Life Around "The Fire"

Peace Making: In Order To Be Heard We Must First Be Silent

David Season 22 Episode 11

Have you ever wished you could eat your words.
Like one person once said, "I'm seasoning my words with kindness because tomorrow I just might have to eat them."
Sometimes we say and talk too much.
Sometimes it's hard to be quiet.
We are almost addicted to noise and commotion.
Just watch one of the kids shows on the television or computer.
Things change every 2 or 3 seconds.
Attention spans are being sucked in by social media.
The list goes on.
We hear God most of the time via our spirit's.
The ears and eyes of our spirit's are located somewhere real close behind our navel.
In order to use those ears we must learn to be silent.
This takes discipline, especially between the ages of 13 and 53.
However, we all need to excercise that discipline.
God won't do that one for us.

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