Crazy Insurance Lady (Breaks It All Down For You)
Join Gay as you experience, along with her, how she negotiates her roles as daughter, sister, Aunt, property manager, insurance rep, theatre performer, and most-time consumingly caregiver to her 95 year old mother who is experiencing dementia. Join her as she give updates on her mother as well as reminisce about the interactions and behaviors that changed over the course of the progression of her disease. Yes, she is still the Crazy Insurance Lady, and like all things in life, priorities shift. About insurance I say get some and get enough for all the things and all the people you love. Get it before you need it. And get it while you still can. If you don't know where to start, or what guidance along the way. Contact me. I'll help.
Crazy Insurance Lady (Breaks It All Down For You)
Smiles! And how to keep yours ... Go see a Dentist, and Here's how to pay for it.
Season 1
Episode 4
This episode of Crazy Insurance Lady focuses on teeth, dentists, hygienists... dental insurances, discount programs, and how to get no or low cost dental care. All of it we're discussing today in this episode. We'll outline how dental insurance works. Well discuss a bit about dental discount programs, and finish with where one can go to get dental care with little to nothing out of pocket. And, of course, a little levity at the end. Thank you for checking it out.
If you enjoy these podcasts, are learning a thing or two, would like me to help you find coverage, or if you have questions, please let me know.
1CrazyInsurance Lady@gmail.com