Daily American

Change on the Horizon but first...

Subscriber Episode DC Season 4 Episode 6

Subscriber-only episode

"It takes what it takes for Each and Every one of us"- that's what they told me

House gone, job gone, vehicle gone, isolation, and a bad taste of disgust is left to linger. In this episode I also recount my heartfelt attempts to make peace with my former employer, including a sincere request for a severance package and a compassionate plea for a donation to an old Battle Buddies Family. 

The support from our Daily American community has been nothing short of incredible, and I express my deepest gratitude for your ongoing subscriptions. I discuss the potential changes to the subscription structure along with the fact that 40% goes to Disabled Vets. 

Change is on the horizon but first I have a few spin's and some toxins to rid of. Just remember I Will Never Accept Defeat. 

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100% of proceeds go towards Veteran organizations

thank you for being a part of this journey


Speaker 1:

We are back with the Daily American. All right guys, subscriber-only content. Thank you very much for all the subscribers out there Appreciate it big time. I'm not making too much money off it. I'm still out there riding around and getting it in the Uber. I did upgrade my vehicle recently to a tesla, so I'm not, you know, expending gas money left and right is that even a word? Expending expenditures? Who the frick knows? But, as you guys can see, one of these addictions has not left my side. One of these addictions has not left my side, turns out it's gambling. So I guess what I'm going to do is just, you know, talk to you guys and play little slots here. As far as the just got fired episodes and harping on that, I'll leave it at this. I wrote it's been a few months, about five months in a few days. I 120 days, right, since they let go of the goat, very sad. Close other Riverside browser Whoops, whoops. Which one am I closing? I guess I'm closing this one, okay, okay, all right. That worked out, all right. Now it's saying close others. Anyhow, 120 days, and this is where I'm going to leave it.

Speaker 1:

I was talking to a good friend of mine. He said you know what? Why do you keep harping on it? Why don't you just let it go, move forward? I said you know it's tough to let it go when you're still dealing with it, right? That's why I wanted to end things. That's why I pleaded with the owner of the company to end things peacefully. I didn't want anything, I just wanted my peace. He couldn't give me that, so I wrote a letter and I wrote a little message on the box that said see you soon, andrew, even though he goes by, andy, with a smiley face. Not a big deal. And then inside that box, I returned the laptop charger that I had of theirs. It was our last piece of property and I put together a little severance package letter.

Speaker 1:

Now, what did I ask for? I'll tell you what I asked for. I asked for $50,000 in a lump sum and I asked for $5,000 to go to Michael Evans' family. Sergeant Michael Evans Committed suicide. Wow, back. He was my team leader at one point. Just an awesome dude. Rest in peace, mr Michael Evans. Anyhow, that's what I asked for. That's it Now.

Speaker 1:

The last thing I'll say is my number one pickup line for picking up these contractors in Ohomo was I'll save you some time and money. Time and money. Who doesn't want to save time and money, especially for a renowned company? Everybody wants to save time and money, even though I would get some shit about that pickup line sometimes, like oh, where's the value proposition? And all that fucking bullshit. There's no value proposition. When you're fucking building these locations that are dookie, you can't get any business strung in the door. So you fucking call upon me, the man in the industry who gets it done, simple as that. Now, time and money is what I asked to save him this time. So, hopefully, if he's listening, which I haven't seen his subscription pour through the door. So, time and money, save yourself some.

Speaker 1:

Now, what the fuck are we going to talk about? If, uh, we're not talking about that, if I'm not harping on that shit, all right. So what we're going to talk about? Addictions. You guys want to know about addictions. The problem is, every word that I say is transcribed automatically. Therefore, you're going to be able to see some of this. So maybe I'll just wipe the transcripts away and we'll talk about some things.

Speaker 1:

I deal with Some active addictions, some past addictions, probably some future addictions, but in the meantime Ugh, in the meantime, we are going to hit this play button, I'm gonna put my music back on. Hopefully doesn't mess things up too bad, right, and then we're gonna hit this little. I'm gonna share some with you guys. I'm sure we're sharing earlier, so it's a matter. I wish there was a way to make this freaking. Get rid of, like, this toolbar up here, this tool bag. Get rid of tool bags. So let's see split screen here. To echo I'm a hustler, hustler, alright, I'm getting a little cringeworthy here rapping. Now let me stop. But let's see, I'm just trying to, ah, bang, bang, bang, bang. Are you guys ready? Uh, uh, are you guys ready? What am I doing? Mystery choice can award any. Which one are we going with? Mystery choice? Nah, they'll burn me. Oh no, whatever it could be worse, I guess. Whatever it could be worse, I guess, fuck that times 10 would have been nice, huh, this is only 10 bucks a shot, so it's not even a big deal. It's probably going to be a bunker, maybe not, but anyhow, I'm sure this isn't going to entertain you guys, because a lot of you inspire.

Speaker 1:

Why is he still fucking participating in these vices? There's a little bonus, damn. It's going to be hard to concentrate too, huh. So what have I been doing since? It's going to be hard to concentrate too, huh. So what have I been doing since? Pretty much drugs, sex, rap or rock and roll, and making money. I mean, I need to make money, that's what I do. So I should probably just be the model, for if you don't have a job and you want to make money, do whatever this guy's fucking doing Now. You're not going to get rich off that Again, raw and uncut, but all right.

Speaker 1:

So we'll talk about the women. I'm sick with these women. Why am I sick with these women? Oh yeah, not many people know this, but I got a child on the way. Huh, you guys want to talk about that. Nah, me neither. Maybe next week. I just keep putting it off. Mother wants to give birth in my apartment. Huh, I guess I'm a fucking doctor now too. Unbelievable. But the bottom line is I got to get to some healthier habits. It's easier said than done. Look, this joint's a bunker 500 bucks, what a joke. Usually, the last couple spins are all right, we'll see. Sometimes it's a bunker though. Yeah, it'll be alright. Kings Aces. So that's a good one. Just two bands.

Speaker 1:

So here's the situation when it comes to working for another company again. I had an interview last week with Ma McLean. They're a big boiler manufacturer in the heating and air conditioning industry. So basically, I'd be at the pinnacle of like the oh shit, there's more spins. Huh, the fuck is this? I didn't know there was going to be more spins. There you go, they're at the pinnacle in the supply chain field. So you got the manufacturers Weill McLean that push down the distributors, right From the distributors who I used to work for, they get down to the contractors and this goes for every industry and then the contractors go ahead and take those brands, take the equipment, take the parts and pieces, fix and replace homeowners heating and air conditioning simple as that. So I'd be working for them now. I had the initial interview.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I'm gonna get another interview. Haven't had much luck in the um heating and air conditioning field, but I'm still trying. What are you gonna do? That's all you can do is try.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking, though, last night this is completely offset, off topic is that, like I got this kill in the way, right? I'm going to feel like a complete scumbag if, like, if I don't just stop chasing these fucking women and not chasing them. They fucking chase me. I tell them I just gambled away 400 bands. I got nothing. I'm pretty much broke. No unemployment, nothing. I'm an Uber driver. I have no assets. And uber driver um, I have no assets and I don't want to be with you. That's not going to happen because I have no capacity to actually entertain a relationship, except possibly with the mothers, with the child's mother. But that's unlikely too, because that boring lifestyle just I don't know if it's for me.

Speaker 1:

Man Sen has me thinking about my old platoon sergeant If you go back and listen to his episode. One more for the airborne ranger in the sky. This dude's a fuck of badass. He's in like Africa right now. I don't know if he's doing high-speed secret scroll shit or just over there keeping the peace and laying low, but God bless him either way. He believes in not polygamy but polyamory, the ability to love multiple, multiple opposite sex, I assume Like it sounds like a grand idea.

Speaker 1:

I love them all. I love a little bit about I was explaining to one of them last night. I mean I'm talking about, like you know, I wasn't gambling for a few weeks because I didn't have any money at all, so How's my balance? Oh yeah, I guess the other already. All right, I got you, yeah. So fucking, I don't know if I have the capacity to like To do it, but yeah, I was telling one on the other night she's got two kids and I was just telling her like, yeah, yeah, I love you, I love certain parts of you. I love Jackie. That was my ex of nine years. I love certain parts of her too, but I couldn't be with her long term, forever and just her. I just couldn't commit.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like a lot of guys struggle with this. A lot of them, not all. Some of them are completely content, but some of us, including myself, we fucking struggle with it. We struggle with it big time. And what do you do? You're in a marriage now, right, you've been married for a few years. What are you supposed to do? You tell me the answer. What do you? Just you, cheat is usually what they do. That ain't the right way to do it, because now you're fucking, there goes your integrity, your honor. You may have problems with God, I don't know. I don't know. You know I'm not a judge, I'm not gonna judge you, but I understand the dynamic and why people do it. I feel like physiologically we are not the same, you know. We want different things out of this life.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not saying I want to fucking love and be in love with all these women, no, but I like the companionship and I like to chase a little bit. I don't know, maybe I'm different. You guys tell me, is it me, am I fucking ruined? Nah, I'm a deep thinker. When it comes down to it, I think I'm just going to change all the subscriptions to like a buck or two and shut them all down.

Speaker 1:

But either way, man, the support's been ridiculous. I have one dude fucking paid twice. I'm like, bro, I can't cancel this. Can you please cancel it on your end? He's like, no, no, I'm not doing that, I'm just like dude. I'll tell you what man I think he knows who. I am not doing that. I'm just like dude. I'll tell you what man I think he knows who I am as a human and I just thank God for people like that that are around me still, you know, because it's like the weasels and all the snakes are weeding themselves out. That's probably God's who.

Speaker 1:

But again, I'm not living right. Look, I'm fucking gambling. I'm on these pills that I need to get the fuck off. I'm still smoking and I'm not working out that you wouldn't be able to tell. I try to stay semi.

Speaker 1:

All right, I look like a retard. Let me stop. Did I say retard? Huh, I shouldn't say that word. This is, this is on the airwaves. No, I really cannot believe that. You know, some of you guys are actually paying to hear this shit. Like Rogan doesn't even charge and he had a ton of clout coming into the game. But you know, he of you guys are actually paying to hear this shit. Like Rogan doesn't even charge and he had a ton of clout coming into the game. But you know, he's a cool dude. I like him. I can't compare to him. He's got millions and millions of fucking followers, fans. He's the second to third Now brain capacity-wise intelligence. I think I'm right up there with him.

Speaker 1:

I guess where I can separate myself is coming clean with some of these addictions that really plague my life. And no, I'm not sitting here bragging about $10 a shot. Nah, all right, I'll boost it up a little bit after this spin, wrap it up for the last couple minutes and then next week. What I'll do is I think I'm just going to switch it all to because it's getting me confused. What episodes and and then you know, I'm done, I I'm done speaking on, I'm done speaking on that, that aspect of my past, me being fired and this, and that you know I was told Shh Shh, did you just shush me? All right, not a problem. Oh, another thing the Uber hustle. Check this out.

Speaker 1:

I worked for like it wasn't that much, it was maybe like four, four and a half hours throughout the night this past weekend. I went and got gas as I turned on the app, bang Off and running from, like you know, maybe like 1030 to like four, something like that. The drive time was actually four, four and a half hours. That's why I say that, but I was out until like 5 am maybe. Um, like 160 bucks, 163 dollars, something like that. I think it was 10 or 12 trips. Anyway, I go and fill up after that.

Speaker 1:

And again, I was riding around that Maserati which is eats and guzzled, guzzles gas. So I said what's up with these other whips, these EVs or whatever? And I'm not. I'm not a go green guy, I'm certainly not a Joe Biden fan. I don't want to get into that right now. But Elon, he's all right.

Speaker 1:

My one buddy works for Tesla. Let me try these Teslas out, so I got one en route. Apparently, the Tesla qualifies for the Premier vehicle. The Premier is basically double of what I would have made doing that for four and a half hours or so. 160 goes to 320, you know, that's like close to 90 bucks an hour. That's not bad for what. Riding around listening to music and doing what I do anyway, talking to regular folks all around, it's pretty cool. That's really all I got. You guys stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for your subscriptions. It means a lot to me. I'm going to keep this thing going and we'll see what happens. So we'll see if I decide next week to just charge everybody one or two bucks a pop, and it's either you pay or you don't and you're not listening. One or two bucks a pop, and it's either you pay or you don't. You're not listening. If you did already pay, especially that one guy that paid twice, uh, I guess next month, whenever it charges I don't know the exact date, but it would it would drop down to a dollar or two dollars, whatever it is. So I guess you'd be paying. Just give me all your money, man. Nah, seriously, you guys are always welcome back with a daily American. Thank you so much, um, and let's get through some of this shit together.

Speaker 1:

Now again, I'm just keeping it real. I'm still involved. I haven't learned. Uh, it's already taken so much for me. It's like what else can it take? You know it'll probably take more, but if I'm living healthy and going to the gym and, you know, god willing, once this child's born, the good man upstairs has got my back. I don't think gambling is like anything wrong against God. It's not the greed for money, it's not the lust for money. I do it for the entertainment, for the thrill purposes, not not about getting money. I realized it's a fucking scheme. I wrote a paper on it in 2010,. Complete fucking scheme. It's a racket. We're not going to dive into that. You guys take care and I'll see you next.

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