay, so last question. Speaker 4 You can hang meet in this room. Speaker 1 It's so cold. Speaker 3 So that's why I have my lobster slippers on. Speaker 4 At first vacation. Now, over the course of this time, it's like it's freezing. My nose is literally running. It's so cold. Well, they. Speaker 1 Will wrap it up with this. Speaker 2 Last question. Speaker 1 Wrap it up. Because if it. Speaker 4 If it can all afternoon you have hung in your office. Anyone is still listening. Speaker 1 It's a of you are still listening. Speaker 4 Jason and Trent. Speaker 1 It's like maybe. Shawn Probably. Yeah. One thing. Speaker 2 You know. Speaker 1 For sure is. Speaker 4 I just know that God is faithful and that is that sounds. I do not mean that to sound trite or I'm certainly not super spiritual at all. I just I know he's faithful. I've just seen it in my life. I've seen it in other's lives. And I also know that he loves every single one of us. There's not anyone he doesn't love. Speaker 4 And so he's just he's faithful. Speaker 2 What does that bring you? Speaker 1 I don't want to end this conversation. Speaker 4 It just gives me a deep breath. Yeah, because life is is harder, I think, in some ways than it ever has been. I didn't live through World War One or two, so I don't I don't mean to say, you know, it's all relative, right? But life is really hard. It's really difficult. I was just talking to Thad, our superintendent, and he was like, we're tired. Speaker 4 We're all tired of COVID. It's hard, it's draining. It's the what's happening around the world. And and in Haiti, life is hard and it's dark and it's messy. And so for me, it's the difference between peace and discouragement. It's the difference between hope and frustration. You know, like we can go through the like, I don't want to walk through life white knuckling it to get to the end. Speaker 4 Right. Speaker 1 Okay. Well, let's just suck it. Speaker 4 Up and it's just going to be hard. And I want to have joy and I want to enjoy life and I want to live life. And so for me, how I can authentically do that is to is my faith is to believe God, God's God's us. He's still in control. He's faithful, he's good, and he's not ever going to leave us there for sakes. Speaker 4 I've either believe his word is true or it's not. And so when I really tap into that and when I really believe it, my shoulders relax. I take a deep breath. The person that I see at H-E-B, I really see them. I can be more than moment and present when my kids come home from school. I'm actually listening when they ask. Speaker 4 When I ask other day what you know, you're just present. You can take it day by day instead of because there's a lot to be worried about, right? Genuinely there is. Speaker 1 And so there is too much to carry. There's so much. Speaker 2 We can't control. Speaker 4 So much, but yet we still. Speaker 1 Yeah, our arms are all tired. Yeah. Speaker 4 Because we're all trying to. Speaker 1 Get. Speaker 4 It's just our nature. Speaker 2 You are so inspiring. Speaker 4 You are. Dana. Speaker 1 What? Are you going to have a podcast? Speaker 4 I don't know. I'm. I want to. I really would love to have a podcast. And in ministry. So much of ministry happens now over airwaves, either social media or podcasts or whatever. And so think that's next on my bucket list to do. Maybe that'll be number one. Speaker 1 Well, I think we just. Speaker 2 Figured one out. Yes. Speaker 4 I really want to and I've. I really love them. Oh, yeah, They're fun. And I love interviewing more than I'm trying to finish a book on some 23 and I'm halfway done and I got to push. I got to turn the corner and get it done. But I'm not a natural writer. And so it's a much more of a natural talker, as you can tell. Speaker 4 And so a podcast is much more natural for me than writing. And so I think I'm going to I'm going to finish this book, get it done, be proud of it. And then I think my next project will be podcasting. I really love it. Speaker 1 Yeah, you're. Speaker 4 You are too. Speaker 1 Doing great at it. I mean you've brought. Speaker 4 You're taken our our district to a place of relevance and coolness that love you've got us on Instagram. You've got us podcasting. Speaker 2 Well, this young man over. Speaker 1 Here is Kelsey is part of it. We're a great team. You're a great team together, that's for sure. Speaker 2 We had fun. I have a great. Speaker 4 Job, but it's it's so good. It's so good. Y'all are doing great work. Speaker 1 Well, thank you. That one of. Speaker 2 The the things that. Speaker 1 We. Speaker 2 Believe in and we want our community to know. Speaker 1 Is we. Speaker 2 Love friends. What I said. Speaker 1 We love kids, we love. Speaker 2 Teachers. I mean, education has been my entire life. And so. Speaker 1 Just to try to keep people. Speaker 2 Informed and to. Speaker 1 Really I mean, friends do it is awesome. Yeah, I agree. Speaker 2 Things going on. And there. Speaker 1 Are people that. Speaker 2 Don't even know the awesome. So that's what we do. We're committed to. Speaker 1 Try to get that. Speaker 2 Information out there. Which brings me to if you're listening to this and you made it to the end, God bless. Speaker 1 You. Speaker 2 And if there's anything you. Speaker 1 Want to hear, if there are questions that you have, if there's. Speaker 2 Information that you need that we're not giving. Speaker 1 You. Speaker 2 You feel free to email. Dana, Own it so own at 50. Speaker 1 K-12. Speaker 2 Now. But if there's. Speaker 4 Someone that we want to hear from, can we make suggestions on who you would interview now? Yeah, that's. Speaker 1 I would love that. Yeah, we Want ideas like call us, come visit us. Speaker 2 Put it on any of social media. I would like. Speaker 4 To interview one person from. Every area of staff. I want to hear from a bus driver. I want to hear from because I think it would be so much fun to like it at convocation. And I was talking to a new employee that's a bus driver, and she's been a bus driver for 17 years and she's new in our district. Speaker 4 Yes. And to hear her talk about why she drives a bus, it was so infectious. Speaker 1 It was great. Yeah. Speaker 4 And then just women that are in those cafeteria lines that are helping those kids get their corn, their plates and. Speaker 2 Like I know it all. Speaker 4 We all it takes a team to do it. Speaker 1 All. That's right. It sure does. Speaker 4 I don't know. I think that'd be fun. Speaker 2 And one role is not better than any I get. Speaker 1 I mean, know, it's it takes everybody to make this district. It really does. Yeah. Anything else that we haven't talked about that. Speaker 2 Want to. Speaker 1 Say or share or. Speaker 2 Any other information. So September, we're going to hear from your new course coming up. Speaker 1 You said in September. Speaker 4 Teach, I'm going to teach. It'll be a six week lunch study. Speaker 1 At coffee yard. Speaker 4 Which is right there smack dab in the middle of town in the upper room there. Speaker 1 Good. Speaker 4 And it'll be open to anyone in the community. And it's from 12 to 1. And it'll start mid-September. So will be you can find information at Laura Cipher. Yes. Is my Instagram page. Laura Coleman Cipher is my Facebook and then yes, ministries are you know we'll post about it okay but would love that and yeah that's I loved talking to you Dana. Speaker 1 Oh and Kelsey. Speaker 2 Any time. Speaker 4 Both of you all are so delightful. Thanks for having me. I feel honored that you would want me. I'm not second. Speaker 1 Guess. You are the second guess. I cannot wait to report. Speaker 2 With the numbers. Speaker 4 Thaddeus Joseph Rau. Speaker 1 That's right. Speaker 4 Dad, though. Is that. Speaker 1 Daddy? Daddy? I call him Thaddeus to keep being that that. Speaker 2 Person in his. Speaker 1 Ear. Speaker 2 Kind of encouraging. Speaker 1 Him. He really takes. Speaker 2 The weight on. Speaker 4 Sending me a text. I'll send him. Yeah, he's, he does take it on because he cares so much. He's a good man. We're lucky to have him. Speaker 1 Yeah, absolutely. Okay, well, I'm going to go running out. Speaker 4 Go put a sweater on, because it's okay. Speaker 1 Thanks, guys. Speaker 3 Thank you.