Strategize Your Business Online with Dee Boswell-Buck

Remembering My Whys To Reclaim My Business

Dee Boswell-Buck Episode 48

“Delegating is a non-negotiable that I have to work on every single day.”

- Dee Boswell-Buck

2021 was a tough year for a lot of business owners. That saying, “the struggle is real,” has never been more fitting — but through all of the challenges and setbacks, many of us have learned some valuable lessons (and maybe even made a few changes for the better.)

In this episode, I share the changes I made in 2021 that have actually helped me to reclaim my time and enjoy my life… while earning even more revenue than before.

From key hiring decisions to project management overhauls, there are many ways for you to optimize your business while lessening your own workload — and you don’t need to wait for the next pandemic to implement them.

If you’re ready to make some meaningful changes in the way you run your business and work smarter, rather than harder, then you won’t want to miss this episode! 

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • Why you shouldn’t hold off when it comes to hiring the people you truly need on your team 
  • Why you need to be more mindful of your boundaries — and how to stay firm on enforcing them
  • How to set up workflow that is heavy on automation and requires less of your attention and energy 


Highlights:‌ ‌

00:01  Intro

01:30  Build a team

02:47  Maintain your boundaries

04:13  Delegate more

05:24  Honeybook

06:19  Learn to let go

08:54  Good client fit

10:02  Know your numbers

Links:‌ ‌


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