Life Around "The Fire"
Life Around "The Fire"
Let's Not Try To "Push" THE RIVER... God Loves Us And Includes Us But He Doesn't Need Our Help.
Saying something is from God when it's just a man-made show is far too prevelant these days.
I think it's better to say, "Things have been rather quiet in my world lately."
Instead of just making something up in order to keep some type of following impressed with us.
I want people to be impressed with Jesus!
The reason this is such a brief podcast episode is because God has been rather quiet for a few days recently in my world.
Before Holy Spirit really got a hold of me I would to try to make things happen because, after all, that's how things are built aren't they?
Not the Kingdom of God.
So, I will be relatively quiet for as long as things are quiet in my world.
When that changes you will know the reason is God and not religion.
I hope that is as refreshing to you as it is to me.
Shalom to you and your home!
Loving Yeshua/Jesus, Loving people... Come as you are and you will be loved!
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Shalom to you and your home.