Central Banks and the balance of risks
Eurizon SLJ Capital
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Eurizon SLJ Capital
Central Banks and the balance of risks
May 03, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 14
Eurizon SLJ Capital

In this episode of 'The Long and Short of the Week Ahead' by Eurizon SLJ Capital, Matt Jones and Neil Staines discuss the recent market focus on US data and the Federal Reserve's policy trajectory, and its implications for global economic policies in the coming week. 

They delve into the Fed's less hawkish than anticipated stance amid inflation concerns and its impact on market expectations, including equity and bond markets. The discussion extends to upcoming central bank meetings, particularly the Reserve Bank of Australia, and shifts in policy focus in response to economic data. 

They also explore the European Central Bank's position on rate cuts beyond June, influenced by the Fed's narrative and incoming economic data from Europe, including investor confidence and German economic indicators. The episode concludes with insights into the UK's economic outlook concerning the Bank of England's anticipated dovish bias and its implications for UK markets and mortgage holders.

00:00 Introduction to the Week Ahead with Eurizon SLJ Capital
00:30 Focus on US Data and the Fed's Trajectory
02:10 Global Central Bank Focus and Market Movements
02:44 The Fed's Influence on European Central Bank (ECB) Decisions
04:17 UK Economic Outlook and Bank of England Expectations
06:50 Closing Thoughts and Next Week's Preview

The opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of Eurizon SLJ Capital, Eurizon Capital, or the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. The information and opinions shared are intended solely for professional investors and should not be relied upon by other investors. Please note that the information provided in this recording is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be complete or constitute an offer to buy or sell securities or any derivatives.