Life Around "The Fire"

What Happens When Jesus Shows Up (Part 7)?

David Season 34 Episode 13

We're back...  
Our caveat, "Betrayal", was an eye opening experience.
Check out the previous podcast episodes to help bring you up to speed if you've been away for a minute...
We're moving forward, once again,  in our look at walking with Jesus through the Gospel of Mark.
One element of this walk is to have wisdom.
One facet of wisdom is: "The ability to state the obvious."
Jesus obviously did and still does things that are different than how you and I are accustomed to doing things.
However, God is God and He is free to be God as long as He chooses (LoL).
We're goiung to find out a bit more concerning what our Heavenly Father is like by looking at and studying how His Son, Yeshua, "worked the Family business."

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Loving Yeshua/Jesus, Loving people... Come as you are and you will be loved!
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Shalom to you and your home.