Life Around "The Fire"

We Like To Keep Things "Real" Around Here


I'd rather hear someone say that "things are kind of hard right now" when that's the way things are "right now". Verses hearing them say, "everything is fine" when they aren't "fine" right now.
I've hit a place in this podcast where things are at a stand still for the moment.
I/we stand here waiting on the LORD for His next word for us regarding this podcast series and how He wants it to move forward.
I/we won't put together podcast episodes from our own heads and slap God's name on it.
If it doesn't come from Him, I/we stop and wait until.
Until when?
Yes, until when... when God gives me/us something alive and real to share.
That way, you know the stuff that came before this and the stuff that will come after this have come from God.
Sound like a deal?
Until whenever... soon I hope!

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Loving Yeshua/Jesus, Loving people... Come as you are and you will be loved!
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Shalom to you and your home.